hello guys and welcome to a new video. it's been
a while since i've done one of these videos so today i'll be ranking my top 10 guns in the new
season 5. 3 things to keep in mind before we start: first of all i'm only ranking ground loot
guns so guns like the hs0405 or the kilo101 or the m21ebr won't be included i just want to help you decide
which gun to pick from the ground in the start until the loadout airdrop arrives. second of
all all the damage tests are done against an enemy with 300 HP at 2 different ranges
depending on the type of the gun and finally this list represents my personal opinion some
of you may disagree and that's understandable we all have different opinions after all
and with that being said let's get started in number 10 we have the rus-79u. this gun
has been a good choice for me in the start of the game but not really a main choice
It has an average fire rate of 783 rounds per minute and here are the killing
times at 5 meters range and 20 meters range so the killing time is not really the best
for an smg and another issue with the rus is the reload time. there
were so many times where i thought i reloaded but i found out that i didn't because
of how long it takes to reload this gun i mean it's not that bad but for an
smg that has 30 bullets only i think it should be faster, however the rus has
one special thing about it which is the hip-fire accuracy as i believe it has the best
hip-fire accuracy in the game which allows you to hit more of your shots especially with
the recent accuracy nerf they did to smgs in number 9 we have the ppsh-41.
Compared to
the rus this gun has a faster fire rate of 820 rounds per minute but when it comes to
the killing time it kills slower at close range however at ranges beyond 10 meters the PPSH-19 kills faster thanks to its range but the main reason why i prefer it over the rus is
the huge mag size. you have no idea how many times i won against enemies just because i
had more bullets even in one versus three situations especially in the start of the game. in
addition to that it has an overall faster mobility next in number 8 we have the by-15 and the krm
the reason why i put them together is because i think they're equally powerful; the krm has
slightly more damage and accuracy while the by15 has faster fire rate and slightly more range
and i can't give you an accurate killing time because they can be very unpredictable which
is the reason i put them in number 8 yes they can one to two shot enemies but in order
to achieve that you need to either have a long barrel mod or to hug your enemies at five
meters range and sometimes you need both as i said they're very unpredictable.
All you
need to know that in the enemy hands they kill you with one shot but when you use them you
empty a full mag and it barely scratches them in number 7 we have the m4, both the m4 and
the rus have one thing in common: they're not really considered best guns among smgs and assault
rifles but they still make a solid and reliable choice and in the right hands they can easily win
fights and games so the m4 has a fire rate of 705 rounds per minute and here are the killing
times at 10 meters range and 40 meters range now the best thing about the m4 is the fact
that it's easy to control even without any attachments and i used to rank it higher in the
previous videos because it's used to have a faster killing time than the ak-47 at close ranges
but that's not the case anymore as the ak-47 received a damage buff which until
this day doesn't make any sense to me moving on to number 6 we have
the jack-12.
Echo's big brother again i'm not gonna go into details because
it's a shotgun. all you need to know that it has a massive crosshairs high damage and
it's automatic, press the shooting button once and you're good to go. basically a
gun that requires absolutely no skill at number 5 and affected by the recent nerfs
we have the fennec: the gun was the second fastest fire rate of 1 110 rounds per minute
and if we look at the killing time at both ranges you'll notice an increase in the
killing time which is something i noticed right away. it takes way too long to kill someone
beyond 10 meters range compared to the previous seasons however i still consider it a solid option
for close range as i find it easy to control and track enemy movements with it, plus
the high mobility and the strafing speed in number four we have the newest addition to
the game the Oden and i know a lot of you guys would rank it higher and probably place it in
number 1 but i don't think it's as good as most people think so the Oden has a slow fire
rate of 410 rounds per minute but if we take a look at the killing time we'll notice that
it has one of the fastest killing times among assault rifles thanks to its high damage.
This gun
is insane at close range but the reason why i put it in number 4 is the fact that it's a bit
hard to hit your targets at mid to long range and i believe it's good with a loadout build but
i wouldn't prioritize it as a ground loot gun we arrived to the top 3 guns starting
with the m13. thanks to its fast fire rate of 880 rounds per minute it goes head to
head with the Oden and right here you can see the reason why i placed it in number
3 and why i chose it over the Oden the killing time at close range is ridiculous
and if we do side to side comparison between the m13 and the Oden you'll see that
the m13 is better overall at close range while the audience kills faster at longer
ranges but as i mentioned the Oden is hard to control at long ranges anyway
so you'll end up missing many shots the other reason why i placed it in top
3 is because it can be used both as an smg and assault rifle and it actually beats
most smgs when it comes to the killing time moving on to number 2 we have the mac-10.
most wanted gun by the shotgun players, they really hit this gun and despite all the nerfs that hit
this little guy it still managed to survive and maintain its position as the best smg in battle
royale. the mac-10 has the fastest fire rate in the game with 1200 rounds per minute. that allows
it to have a crazy fast killing time shown here and if we compare it to the fennec the
results are very close at 10 meters range but the mac-10 still wins by a tiny difference however beyond that range the mac-10 completely
dominates in every single part of the body and finally number 1 we have the ak-47. whoever's
responsible for the buffs and nerfs in activision must be a big fan of this gun. thanks to the
unnecessary damage buffs the ak-47 manages to hold its position as the best gun in battle
It has a slow fire rate of 550 rounds per minute and as a result it doesn't really
have the best killing time as you can see here but the reason why it's my favorite gun is
because it's easy to control at all ranges within 50 meters especially if you have the
right mods and that's mainly because of the fact that it barely has any horizontal
recoil and i don't know about you guys but i feel like the slow fire rate is actually
a good thing when it comes to the ak-47 as it allows me to hit more of my shots compared
to let's say the m13.
It's like it's not too slow and not too fast, just a perfect
fire rate that syncs well with the recoil now let's go through some honorable mentions
starting with the msmc. it's like a bad version of the mac-10 and the fennec and on top
of that it has 5 less bullets in the mag the type-25 which is also a worse version
of the m13. it makes a good smg and assault rifles hybrid at close range but
the m13 is always a better option the M4lmg. i'd rather pick any of the assault
rifles i mentioned in the list. the only good thing about it is the mag size but it's not
enough for me especially with the low mobility the PDW. it's just an average gun: average damage
and average killing time. again it has a large mag size but i prefer the PPSH when it comes to
that. and finally the Chicom. here is a fun fact about this gun: it has the fastest killing
time in the head area with 450 milliseconds only and the killing time for the rest of the
body is also decent but i hate the fact that it's a burst gun as it makes it harder to aim.
this can easily be top 5 gun for some of you guys if you can control it and aim well with it
so make sure to give it a try and see how it goes before i end this video i want you guys to know
that red magic is hosting a top 5 red magic moments.
an event where you can submit your best
mobile gaming clips for amazing prizes such as a free red magic 7 pro. the link with the full rules
and details will be in the description so make sure to follow them to be eligible. i really hope
this video helps you decide which gun to pick from now on and if it did then consider leaving a like
on your way out and let me know what your favorite guns are down in the comments. thank you guys for
watching and i'll see you in the next video PEACE <3.