hello guys and welcome to a new
video and today I have a game play for you but before that I want to share my opinion
on the new season anniversary content, as always if you're here for the game play then feel
free to skip to the time shown on the screen let's start with the main addition to the
game the new map "Krai" and let me start by appreciating the devs efforts in designing this
map I think they did a great job, it has a unique and well-designed terrain and buildings and I
really love the zipline system that allows the players to navigate around the map much faster.
however there is one big issue that sadly puts all their efforts into waste and that's the fact
that this map is full of bots so to solve this first of all I think they should increase the
players limit from 40 players to 60 players because we already have 40 players on alcatraz
and "Krai" is bigger than alcatraz and smaller than "blackout" so I think 60 players would be a very
reasonable number and it would make more sense not to mention that it will allow the players to
have more action and among these 60 players they should have at least five squads of real players
which is a total of 20 real players and then the rest of the lobby can be either filled with Bots
or maybe add one extra Squad to make it six real squads.
I'm sure many of you are saying Zara why
not make it all real players it would be more fun ? well that's because I think that would
create many issues to players with low-end devices the second thing that I suggest to
make this map more fun and more enjoyable is to implement alcatraz revive system so you get
five Auto revive chances without having to wait for your teammate to scan your tag and near the
end of the game there won't be any revive flights because let's be honest even though the map is
full of bots it's rare to find a player that's actually willing to scan your tag after
you lose your first chance. imagine what would happen if they added more real players
the chances of you getting revived are much lower than you actually winning a$1 billion
Lottery and to be fair it kind of makes sense because this map is small and full of action
so it's not just hard to scan your teammate's tag but it's also a heavy task because you'll be
missing out on a lot of action trying to get the tags moving on to the second biggest addition which
is the new class teleporter, again I love the idea of it but I'm sure most of you didn't even bother
to try it because it's not really that efficient this class is like a worse version of the rewind
class even when they advertised for it on their page they used it to get their teammates tag
which the rewind class already does that a lot easier and more efficiently.
Now I have one simple
change that can make this class usable and it's related to the second part of its description:
right now engaging with enemies while teleporting will cancel it which really sucks so I suggest
they allow the player to engage and fight during the teleportation this would make this class
more fun and it would allow us to make plays with it and finally we have the new SMG the USS 9
I was very excited for this gun but sadly it was very disappointing, I heard it's good in mp but in
BR it's an average gun even with a Loadout build I'm not even sure why they categorize it as an
SMG because the killing time is bad, the hip fire accuracy is bad even the movement speed is average
the only thing that's decent is the head shot damage and it's not even that good. I'll try to
make a video on it if I can but for now if you're thinking of getting the Mythic version of it then
my advice to you is don't, it's not worth it now that we're done with the new content let's move on
to the game play, it was a pretty aggressive game against good enemies.
I'm playing with my beautiful
lovely randoms and I know you guys prefer Solo versus squads trust me I do too but ever since
they changed the matchmaking whenever I go solo I rarely get good matches, most of the games are full
of bots or Noob squads So to avoid wasting time I go with randoms this way I make sure I get enemies
who actually shoot back and fight for their life as soon as we wipe the squad that landed
with us my teammate goes down, I did not even realize he landed alone but I went to get
his tag even though he decided to unfollow me and land alone I have big respect to him
since he landed in a hot Drop so first of all I scanned his tag and then I went
in to fight the squad that killed him that was an intense fight and I must say
I made some very good decisions there and even though my accuracy wasn't the best in that fight
I still got accused of cheating that's like the number one excuse for getting owned.
Players in my
server would never admit that they got outplayed by someone better it's either hacks or lag. after
that we got blessed by a load out airdrop Landing right next to us, sadly by the time I got there it
was already looted by another Squad but I already have good guns with good mods anyway I didn't
really need it so I just went in for the fight next I went to get both my loadouts from
the other airdrops and for this game I'm using the AK-47 with the caliber mag which
gives faster fire rate, I still think the ak117 is the best AR but I've been loving this
load out and I think it's very reliable as for close range I'm still using the tec-9 it
Remains the best SMG for me and the best counter to shotgun players.
it took me a long
time to find more enemies because apparently they were coming from outside the Zone but when
I did it was worth it I was in for a good fight moving on to the final stages
of the game we wiped most of the squads and we were left with Bots and solos
so we had a pretty chill ending to the game I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if
you did a like would be highly appreciated don't forget to let me know what you think
about the new content down in the comments thank you for watching and I'll
see you in the next video PEACE <3.