hey bloomies welcome to bloom Academy's brand new series featuring Vladimir smires this time we're diving deep into the future of telegram and mini apps those game changers transforming the crypto universe is it still possible to make money after some disappointing stories with clickers we're kicking things off with memes and the wild world of the attention economy let's get started Hello friends I'm Vladimir smirkus and we will talk about something that surely interests you it's the future of tapping apps because many of you are probably tired of tapping tapping and wondering when there will be a token some kind of tokenomics and whether it will make any sense some projects already became a disappointment I won't name any of them but it'll share my thoughts on the future of telegram mini apps in general right now let's go I'll start with both very interesting and very important thing it's memes for sure memes seem to be getting a third win not just a second initially we saw memes on Solana that raised tens of Millions ions of dollars in just a few minutes during pre-sales then we saw a meme pod from Justin Sun Sun pump where Sun dog is making strong and quality strides forward and of course we have seen dogs which has completely blown away people's minds which reached a market cap of over $700 million at the time I'm recording this video and had a trading volume of $2 billion in the first 24 hours $2 billion were traded back and forth so dogs is a colossal thing and of course the meme pad on Bloom it's connected to memes too so I am pretty sure that Meme coins will keep appearing in different formats they will appear as mini apps they will appear on Meme pads we'll have other meme pads in addition to bloom which you know has potential to become the main one the biggest one they will also grow because the meme narrative will increase and you know you can easily create tokens on Meme pads in just a few dozen seconds in general I believe memes are not dead it's attention economy in action all people want is to pay attention to something cool and meme is the easiest option a funny cool picture that everyone is talking about and there you have it a market capitalization of a billion dollars so memes are not dead instead they are the number one topic so what's the takeaway memes are the heartbeat of the attention economy and they're far from dead from meme coins to meme pads the meme narrative is only getting stronger the question is are you ready ready to ride this wave like subscribe and hit the Bell button to keep up with all the latest crypto news [Music]
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