Mevo Start camera and Mevo Multicam users — your
live streaming setup is about to get an upgrade. Mevo by Logitech has just announced a new premium
service called “Mevo Pro” bringing two exciting new capabilities to your already awesome live
streaming setup with more features to come. The first of those features is Multistream,
allowing you to stream to multiple destinations simultaneously while taking no more
bandwidth from your home or studio. Now, I already have two Mevo Start cameras
set up in my Multicam app. There’s Mevo One and there’s Mevo Two. To go live, all I have
to do is tap on the “LIVE” button and you’ll see here that I already have three live streaming
destinations set up. There’s my Twitter account, my Facebook account, and my YouTube account.
To add more destinations, tap on the “+ Destination” in the top right and
from you can add any common streaming platform as well as a custom RTMP stream.
I’ve already got the ones added that I want, so I’ll back out of here, choose the one that
I want to go live to and then at the bottom, tap “Go Live” to one destination.
So far, this is nothing new but with the new Mevo Pro service, I can select multiple
destinations simultaneously.
To access Mevo Pro, at the top of the window, you’ll see a new “Try
Mevo Pro for Free” option. When you tap on that, you’ll see the annual and the monthly
prices as well as a free trial. You can do a 14-day free trial directly from
within the app. I already have an account, so I’ll go ahead and log in. Enabling Mevo Pro also
creates a Streamlabs account.
Streamlabs, part of Logitech, is a streaming and creative software
service which is tightly integrated into Mevo Pro. Once you’re logged in, you can select
multiple destinations simultaneously and there at the bottom, it says “Go Live to three
destinations”. And that’s all there is to it! You can add as many streaming destinations as
you like and this will take up no additional bandwidth on your end as the multi-stream
service is handled by Streamlabs’ servers. The second new feature of Mevo Pro is a big one
— by installing the new companion app, Mevo Go, on your iOS or Android device, you can turn your
phone or tablet into a camera and microphone, a microphone-only, or even a video source
to add into your Mevo Multicam production. The app is free and anyone can install it. Only
the host of the show needs to have a Mevo Pro account, which means anyone on your local network
can add their device into your show. I’ve already installed it on my iPad, my Android and my
Let’s get started with the iPhone. I’ll launch Mevo Go and from here, I can choose
whether I want to share video and audio, share its screen, or turn it into just a remote microphone.
For this camera, I’ll choose video and audio, tap “Continue”, and it turns on the camera.
Now, from here, you can see that I have multiple options. Down at the bottom, I
can choose to focus the camera manually. I can adjust exposure from here. I can flip the
camera around to use the front side camera. I can zoom into the shot from here. I can mute or allow
the microphone to be used, and from the cog wheel, I can name a camera and even set a password to it.
I’m going to go ahead and leave it as it is.
Just go ahead and set this up on my magnetic
mount here… So, I’ll zoom into that shot just a little bit — whatever is inside the
red box is what your audience will see — and then over here on the main iPad running Mevo
Multicam, I’ll tap on the blue “+” to add a new asset. You’ll see at the bottom it says “Mevo
Pro”, and there’s “Mevo Go”, and it shows “one input found”. I’ll tap that… and there’s my
iPhone 14 Pro set for both Video and Audio. I simply tap “Connect”, then tap “Continue”
at the bottom, and there’s the camera! This camera is now added to my Mevo Multicam.
let’s add a microphone for my Android device. I’ll go ahead and launch Mevo Go. This time I’ll
choose “Remote Mic”. Tap “Continue”, and it shows it’s waiting to connect to the Mevo Multicam app.
So just as with the iPhone, I’ll tap on the blue “+”. It’s found a new input and there it is,
“Remote Mic”, on my Pixel 6a. I’ll tap “Connect”, “Continue”, and now it’s added. Now of course,
we’re not seeing it as a video source because it’s audio-only, but if we look over at
my audio sources and scroll to the right, you’ll see it listed there; the Pixel 6a. And of
course from here, I can adjust its input levels and mute that microphone whenever I want to.
Next, I’ll add this other iPad as a video source. I’ll go ahead and launch the Mevo Go app, choose
Screencast, tap Continue, and then tap the Screen Share button.
You’ll see that you have the option
to include the microphone or not. You can use the microphone on that device as part of your audio
in your show or not. However, any audio being produced by the iPad, if you’re running an app or
playing a movie, that will always come through. I’ll go ahead and turn the microphone off and tap
“Start Broadcast”. Now, on the iPad running the Multicam app, once again, I’ll tap the blue “+”,
“Mevo Go”, and there is my Mevo Go for the iPad. I’ll tap that, and there’s that source, and
I’ll switch back over to Keynote where I was setting up a presentation. Now, when I play that,
we’ll see that presentation playing on my iPad. Now remember, you also have Picture-in-Picture
layouts available within Mevo Multicam, and I already have a few of those set up. Here’s
one that loads a video feed of me in the corner over my presentation, or what I could do… let’s
go back to this, and load up one of the main feeds… go back to my Picture-in-Picture, and
load up the slides themselves in the corner! Now, let’s take a look at a few ideas of how
you can use these new capabilities in your own productions.
Everything you’re about to see
was recorded in the Mevo Multicam app using the Mevo Starts, the iPhone, iPad, or the Android
device, and it was all lit with these Logitech Litra Beam lights. Let’s have a look.
Hey, everybody. I want to show you one of my favorite features in Lightroom on
the iPad. Check this out. I’ll bring up my iPad full screen and I’ll even bring up a
Picture-in-Picture of me in the corner so you can keep an eye on me during the demo.
Down here in Lightroom, I’ll tap on the presets… [fades out] I have an important
presentation with an important message about coffee. Coffee is good. I’m running my slides on
my iPhone, playing a video off my iPad because I want you to know that coffee is good and
that coffee is tasty and that coffee is fun. Today, we’re going to learn how to solder
I’ve got a great setup for this. A couple of really good lights… I have an overhead
camera… there’s that view. You’ll also notice that I have my iPhone here pointing nice-and-close
at the areas that we’re going to be working on. I also have in here my phone with a
Wikipedia page for soldering pulled up, and I can pull that up side by side so we
can learn how to do this together. Now let’s set up our Picture-in-Picture. I’m going to
go for this view here so we can see both of these overheads and the close-up together. And
from there, we’re going to learn how to solder. This is just the beginning of Mevo Pro. Over the
coming months and years, more and more features will be added. To try Mevo Pro yourself, tap that
free trial button in the Mevo Multicam app and to keep up on what new features are coming,
make sure you stay tuned to this channel and to Mevo.com.
I’m PhotoJoseph. Thanks for
watching and we’ll see you in the next video..