hello race of gamers if you clicked on this video it means that you want to know if talisman online is worth playing in 2022 stick till the end and you will know my first impression about this old collection mmorpg that was released in 2007. that being said let's begin with the first thing we do in any game making the avatar that will represent us okay so the game presents me the classes their viewing number seeks to tell you the truth those are the monk a big dude maybe the tank a male and female wizard they are a little bit unusual from classic wizards from other games they have magic flying swords as weapons something that is inspired from eastern culture next we have assassin fiery and taymor i picked the monk class because i like big buff milk that sounded a little inappropriate but let's ignore it for the moment so i started my journey into talisman online ok so let's talk about the gameplay mechanics of the game first i thought that the game was stopped down but then i saw that i can change the camera angle a little bit you use your mouse click to move and this game has auto pathing too what can i say about this feature it is what it is it seems my monk class has an energy bar to fill with auto attacks and then use that for skills one cool thing that you can do in talisman online is that you can upgrade your weapon with energy that you earn from killing monsters if you reach a certain level for your weapon you will unlock new skills you can upgrade with this system two more talismans that you can equip and they have different skills in force of buffs for short duration or towns you also receive inheritance points to put out into your existing skills for them to do more damage or something like that another aspect of that user is that if you want to use a potion you will have to rest for it to successfully activate and you can't enter into another fight or it will be cancelled the combat in this game is top targeted a thing that i don't really like also you don't have so many skills to use and the game has auto packing a feature that i hate but maybe i will start to like it in all games that i only cover for a short time despite all of that i liked talisman online and felt really engaged in the gameplay i didn't get bored only when walking from an npc to the masters location and back when delivering the quest i couldn't wait to see what zone would i encounter next because they change pretty much or what creatures i will have to keep for the next mission because there was a big variety of them like this thick boy each class has two types of weapons for my monk i had the spear-like thing that was called the shovel and it was more a dps focused weapon with combo chain skills the other weapon was a step that had a blocking chance passive against the damage you received and used fire for skills and was stronger in my opinion at least for early gameplay the gear in this game changes your appearance and that is always a plus i even saw a lot of great looking high level players and yeah there were plenty which was an unexpected thing but a good one whatsoever another thing that i loved is that i didn't got any loot boxes to open from five to five levels with incredible op items thank god for the absence of that if you want to rush the experience buy a max level boost and that is okay for me let's talk about the story and the questing in this game well there seems to be no story or cutscenes maybe you'll find one if you stay and read all the mission stacks but who got time for that you get straight with killing mobs the questing system is the usual one fetch quest and kill x amount of monsters and because of the auto packing it is a little bit boring because this is all you have to do but still engaging though but because the movement is so bad in this game and you have plenty of working to do i will let the auto puffing give me good luck this time in all my playthrough i didn't get any different kind of mission so that is a bad aspect of the game i don't know how endgame is and what it has to offer though maybe it will change things let's talk about graphics and atmosphere of the game about the graphics of the game i can't really say much because they are outdated but it is expected to be like this from a 2007 game but they were ok at least for me and didn't bother with them so much surprisingly we have a few servers to choose from and they picked one populated and it seems pretty populated indeed for a game that told one player even made me his apprentice and i saw a lot of players with cool looking mounts another player even gave me a tiger mount 2 and a level 40 yellow rarity item so i think the game has a helpful community and a pretty big one too because i saw something like 4 servers really populated and then another 6 that were ok a good thing maybe would be server merge but i don't know if you have server like warzone then it wouldn't make any sense leave in the comments and tell me what is the situation of the game okay before we will talk about pros and cons you can support the channel in my mental health with a like it will let me know if you enjoyed the content also you can be part of the legacy that i want to live in this world by subscribing it would motivate me to see someone appreciates what i do and i will be uploading more videos about games for you to know if you should try them or not also feel free to comment if you think otherwise i would like to know your opinion too and love any feedback and don't forget i try games so you don't have to waste your time in conclusion let's talk about the fun factor of talisman knight despite being such an old mmrpg i could find a really dedicated community of players still playing it hardcore even today and that is always a great thing to see the combat although basic it was engaging enough but i don't know in how much time will start to lose interest in it i had fun with this game even with auto puffing my missions and killing minus hordes of monsters so i think it asks for itself with this argument although maybe the game is pretty repetitive like all old mmorpgs i really had fun with talisman online and i think you should try it because you will find players to help if you need it and you will have someone to play with so it is worth playing 2022 after my first impressions with the game absolutely go give it a try irene approves ok thank you guys for watching and supporting my videos by liking and subscribing to them see you next time and may the gods of good drops be with you in your grindy days