Caution, I will never solicit money from you via Telegram, YouTube, or WhatsApp. Be vigilant against fraudsters. In today’s video, I’ll unveil a new website. It isn’t eBay, but an alternative site where you can earn USDT (IC 20) daily. To begin, you simply fill out your email, create a login password, security password, and then leave my invite code as is. Once you hit “sign up,” you can directly access the login screen. After signing into my account, I’ll show you how you can start earning USDT each day from this platform. It operates somewhat like eBay, but isn’t exactly the same. I’m sure most of you are already familiar with eBay.
When you register, you’ll instantly receive a 23 USDT bonus, and from there, you can start earning daily commissions. There’s also a “spin and earn” feature, but this isn’t the primary method of generating income. Let me walk you through the different ways you can earn. The first involves investing. The minimum investment starts at just 7 USDT, which enables you to earn commissions daily. Now, let me break it down for you in more detail.
The initial step is selecting a plan. Several VIP tiers are available, from VIP 1 up to VIP 10. To clarify, VIP 1 requires only a 7 USDT deposit to unlock, granting you a 2 USDT daily profit, which adds up to 730 USDT annually. For the second tier, VIP 2, you’ll need 280 USDT to unlock it, but remember, you’ll already have received a 23 USDT sign-up bonus. Thus, you’ll only need to contribute an additional 67 USDT to activate the VIP. With VIP 2, you’ll earn 11 USDT per day from two tasks, bringing your total profit to 8,830 USDT for the year.
If you aim for VIP 4, a 880 USDT investment unlocks a daily earning of 222 USDT, which translates to a yearly profit of 81,030 USDT. The higher tiers like VIP 8, VIP 9, and VIP 10 offer even more substantial returns, with VIP 10 requiring 12,800 USDT and delivering a massive 2,577 USDT daily. Once you’ve chosen the plan that fits your budget, simply tap the “Deposit” button. You’ll be given a wallet address to deposit your USDT into, so just copy the link and use your wallet of choice—Binance, Trust Wallet, or any other. Once the deposit is completed, tap “Recharge.”
Afterwards, return to the site and unlock the VIP tier of your choice. Once your VIP tier is unlocked, head to the “Tasks” section, where you can complete daily tasks. It’s a straightforward process: tap “Go to Finish” and submit. You’ll complete each task with just a few taps. There’s also an option to share your invite code. If you take a screenshot of your invite and post it, you’ll receive an additional 0.5 USDT bonus.
Now, let me demonstrate how to withdraw your commissions. It’s quite simple: tap on “Withdraw,” enter the amount you wish to withdraw, and then input your security password. Let me fetch my wallet to show you how it works. Once you’ve tapped the deposit button, you’ll be given the option to copy the USDT address. Paste it, confirm the details, and within moments, the withdrawal will be processed.
Let’s go back and refresh the page to check the transaction. As you can see, the transaction has been successfully processed. I’ve just withdrawn 2.20 USDT from this site. The payment arrived within 10 minutes, as expected. I’ve verified this site is paying, and the transactions are smooth.
Lastly, another lucrative method to earn is through building a team. When members you invite deposit funds, you’ll receive 10% of their deposit amount. For instance, if someone you referred adds funds, you get 10%, and if those people refer others, you receive 3%. This extends further to the next level, where you can earn 1% from those invited by your invitees.
As always, remember to invest only what you’re comfortable risking. That concludes the walkthrough of this platform. Thanks for watching. God bless, and peace out. Feel free to check out the video on your screen right now, where I demonstrate how to create real-life mock-ups for your designs using Canva. See you there!