Hello my friends! I’m sure many of us believe
that they hardly ever the reason why you lost a match
Well today we will test your knowledge We are going to break down a recent smurf
game in Epic rank and at certain points of the match
you need to answer what is the best choice to make
so we can check if you would make the right decisions to carry this game
Also let me know in the end how well you did For this one don’t skip any parts
Because Every little decision makes the difference in losing or winning
Lastly leave a like and subscribe For many more ML guides to improve your game
massively Let’s get into it
First I’m giving you a quick overview of the situation
I thought this will be a really easy game at first
Considering Hanabis and my win rate How wrong I was
I was planning to play Jawhead as a jungler because like this I could be present on all
3 lanes what is the best way to carry bad teammates
Unfortunately our S1 chose Moskov with retribution So obviously I was expecting that he goes
into the jungle Spoiler alert he didn’t
I decided then to go to the XP lane And was able to dominate my lane completely
After 5 minutes I already managed to get 5 kills
and have the highest gold and xp of all players My team on the other hand lost out completely
They haven’t managed a single kill yet but gave away 7 already
Now the first question The turtle is up and our jungler just died
Would you go for the turtle or not? The answer is no
I have no vision of the area And 3 enemy heroes are missing
The only one I can see is Layla on the bot lane
If all 3 of them would be at the turtle they could easily pick me up
And I would lose all of the advantage I just build up
Also since I don’t have retribution I can’t really steal the turtle anyway
So I better farm the minions and try to push
I saw that Saber was coming up to my lane What would you do now? I decided to set an ambush
So I’m not getting caught in the turret Also I saw the enemies Zilong on the minimap
So I could engage with a lot of confidence and kill the enemies Saber easily
Notice how I didn’t use my ult right away because I knew that he has a dash skill to
escape That’s why I used it as soon as he could
use it so he had no chance to escape
This little decision can make a huge difference in your performance
Now I could destroy the outta turret and roam around much more freely
That’s another really good example why every little decision matters
If I wouldn’t have set the ambush I would never be able to destroy the tower
Next Uranus showed up What would you do now? Since I can’t really damage him that much
because of his passive regeneration and Guinevere must be around somewhere
I decided to retreat which was definitely the right decision
If you would just fight him you could maybe kill him
but as soon as Guin would jump on you it’s over
Since No minion wave was up so I could recall to the base to heal
Let’s check the current situation I have a nice gold lead but our Hanabi and
Tigreal are losing their lane big time The enemies Layla already have 3 kills and
2 supports She is going to be a nightmare when she is
going to be fed Our “Jungler” Moskov didn’t even bother
to buy any jungle items So where would you go now? It’s quite obvious I think
You have to go back to your lane to defend it
In most situations you should make sure to clear the minion wave before you rotate
If not your enemy can just push the whole lane through
And open up the complete map for ambushes and to steal your buffs
While cleaning the minion wave a little gank happened
First I thought our Odette managed to save Moskovs Butt
but I was wrong Another minion wave is coming up
But the Uranus is low and Guin is nowhere to be seen
What would you do now? I decided to rotate mid and get help out my
team Let’s see what happens
I anticipated that Guin will rotate mid as well
Because of this correct small decision I got 2 free kills, 360 Gold and could push
my lane even further Now we are about 30 seconds late in the game
I heard the retribution sound and have Saber right in front of me
What would you do here? To anyone who would engage now I can tell
you are very wrong Remember 30 seconds ago we just killed Guin
and Uranus what means they just respawned
Since I’m pushing they are very likely to come here to defend the lane
so your only option is For some reason Hanabi decided to come top
toooo… I really don’t know why
She was of course directly picked up by the enemy
Luckily she could escape and we even got a kill
I wanted to target Saber but failed I’m just going back to hiding and wait for
the next wave The enemy really started to target me now
Meanwhile our Hanabi went on a suicide mission As you can see Saber is approaching her
What would you do now? The correct answer would have been just let
her die We’re in a 2 vs 3 situation which is actually
a 1 vs 3 situation since she is not fed at all and doesn’t
even have her full HP for the CC immunity Kind hearted how I am I’ve tried to save
For which I had to bleed Our Odette and Tig went for a completely pointless
chase because Odette already use her ult and there
is no way that they could kill this 2 Tig died and Odette was lucky enough to escape
So that went horribly wrong I didn’t just gave away a free kill for
the enemy and a lot gold for the shut down I also lost the outta tower of my lane
Which makes it more difficult for me to push Because this whole area is free now
So when I’m pushing this tower I can easily be picked up by the enemy
This small mistakes can really cost you entire matches
Now they want to push through the whole lane Hanabi and Moskov couldn’t care less about
defending the lane Odette does the right thing in defending the
other Lane Even tho Hanabi joined her she should have
come top so I’m not alone against 3 enemies I managed to hide in the bush before they
could see me What now? Let’s see what happens
So why did I decide to attack them before they enter the tower
If I waited to let them go into the tower there is a higher chance that they could pick
me up By throwing Guin into it
I could guaranteed kill her and defend my turret
Because the other 2 can’t just tower dive me
Now for once my team did really well They killed the enemies Zilong and Saber and
were able to get the turtle I decided to push the outta mid tower to open
up the map even more Now I could start to steal the enemies buff
Jawhead can do that pretty quickly with his first
While I was hiding here the whole enemy team showed up
What now? Tbh Here I was risking too much…
but I just found the idea funny to just run through the whole enemy team
Even tho they all chased me I could escape Unfortunately our Odette decided to gank them
alone What would you do now? Odette was able to damage them a lot with
her ult So I could just charge into them and get a
double kill for it Odette died tho but I could pick up Guin once
again In the end it was a good trade for my team
I gain a whopping 760 Gold and was able to push the mid lane even further
If you have the opportunity to push DO IT It opens up the whole enemies jungle
and you can push the enemy into their base like this
Next my 3 teammates wanted to gank mid Would you join them? The enemy knows that I’m by far the biggest
threat to them And you can’t rely on your teammates in
such a match If I would jump into it
The enemy would focus all their skills on me
And I would have no chance of surviving So instead of wasting my life I push the bot
tower to open up the map even further My team still went all in into the gank
Which is a horrible decision What the should have done is just faking that
they want to gank But back out before anyone takes significant
damage When the enemy wants to gank
One of you can just quickly split push another lane
And take down a turret easily But well my team didn’t think this way
Now what would you do next? I can see on the mini map that the enemy is
really low They also killed 2 of my teammates including
our tank Which tells me that they must use all of their
skills So I have to rotate quickly now to pick them
up and change the disadvantage into an advantage
I wasn’t using my skills perfect here But you can’t always do everything perfect
At least we went out with even kills What to do next? The lord is impossible
This I could only do alone as fed jungler So my only choice was to continue farming
Btw I’ve made a huge mistake here Do you see what I did wrong here? As you can see I have 6 Items in my build
I prioritized Windtalker for even more damage Because I was aiming for ending the game as
soon as possible but didn’t realise that I had this 2 Items
and because of that I couldn’t buy any more Items because i
basically didn’t have a free space for it I’m just joking btw
This was all planned because I wanted to make you aware of this
Next our Moskov was suiciding once more Luckily Odette and me were around so we could
pick up Saber and Guin What would you do next? Now it’s time to get the lord
Unlike before now we’re in a 4 v 3 situation and their jungler is dead
Since we cannot rely on Moskov who has retribution we have to take it down now
If you’re playing with bad teammates you have to end the game as soon as possible
because once everyone have their full build you can’t fight alone anymore against 5
people Even tho that almost went wrong
I wanted to scare the enemies away but for some reason our Hanabi who should
focus on the lord wanted to fight as well… It still worked out and we managed a double
kill Unfortunately we cannot finish the game yet
Moskov went AFK so from now on we are always in a 4 v 5 situation
Also Hanabi got caught up So that was it with the lord
At least we could push the last middle tower and the super minions put pressure on the
inner turrets Also Bot Moskov follows me from now on
I guess he’s more useful now than before Next I wanted to steal blue but the whole
enemy team was there What would you do now? I made a little mistake here
Even tho I killed the Moskov I had to waste my flicker
because otherwise I would have died Not a deal breaker but still
The next gank went wrong and it’s kinda my fault
I’ve overestimated my strength and just wanted to kill the Uranus quickly
but I’ve should have known that you can’t kill him quickly
I’ve played him often enough that I’ve should have known that
Instead I should have focused on the squishy heroes like Layla
Saber just respawned so for the next 30 seconds I’m in a 1 v 3 situation
What would you do next? You make the best out of the situation
While I stole red I saw that Zilong is pushing I should have defended that tower instead
of stealing the buff I think Pro tip watch the replays of your own matches
You can realize a lot of the mistakes you make this way
This can be a very effective way to become a better player
You can find them here Finally I’ve realised my totally planned
mistake and had my full build ready
Next we have many more mistakes from our Saber and Zilong are pushing both side lanes
Hanabi get caught by Zilong and dies before I arrive
Saber can push top without any trouble Because Tig and Odette fight a 2 v 3 which
they lose of course At least I could get 2 kills
This is the stage where it can gets tricky Jawhead loses a lot of his strengths in the
late game Because you can’t focus single targets when
the teams stick together for ganks So the only option I really had was trying
to catch the enemy out of position to get the number advantage in ganks
Saber was so kindly to do so Free kill thank you very much
Also Hanabi managed to get a double kill due to insane late game damage
Now we could take the lord another time After 2 more kills we could easily finish
it now….
I don’t understand this
I really don’t Why the **** would you farm the jungle now
instead of finishing the game WHY? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS
So yeah we couldn’t finish it Hanabi didn’t realise she attacked the minion
instead of Layla and My focus goes completely on the enemies Layla
now If we could kill her we can finish the match
Wow that was stupid from me… Well it wouldn’t be if BOT Moskov wouldn’t
be a bot ATTACK THE FCKING BASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!! So yeah I almost bottled the game here
After the respawn what would you do next? I’ve defended the base and took out Guin
for the 58th time Next I’ve tried to push top to bound some
enemies to the base or to end the game if they ignored it
The enemy decided to get the lord Even tho they got the lord but it doesn't
matter at all Our superhero the late game monster Hanabi
could kill them all So we can easily finish the game in a 4 v
2 And we have the best chance to finish the
game The enemy made it too easy for us tho
Running out of the base here was the worst decision they could have made
The only thing I had to keep in mind now was the time
If they respawned it would become really difficult Luckily we could finish before that happend
So as you can see There were so many decisions I had to make
in this game If I would have done a few more mistakes we
would’ve definitely lose this game That’s why every little decision can win
or lose you the game So let me know in the comments how you did
in this game Would you have carried this game? If you enjoyed this guide leave a like and
subscribe and check out my ML Guide Playlists to further
improve you skill See you over there!