if you're in the market for a new wireless gaming router well you've come to the right video these are my top five gaming routers in 2024 and going in to 2025 and to be clear we are not sponsored by any of these router companies we chose these five awesome gaming routers according to Features specifications performance size style and of course price and if you like this kind of content make sure to hit subscribe it's completely free thanks all right guys and gals gaming router number one is the tplink Archer ax1000 this is a triband Wi-Fi 6 gaming router and this router includes one 2.5 gig ram port and a whopping eight 1 gig lamp ports that's right eight ports and this router even includes two USB ports a USB type a 3.0 and a USB type- C 3.0 besides being one of the coolest looking routers on this list it's very easy to install and this router includes a bunch of gamer friendly set the ax1000 earned High marks on our throughput tests and this router performed exceptionally well on the 5 GHz band at 15 ft we achieved 830 megabits per second download speeds and at 30 ft we achieved 328 megabits per second however at 50 ft we saw speeds around 100 megabits per second the ax1000 signal strength was pretty impressive with the 2.4 GHz band we saw a strong signal until about 75 ft however the 5 GHz band lost its signal about 50 ft away at $342 the ax11000 is not a budget router however it's very fast and it's loaded with a bunch of gaming features it has high throughput in a pretty great range and you get eight ports link aggregation USB typ-c connectivity and a 2.5 gig W port for those who are lucky enough to have a multi- gig switch or modem and that's why the ax11000 earns our number one spot in this list the ax11000 product link will be in the description below all right guys and gals gaming router number two is the Asus Rog Rapture GT6 ax1000 this is a triband Wi-Fi 6 gaming mesh system this ASUS router is a two- pack mesh system that can cover over 5,000 square ft and this router also includes openn which is fantastic for PlayStation and Xbox players openn or natat type one allows a device to connect directly to the internet with without restrictions from a router or firewall and that type 1 is considered to be the best performing and least restrictive and it's ideal for online gaming the Rapture GT6 provides fantastic coverage while reducing the dreaded dead zones and this router has less interference and lower latency and that's because each device has eight antennas and typical for most Asus Routers it has fantastic network security and parental controls but how fast is the GT6 in our five room setup we tested download speeds and upload speeds and the average for download speeds at all distances was around 800 megabits per second and because the GT6 supports the recently opened uni4 Spectra at 5.9 GHz this allows the system to do a better job of maintaining fast speeds even in large hight trffic environments and that's the exact performance that we saw in our tests and this router has a 2.5 gig ram Port which means it can support a high-speed broadband connection the design of this router is a bit different and you'll either love it or hate it and I have to admit I kind of love it the current price for the GT6 is $429 and once again this is not a budget friendly router but with all these specs and the Fantastic gaming features and the triple level gaming acceleration and net type 1 this router is fantastic for all Gamers Playstation Xbox or PC the Asus Rog GT6 product link will be in the description below okay guys and G gaming router number three is the TPL link gx90 this is a triband Wi-Fi 6 gaming router that includes multi-gig connections both Wan and Lan and it also includes three 1 gig Lan ports and two USB ports the gx90 offers a slick user interface that let you optimize your connections check realtime latency and protect your network from malicious attacks the gx90 can achieve maximum data rates of up to 574 megabits per per second on the 2.4 GHz band and up to 1,21 megabits per second on one of the 5 GHz bands and up to 4,804 megabits per second on the second 5 gz band for a grand total of 6,600 megabits per second and the second 5 GHz band is designed for use as a dedicated channel to support critical gaming traffic we tested the gx90 5 GHz band and it delivered 840 megabits per second between 15 and 25 ft at 30 ft we got 310 megabits per second and at 50 ft we got less than 100 megabits per second the gx90 did a pretty good job delivering strong signal strength with the 2.4 and the 5 GHz bands and we got coverage throughout our entire home but as typical with all routers the further away you get the weaker the signal if you're looking to bring your online gaming to the next level the tplink gx90 ax6600 will take your gaming to the next level with multi- gig land and W ports and solid throughput in a wide coverage area this gaming router is pretty amazing and this router is currently priced at $1.99 and that's not a bad price at under $200 the gx90 product link will be in the description below all right gaming router number four is the Asus GT b98 Pro this is the most expensive gaming router on this list and for good reason this is a Wi-Fi 7 gaming router which features quadband Wi-Fi 7 performance this battery boy has a 10 gig L port and four 2.5 gig lamp ports and it also includes a separate 10 gig lamp port for dedicated gaming and it also includes 4G and 5G mobile tethering and like all Asus Routers there is no subscription plan for additional Services when testing this router for Speed and coverage area it was pretty impressive this router's coverage area is around 2,500 ft with the router in the center of the house and this router can easily handle a multi- gig broadband connection however to take advantage of the Wi-Fi 7 speeds you will need Wi-Fi 7 devices but if you have Wi-Fi 6E devices this router will give you the speeds you need and the be 98 Pro came in second only to the N Gear rs700 and we're talking a difference of less than 100 megabits per second wow this router's wired and wireless performance will blow you away if you're a hardcore gamer and you've got 800 bucks to spend then get this router no ifans or butts the G PT b98 Pro is currently priced at $7.99 and the product link will be in the description below all righty guys and gals gaming router number five is the Netgear Nighthawk xr1000 this router uses Duma OS 3.0 to optimize lag-free server connections and this router gives off a Sci-Fi Star Trek look with a black and red color scheme it should look pretty impressive next to a gaming console or a PC the back of the router contains 4 GB L ports and one GB Ram port and includes a USB 3.0 Port this router does lack a multi- gig ram or L Port so there is no support for link aggregation however most homes do not have a multi- gig broadband connection and you can fully manage this router from your phone or the web OS the N Gear xr1000 uses net duma's Duma OS a slick interactive operating system designed for gamers who want to optimize online gaming performance control which game servers they connect to and monitor Hardware usage the ne gear dashboard is very detailed with a plethora of information from CPU usage to network overview it also has great qos settings which allocates bandwidth to different applications and devices the xr1000 had a very good throughput performance test we tested the 5 GHz band and at 20 ft we achieved 810 megabits per second and at 30 ft we achieved 312 megabits per second and at 50 ft we achieved 8 5 megabits per second the xr1000 achieved 122 megabits per second on the 2.4 GHz band at around 20 ft and at 30 ft we achieve 38 megabits per second the XR 1000 provides an excellent Wi-Fi coverage area which means it's perfect for most homes the N Gear Nighthawk xr1000 is currently priced at $179.99 making it the cheapest router on this list so if you're a gamer on a budget then this router is an easy pick the xr1000 product link will be in the description below all right guys and gals if you're in the market for a reliable network switch or a fantastic mesh router system or just a solid Home wireless router then check out these videos right here and with that guys make sure to like share subscribe and comment and for God's sakes slap the Bell icon and I'll see you in the next video real soon high five peace