let's understand how the enemies of the latest
apocalyptic Shadow work but first let's understand Cocolia why does she do so many attacks so Cocolia
has two stages first she has a normal State and then she has the Super Saiyan State when you get
to that second HP bar so how do these continuous attacks of Cocolia work they basically work like
this when Cocolia summons pillars at the start of the battle they are like this as you can see but
these pillars Mark your allies with this thing right here so in this example five fly and R may
have been marked so for every pillar there is your allies will have this Mark in the first battle
there are two pillars so that means two marks so five and R May and in the Second Battle Cocolia
summons four pillars that means four marks but CA herself also marks someone that is why Firefly
has two marks on her and then every other Ally has a mark because of the pillars so what do these
marks do then how is this import important for these continuous attacks of Cocolia well it
works like this when Cocolia gets a turn she will do any action and if that action is a single
target attack then after that single target attack she will do that same single target attack on
every marked Ally of yours so let's go through an example let's assume it is kola's turn in this
first half of the battle we can say Cocolia now will do an action and that action is a single
target attack what kind of single target attacks can she do in this first half of the battle there
are two types she can do in this case that is just a normal single target attack so she just attacks
a single character of yours that's it or she does one with the high chance to freeze which is the
most irritating one which you might have noticed in your battles so Cocolia gets a turn she will
just do an action if that action is a single target attack so she will do a single Target
attack against Gallagher for example so not to the marked enemies just a normal thing that she will
just do randomly and that is in this case let's assume a normal attack just a normal single target
attack no strings attached then she will do that same normal attack to every marked Ally of yours
so with this first action of kolas she has already done three attacks but as you can see she has
another action left so now she will do an action again and in this case in most case actually
that is also a single target attack and now so against a random Ally of yours so let's assume
imaginary MC now do a single target attack and now that single target attack is out of the normal
or freeze one the freeze one let's say that so now she does this freeze attack against imaginary MC
and after that she will now attack every marked allies of yours with the mark and that is Firefly
and Ron May so that means she will do that same attack on them now too so how many attacks has
Cocolia in total don't to you with her two actions she got that is 1 2 3 4 five six so she has done
six attacks against you in these two turns of hers and you got to understand these are the single
target attacks of the first half but in the second half her single target attacks are also the
freeze one but she won't have a normal uh single target attack anymore she will replace that with
a single Target attack which is an imprisonment attack with a high chance to imprison you and it
works exactly the same as in the first half with the wall marking and the extra attacks but you
got to get more lucky since all her single target attacks have a high chance to freeze or imprison
you and you now also have five marks in total on you but the thing is about this extra mark from
cocolia is when she attacks this marked Ally she will remove that Mark which is pretty nice but
all you need to know really is on how to remove these marks from these pillars which are the most
important one is by actually weakness breaking a pillar so if you weakness break a pillar then
a mark of yours will get removed in the game I don't think it states which pillar has marked
which Ally which is quite unfortunate so if I want to remove a mark from Ron I don't know which
pillar to weakness break because it doesn't state which pillar has marked which Ally as far as I uh
saw and I didn't see it anywhere unfortunately so that's the strategy basically weakness break your
pillars and then your Mark gets removed and when you have weakness broken them you can just also
immediately kill them since they're quite squishy so you shouldn't have any problem with that but
the nice thing about pillars is though all they do is just these AOE attacks which is quite nice
for energy regeneration and killing these pillars is basically also a must since if you kill them
then cocolia will get these weakness types off the pillar so removing these marks are basically
a thing that should automatically happen in most cases now you know why Cocolia does so many
attacks but it is recommended to just kill all pillars on the field since the more weakness
types cocolia has the more damage she receives so that helps you in bursting her down when you
weakness with Cocolia but that is the case in the first half of the battle in the second half
of the battle you can just basically weakness break one pillar and B and then go all in into
Cocolia because when you weakness my Cocolia in the second half all the pillars get automatically
removed from the battle is quite nice so then she will have all four weakness types which is really
helpful with the bounce characters like imaginary MC and aventurine or even asta and another thing
with the first half is you don't have to kill Gepard since if you can manage to raw dog kill
Cocolia By ignoring Gepard and his wall Shield then Gepard will just automatically leave the
field and then the only ones left will be Cocolia with her four pillars in the second half it's is
pretty nice but before Cocolia summons these four pillars she will have all four weakness types so
if you have for example Robin's IL and you're on a face out him you can just cast Robin's IL right
before Cocolia summons these pillars which allow you to do a little bit of toughness reduction and
another thing I want to say about the Gepard is like I said Gepard caus this uh irritating Shield
this a collective Shield so you don't have to specifically attack Gepard to reduce that Shield
but it is recommended to attack Gepard because he will be the only one with toughness you can reduce
now when that Shield is up and if you manage to reduce his toughness to zero when that Shield is
up then that Shield will go away if you decide to ignore him and just R do the shield to zero
and if that Shield gets to zero then jard also will be just weakness broken automatically so the
perfect thing would be actually when jort has like a little bit of toughness left and he cost his
shield and you just do one basic attack of for example aventurin on him he loses his shield and
now you can try to kill Cocolia ASAP but really depends on the team you're running for example
with the s team you can easily just kill Gepard with one Al and two skill suffers but Gepard can
also automatically just die by not even focusing focusing him when you're for example using a
firefly since a firefly is a destruction unit with blast attacks so his toughness will get reduced
every time you attack Cocolia or even with aurona skill and but now I will give you some guidelines
on when to restart the Cocolia battle if you really just can't get enough points to get all the
rewards the first thing is if you get Frozen and you don't have this reactive cleanse then I'd
recommend you to restart because if you can't Cleanse This Frozen Ally of yours when the Ally
gets his turn then the Ally will get his action delayed by quite a lot and other time I recommend
you to restart this when Cocolia imprisons you since even if you cleanse that imprisonment you
have already been pushed down by that imprisonment that means your action has been delayed by quite
a lot already the other time to restart is when your bouncers don't hit the important enemies and
with that I mean like when for example imaginary MC or AA uses her skill that all the bounces
go into a pillar who doesn't have that weakness type instead of Cocolia or Gepard so now your DPS
needs to attack that Gepard for example because he just shielded and now you need to waste your DPS
his damage on jort instead of Cocolia so this is basically just B bounce RNG look another time to
restart is when Cocolia attack Aly which didn't manage to just get enough energy to cast her IL
for an important moment so for example you just got a little bit of energy left for R May her
El but FIA got attacked instead by Gepard or a Cocolia so now so now you miss this Ruan Mei ult
before you can cast Feixiao's ult on Cocolia and you don't want to hostage face out because you
already have like close to 12 Stacks so now you will miss that one or two percentage damage on the
CIA which will reduce the chance of you getting all the rewards and other time is when you just
can't crit consistently so bad crits if you're using a crit team and another time to restart is
when you just get bad aggro look so a squishy Ally gets attacked all time instead of a tankier Ally
so now you need to waste a skill point of your sustainer on this squishy Ally resulting in some
skill point issues resulting in your DPS not being able to cost their skill but their BAS attack
which results in DPS loss but these are just rough guidelines on when you can restart your run
if you really cannot manage to get all the rewards now let's understand the second note of this
apocalyptic Shadow there are many things going on but the most important thing is this you want
to weakness break everyone continuously to do that you need to do consistent AOE attacks it's also
possible with blast attacks so characters hitting three enemies is a little bit more difficult AOE
attacks are more recommended that's basically all you need to know if you cannot manage to get all
the rewards because your team is not broken which means you cannot ignore the mechanics of this
apocalyptic Shadow part then I will try to make it as simple as possible for you to understand what's
going on here well this is the same boss as in the current memory of chaos but he has a little bit
of different mechanics going on compared to the Moc one so like I said you want to continuously
weakness break these enemies how do you weakness break them there are two ways to weakness break
them one you are just normally reducing their toughness and they get weakness broken the other
way to weakness break them is by attacking them a lot of times and every time you attack them this
stack count as you can see right here gets plus one so if I attack this enemy once he will have in
set of zero out of three one out of three stacks and if I have attacked him twice so three times so
then this guy will get weakness broken that's it basically and that's the same case for all of
these enemies here and when they get weakness broken they become happy since these enemies have
a angry and happy mode normally when you attack them they go from Angry to happy or from happy to
angry but in this apocalyptic Shadow to make them happy you need to weakness break them so even if
I attack this enemy a billion times he will still stay angry but if I weakness break him he will
be happy and immediately reward me and what is this reward I will be getting immediately when I
weakness break any of them that depends on who you weak weakness break if I weakness break this guy
he will give me well the wall team Advance forward so he will just Advance forward my wall team by
a little bit if I weakness break the second guy he will give energy to one Ally if I weakness
break this big dinosaur he will give the W team attack percentage increase which is pretty nice
this fourth guy right here will give your W team one skill point and with this Last Enemy same
case as the second enemy he will give energy to one Ally so these are all the rewards you will
be getting when you weakness break any of them but if they are angry because you couldn't manage
to weakness break them and they get the turn then they will punish you and what is this punishment
for the first guy that punishment will be he will not Advance forward your team but the enemies all
the enemies will get pushed up in the action B by a little bit the second guy will attack all your
allies and will reduce your energy by a little bit for a dinosaur he will just attack your team
and sometimes he does an AOE attack and with any attack he does he has a chance to burn and slow
the attack characters this guy will not give you a skill pit anymore but he will reduce one skill
point then he's angry and with the last one same case as the second one he will not give you energy
but he will attack your Vol team and reduce your energy by a little bit so we know if we just
attack them continuously their Stacks will go up and they will be weakness broken automatically
that means you don't have to have the same weakness type as the enemies since you can just
weakness break them if you just get the stacks up since by the time you actually weakness break
their toughness bar you would have already gotten four Stacks that's what happened to me in
literally every case I didn't even manage to weakness break them normally without getting
their Stacks up to the max first that means you can run teams without matching weakness types
so people who do consistent AOE attacks are preferred in this case so Jade blade fan with
her El with an energy rope there any character who can do these consistent AOE attacks like I
I said consistent blast attacks are also usable here but a little bit more difficult all right so
we know to weakness break these little ones I can just reduce the toughness normally to zero or with
the stacks but the stacks is the one that happens 99% of the time but how do I weakness break this
big toughness bar then whenever you weakness break any small enemy then this Collective toughness bar
since this to is basically shared just like the HP you can say will get reduced by a little bit so if
I weakness break this guy here because I got his Stacks up to three then this toughness bar will
get reduced by a little bit if I weakness break this guy right here because I got five Stacks then
this Collective toughness bar will get reduced by a little bit too like I said there are two ways
to reduce this Collective toughness bar the second way is if every enemy on the field is weakness
broken so they all have MOX stacks and you attack any enemy than this Collective toughness bar
will get reduced by a little bit so everyone is here weakness broken let's assume that and
I attack with Jade with her basic attack as you can see her basic attack does hits three targets
they're all weakness broken then this Collective toughness bar will get reduced by a little bit
but if everyone was weakness broken here but not this guy right here on the right side then
this Collective toughness bar won't be effective because this guy right here still isn't weakness
broken and if everyone is weakness broken and you attack everyone then this toughness W will get
reduced the world time by a little bit and if you manage to kill this guy in the first half then
we will go to the second phase and everything is basically the same apart from one thing and that
is that now we have this monkey in the action bar and whenever this monkey gets a turn what happens
is that all these monsters will do like an big merged AOE attack with a chance to burn you slow
you reduce a skill point of you and to reduce your energy and even get their attacks increased of
all enemies so basically when this monkey gets a turn all the bad things that these robots do when
they are angry will happen to you so energy will get reduced attack will be reduced he will lose a
skill point they will get an attack percentage but their action won't be forwarded that's the only
thing that won't happen so if you really cannot manage to get all the rewards in this apocalyptic
Shadow and you struggle with this site then you are some gu on when you should restart to get
the maximum amount of points so the first thing is you should restart when this Dyno attacks you
and slows important Ally and with important Ally I mean like your DPS since if your DPS is slowed
you will do a bit less actions resulting in less Damage Done by your DPS but if someone like R
May or Gallagher gets loow it's all right we can afford that but if your DPS gets slow it will
cost you some points the other time resar is when bouncers don't hit the import enemies so if AA or
imaginary MC users their skill and the bounces go onto an enemy who's already weakness broken
instead of someone who is not weakness broken and you want to get their Stacks up then that's
just unlucky and it will cost you points for the apocalyptic Shadow we just got unlucky with
the aggro so enemy accident attack ally which resulted in you not getting enough energy for your
so you got a little bit of energy left for RM IL but your Acheron gets attacked and now you need to
Il with Acheron without Ruan Mei ult resulting in less damage done so just bad aggro rng luck or
you don't do any consistent crits if you use a crit team that's something that can happen or your
squishy Ally gets attacked the all time instead of your tanker Ali resulting in your sustainer using
a skill point which you didn't need to use in the first place resulting in skill point issues so
now your DPS cannot use their skill resulting in less damage done and all that stuff but I want
you to remember a couple of things you can use the herta for 4 days in this apocalyptic Shadow
since the last day of this apocalyptic Shadow is on the 19 of January and 4 days before that
3.0 releases on the 15th of January 2025 if they keep up the same pattern that every 42 days
a new version drops but will Hera be good in this apocalyptic Shadow we cannot say but since she
is an ice erudition character we can assume that she might be useful in the second half of this
apocalyptic Shadow since we want to do their consistent AOE attacks will the her do that we
don't know but she's a addition so probably she might but luckily The Herta kit will be officially
released on the 3rd of January on the live stream on the 3.0 live stream so then we already will
have an idea whether she will be good in this second half maybe even the first half she might
be also good but no one has ice weakness there so I doubt that it is also maybe possible that we
can use remembrance MC for this apocalyptic Shadow since to unlock a pet of the MC you just need to
beat a story or an event and since 3.0 releases 4 days before apocalyptic Shadow so with the new
main story if you grind that story and you might already unlock remembrance MC and potentially use
her in this apocalyptic Shadow for free but I'm not 100% sure since she was drip marketed after
Aglaea and if they keep up that pattern that a character get released with the order of the drip
market so the Herta got first released with the drip market then EA then remembrance mC at last
then remembrance mc in the second half but I doubt that so EA got drip marketed after the Herta so I
don't think that we can use for this apocalyptic Shadow if they decide to release a in the second
half of 3.0 which is after this apocalyptic Shadow which is quite a shame but we will also have
reruns to in 3.0 so when the Hera releases that we might also get reruns with her just like with
the last couple of versions with every limited character R character comes with that character so
if you're missing any characters you will get the chance to fill up your collection to make this
apocalyptic Shadow a bit easier but also Fugue will come out on the 25th of December with firefly
as rerun so you can also use them if you plan to summon for any of them and they got enough time
to use them for the apocalyptic Shadow but now going back to 3.0 to make your apocalyptic Shadow
easier and if the characters are not the problem why you cannot beat this apocalyptic Shadow but
your bad Relic RNG is your problem well with the release of 3.0 we will be getting ways to make
your relics potentially a bit better since we will get this variable dice which means you can
just roll your sub stats and we will get this Wishful resin with which you can choose your main
stat and your sub stat too so that means if you got bad Relic you can make your Relic potentially
a bit better so my point is basically you don't need to stress you got six weeks the time for
this apocalyptic Shadow the focus is to just get all your rewards before it refreshes I don't care
about getting more points than necessary just get your rewards and you're good to go and of course
if you want to try out different teams even go even though you got all the rewards do what you
want whatever brings you the most joy that is what gaming is all about about right so I thank
you for your time and see you the next time bye
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January 24, 2025