hello everyone really happy you guys joined and uh we're seeing almost 3,000 people who joined today's Bloom chat stream and I think it's going to be very interesting one and this week has been very crazy we all seen what Donald Trump and Trump talken and Melania is doing and actually it's not only about other networks I think there's a lot of things were happening inside Telegram and uh we've seen many tokens skyrocketed at Bloom Mead we've seen FBI La you know reaching more than $6 million valuation and alphabet is doing a great job so it's it's been really interesting week but today we are here for a different occasion and I think for a more important occasion we are here today to reward all of our Hardcore Season one users with some prizes and it's going to be done on every week uh basis uh as I said last week uh we are going to give away $5,000 in price every week to those who were very active inside Bloom and this is just the first week uh when we started do this but before I do this I want to introduce someone I don't know Anton are you here with us yeah probably Anton Anton is going to be joining soon uh because I wanted to introduce our partner our chief operation officer uh who will be able to share all of the wonderful things which we're doing In Bloom and we're going to be doing this on the every week uh basis it might take some time for him to join but please do prepare your questions inside our communities because after Anton is going to be announcing what have been done during the last week at Bloom and after we uh go through all this you know important um potential things and you know future things which we going to bring into bloom I'm going to be announcing the exact rules and how we're going to spread the prizes among you guys because without the Community it couldn't be possible and then after that be active inside our communities inside our chats uh because we're going to be collecting questions uh from you guys and we going to be asking Anton and myself of course are going to be happy to share the details uh and share the answers to those questions those questions can be regarding the mem pad regarding the bloom future and so on so I think Anon is here and I'm really happy Anton to introduce you Anton is our chief operation officer and uh everything that has happened in the past weekend have since our last live stream we promise to be very transparent with what is happening inside uh Bloom so Anton please do share the updates about bloom in the past one and a half weeks what has been happening and welcome to the bloom chat stream yeah hi guys hi guys uh So speaking of updates we've done pretty much a lot of different things mainly we've been focusing on fixing some bugs that got stucked over some time and we didn't have resources to fix them for some time but now it's fine for example we had issues with like referral points referal Bloom points not displaying in your bar it happened when some users claimed enormous amount of points but now it's fixed uh all points should be normal and moreover we completely reworked our like referal system back end and moving forward it should work smoother with less issues less bugs and uh hopefully everything will be good with with your points so this is actually the first major part that we've been working on for pretty long time moving forward you right now can see your tone referral rewards yes right now you can see uh tone rewards from your friends that traded tokens that were launched from our meot but be careful read uh the terms how it works because from the very beginning it might be not obvious but we will keep upgrading our like tone referral system adding more and more cases because it's a bit complicated to use a on chain matter but it will only get better in some future so this is also a major part right now you can only see these points you can't claim it yet but also in future you'll be able to claim these points as well speaking about like minor meath fixes you know we had some issues with chart and and Market capup showing different numbers in some timings now it shouldn't be completely synced also we fixed like hot section and Spotlight because sometimes it was displaying incorrect stuff so right now it also is fine like also we added infinite scroll into different sections of our mot and into search section uh something that user asked for quite a long time it's also ready now we added volumes into about top of the token so right now you can see the number of sell and buy transactions so what's the balance between buyers and sellers also a good feature yeah that's pretty much it what we've deployed for previous week and a half I would say we also have big features coming this week I'm not sure what if you want to talk about this right now or maybe a bit later I think it's good to be transparent as transparent as possible so if you would share what we are going forward with that would be great yeah sure sure so we've been building a pretty big feature for us which is live streams right now it's on a final stage of testing hopefully this week maybe early next week it will be ready and uh yeah you can enjoy watching live streams while trading meme coins hopefully it will be useful for some developers because like after pum fun shut down the streaming section cases were lower but recently I've seen that really good examples of live streams for coin launches and uh yeah it works really well so we have big expectations on this feature it will come really soon that's great also we've been testing full screen mod as you know telegram allows you to open telegram MFS on full screen and that's also something that is coming really soon because it's it's almost ready on our side also I think the most anticipated thing is points for trading in trading B that's also a final stage of testing and coming really really soon and you guys can enjoy getting points for tradings from our telegram trading board and once it's ready I think we will open it for everyone and our close bet will be over also uh we are working on referral program for trading board it's not yet clear when when we can release it but probably really soon as well and the good thing is that you will not need to invite new referrals to it of course you need but all the old referrals that you already invited to bloom they will be your referrals and trading board as well so referal system is kind of general for all our products and speaking about like what we're working on globally of course I can't share much details right now but it's the exchange itself we've never stopped working on it we're building this product for a long time and we also we have good expectations on this uh hopefully we'll be able to show maybe some more cups soon definitely we'll be teasing some content around this to you guys to make sure that you see that we are building a decent product set in it also we're working on like trading terminal for memes on various dexes it's also like we enlarge your experience of meot and telegram trading board it's kind of combined product you know for more like Dian guys but probably more and more people will be able to to use it conveniently that's also a great tool because it will all allow you to trade more tokens not only those that we' been launched from our meme part but for the whole chain itself also a small teaser we are working on developing some AI features that probably we will show relatively soon in some points but can't tell much around here yet what are your thoughts I think it bothers a lot of users So Yesterday ton actually announced that uh you know it's going to be ton Centric kind of a thing and uh whether Bloom is going to say and I can help you answer this if you if you're if you're sh on um if Bloom is still going to be going multichain because the initial strategy was to have the multi chain inside Bloom right and Bloom not only multichain but multiplatform product which is going to be released and we're planning and you know aiming to be releasing by the end of q1 right majority of the features so what's what what are your thoughts around this um yeah that that was kind of in use I would say yeah but like our strategy is still the same yeah we're still building a multi-chain product and good thing that we're going to be a multiplatform product as well so okay in telegram mini app only tone is allowed so in this case only tone network will be in our telegram mini app but it doesn't mean that we will not have other networks for example in our web version or mobile version or somewhere else so here we we keep building according to our plans nothing has changed long term and definitely good for crypto Market because expectations around Trump are pretty big because he's a positive guy for crypto he's building different projects in various chains right now right we know about ethereum there are some rumors that they going to build on salana and uh Bitcoin something as well so that definitely going to help the market and as I've seen like there was some news that Trump mcoin and Melania mcoin brought like half million of users to salana which is good for J whole crypto Market because some people some of these people earned on this entering the market right and they going to redistribute this money to probably other coins or other chains so that's that's new liquidity which is always great I would say in a more like shortterm perspective that's how cpto Market Works liquidity and Money Follows the trends if right now Trump like Trump I don't know seemed meme coins are popular people will be launching them people will be investing in them but in a couple of weeks things go going to return to to normal agenda uh as we've seen after the weekends some liquidity is also back to the AI coins for example because they started growing fast and uh there also was news yesterday I guess that Trump partners with open Ai and building like half billion funds with AI so that's positive for the whole crypto AI sector I would say as well so yeah I'm looking on this pretty positive and I wanted to share some uh some Statistics over the when prump was launched in millenia was launched actually the trading volume on Bloom doubled right so we seeing that you know those positive news on different chains and different countries actually make some impact on Bloom and the activity on ton Network and ton blockchain so definitely definitely good and we've seen a couple days ago that there were some same named coins were appearing on Bloom as well and they were gaining traction also but be careful guys I think you all need to know that you know all the coins we are mentioning here are not the financial advice and this is the most volatile instrument on the market so make sure that you know all the rules and you are ready to lose some of your fat money and uh this is very dangerous so before you actually have the proper education which we are trying to build for you and at the bloom Academy Bloom beats and all across our social channels uh just make sure that you just don't follow someone's signals and because it might lead you to losing all the money so mem coins are fun mem coins can bring a lot of money into someone's Pockets but it can also take away so be careful with this so starting this week will be randomly picking winners based on engagement and activity in season one okay important season one so the guys who were with us from the very beginning going to have the chances to get the piece of $5,000 every week what we mean by activities there are a lot of things actually which you could do and still can do uh inside the first season right functionalities which are completing the bloom tasks crashing the bloom Labs Quest farming Bloom points and you can uh you know tap and earn all the times and connecting of of course your tone wallet because we're interested in the in in the E actually active users who have the wallets if you don't have a wallet it's really easy to have one you can download tonee keeper you can use the native telegram wallet which is just inside the telegram of course we had a lot of games played and a lot of games which we had the which we've been partnering with different people and everyone remembers poas lampas who actually now have the token on blo Mead again not the financial advice but I think there's a lot of things going to be happening with this token and a lot of products are going to be built around this stock and uh very soon so just uh pay your attention to this not Financial advice once again qu quite soon we're going to have the new drop game the new you know vision of the drop game I I mean because there is very big holidays for our Asian users are coming the Chinese New Year so be tuned to the bloom uh channel on telegram on X and everywhere else on Discord of course the daily check-ins matter inviting your friends also matters and uh you could have your own tribe or you could be the participant of some of the tribes which we already have we are going to give the prizes and 10 users this week are going to get $100 50 users will get $25 and 150 users will get will get $10 each and $250 will be getting a little bit less $5 but it will be good enough to have a cup of coffee or tea with your friends so in order to be eligible for this you need to be logged in into the bloom app for at least 5 days before the next Bloom chats live stream which is going to be happening early next week till the middle of the next week so make sure that you guys are logging in into bloom farming your points and being active and of course you had to join Bloom before the season to start it it happened on December 28th so if you joined Bloom for December 28th you're eligible as well and of course make sure you are subscribed to our X and have notification turned on on our telegram Channel because we will be releasing the list of winners there so you guys don't miss out on those notifications and most importantly make sure you have your tone wallet connected because if you don't connect your tone wallet or if you don't have one yet we won't be able to distribute the prizes and the price will go to someone else to your neighbor or to your family member yeah so it's very easy so be active for the next 5 days we will announce the first winners from the season one and next week giveaway criteria might change so we want to include different cohorts of users into the priz giveaway and so make sure that you guys going to be connected and you're going to be joining the next live stream of Bloom chats questions already in the chat and you guys are free to ask your questions in the comments to the announcement of this Stream So Val is asking Anon I think we talked about this a little bit that nowon requires all mini apps to be exclusive on tone what Bloom is going to do I think we answered this question that we're going to stick to our initial plan we're going to be having and Bloom is not only a multi going to be multi-chain it's going to be multiplatform so you guys make sure that we going to be following our initial initial plan Chris B is asking dear Bloom news reaching me is that you've still 21st February to list your you guys going to be listing your token on February 21st and you will need to forcefully list on blockchain we're all waiting for the announcement if you decide to launch elsewhere you will be violating telegram's policy and post launch their mini app as it would be promoting other blockchains will'll have to be taken action upon I think it's the same same kind of a question we are saying that we are sticking to the policies and to the rules and we're going to be launching The Exchange functionalities within Bloom and we are aiming to have the majority of it launched before this quarter ends which is actually before the end of March I mean the functionality of Bloom right and the token launch of course should be happening in the first half of the year of 20125 which is this year when Bloom launches Polo volun team asking when Bloom launches a specific Bloom points campaign users face difficulties in receiving 10% from their friends what is blo Bloom going to do this and when is Bloom going to fix this Anon can can you tell once again when you know those fixes might might probably I didn't get the question right but if I if I got it right it was about [Music] getting like yeah that's about referral Bloom Point some users could not see it and we did have the problem with this right and I think we're on the way to uh to fix it right when when you think it's going to be happening like in general for I would say 98% of users that are affected by this issue it's already fixed there are still some amount of such users and for them it will be fixed hopefully by the end of this week awesome awesome thank you so much question from Kurt Ringle can we exchange boom points Bloom points to bloom coins can we now or are we waiting for something and I can't exchange it yet I think Kurt you joined us not a very long time ago so there is no Bloom token yet there are Bloom points and mean points which are signaling us that you've been active either on Bloom Mead or inside Bloom map and the tge and listing is going to be happening later on now you cannot exchange anything we've seen a lot of a lot of coins actually if you check coin market cap or if you check any screeners you you you might see a lot of coins which are actually named Bloom and even on Bloom impa there are some coins named Bloom those are not official Bloom tokens so now there's there's no exchange for this okay Anon I think the question is more for your for your answers cram is asking when is the bloom product going to be uh completed are you going to give season one reward separately or together answering the first part of this question I would say as any product it will never be completed fully because there are always space to improve and always like more features to add so we are working gradually and trying to provide the best experience for our users and we I would say always would stick to the strategies that we are adding more more features to make our product even better at some point maybe during maybe like C couple of months three three to four months we're expecting that we all Che the majority like I would say the core of our products yeah and for other part of the question uh for season one and season two probably distribution will go all together because of the timelines I would say that's that's completely fine that's why we didn't stop like farming for season one so users have more flexibility if you don't want to trade to trade in meath for example you can still keep farming blo points or if you have time and motivation you can do both and that definitely will help you to get more so yeah that's that's kind of it skip asked some questions about the disappearing meeme points uh disappearing Bloom points sorry from the referral we answered it a couple of minutes ago so this stream is actually it's recorded and it's going to be the important questions and answers to important questions going to be published in our channels Anon many people chocoboy is asking many people have noticed a large commission when buying and selling mem coins which does not allow you to trade with a small amount of money is it possible to reduce this commission and what it is connected with why there are some big commissions when you're trading with really small amount of money there is platform commission which we charge like 1% of your size so it doesn't matter how big or small you're trading but there is also ton Network commission which has fixed part right so the smaller size you have the more decent tone part commission will fill that's why it may seem that it's quite high but I would say that like for other blockchains and other products it looks pretty much the same because me trading as vad previously said is highly volatile and highrisk product so high risk means high potential rewards that's why like all products charge for example 1% for for trading fee because people are aiming to like Buy Low and sell really really high getting thousands of access on this right but Network fee is something that we can't change income impact so unfortunately that's that's how this Market works yeah I I would suggest that you shouldn't do super super low trades because it will negatively impact your total balance it will it might eat quite a lot from the balance if you trade with like a couple of dollars because there is definitely Commission of the chain itself so yeah trade wisely I think I'll take this question from age D did me points meta for the air drop as uh we said actually quite a lot of times we are valuing users who bring value uh into the bloom product overall and the value can be different right so we value users who were actually claiming Bloom points which brought a lot of traffic a lot of new users they played games they were getting the rewards from the bloom Labs project and I just want to remind you that we've been given away more than $7 million of rewards to our users who participated in quests and uh who participated in our tasks inside the earn section so we of course going to be valuing uh going to Value the bloomo guys who have a lot of Bloom points who' have been very active inside Bloom and uh now the Season Two started where mean points are given for the actual trading and of course it's going to matter as well so it's going to be very important because those users are making the onchain statistics better they uh bring commissions those users help to grow some of the New Meme coins those users receive meme points for launching their own memes or tokens on Bloom which can should not be necessarily like uh the meme coin itself it can be a community talken or the celebrity talking or whatever right we've seen some again want to mention some fake creative bank which was launched on Bloom which also got a lot of traction right so you can be create as creative as possible you will be able to get your mean points uh for this and of course the mem points are going to be coming into the trading bot where you can trade not only memes because we've actually we were getting quite a lot of questions that hey a lot of meme coins getting rugged and I don't want to you know I don't want to trade those those points and those tokens which are highly volatile of course you will be able to do so in the trading bot which allows you to trade any tokens on the uh ton blockchain and very soon on the new blockchain such as salana which is coming into the trading board right but not only boom points and mean points matter but your proof of activity also matters because you've been doing this on multiple weeks your number of games played your number of friends invited so all in comp Lex matters all the activities in complex matters and of course before the launch of our own token we're going to be announcing the exact formula exact criterias how it's going to be distributed going to be as transparent as possible we can take another couple of questions should we need to full fill all the season one tasks to be selected for the reward I don't think so I mean if we're talking about the rewards of Bloom chats which is happening now which I just announced you have to be actually joining Bloom before Season Two started which is before December 28th and you need to be logged into the bloom for at least five days before the next Bloom chats uh chats live stream is happening of course the more active you are the better for the project the better for community so feel free to do this Tas but this is not the must criteria to participate in the reward so there is one interesting question um let's try to figure out if it's uh if we can answer that this andon maybe you can answer this Grace [ __ ] Fox is asking can bloom allow us a trade with Bloom coins and tickets for example season one user who doesn't want to take air drobe but trade with it that's a nice interest a very creative idea I'm not sure we can do this but I I don't know Anon maybe you want to take it into the consideration yeah Pro probably will think into it we haven't been thinking into such use case because most of our users focused on getting this drop but maybe something that we can do and something that we're already doing like with other drops probably we will have some other coins dropping through for example mini game right that we have and maybe we'll have a balance of very low amounts of coins and at some point you will just be able to convert all of them at once into ton or usdt for example so and then you can use it freely anywhere to to trade anything just in case you're that I don't know amount of your location is too low or something cool again everyone is so uh interested and someone saying it's a good thing for ton that you know all liquidity is going to be concentrated in one place and you know T is going to Boom after those uh yesterday's news some of them not uh but the Iration is asking the last question we're taking for today uh is Bloom going to be affected by durf policy as I said like of course somehow we will be affected because maybe we had brother plans for for our TMA but in current version it's also okay because we've already built some products uh on T and we will keep supporting them and keep improving them for sure but on other platforms not in t TMA but in web and a mobile application we will just have more options for chains so you'll be able to trade not on onon but on salon maybe on some evm networks Etc our TMA will be limited to T that's what it is awesome Anon thank you so much for sharing all the news which are coming up and maybe one day and maybe one day is going to come soon when we're going to have our Bloom chats inside the live stream and there's going to be talking called Bloom chats or whatever who knows uh what's going to happen but a lot of exciting things are coming into bloom and thanks Anon for sharing we're definitely going to invite you once again next week or the week after this to share some some use and to answer some of the users question I just wanted to remind you that this week guys we're going to give away $5,000 10 users going to get $100 50 users will get $25 each 150 users going to get $10 each and 250 users is going to get $5 each in or in order to be eligible for this you need to log into the bloom app at least five days before the next uh Bloom chats live stream is on which is going to happen the next week uh and you need need to be the user who was our early supporter who joined Bloom before December 28th and of course you need to be subscribed to our X account and to our telegram Channel which is all crypto one app and we will be releasing the names of the users who is getting the reward very very soon next week we're going to announce them and we're going to be uh posting the information about them so you guys have to be active at least 5 days the more active you are the better for everyone so it was Bloom chats my name is Vlad smz was pleasure to have Anon our chief operating officer with whom we actually work quite a lot at the old binance days there's also besides the product updates there's also quite a lot of good things happening you've been all asking who's going to be the next investor who's going to be those uh you know this funds and this organizations who joined us and it's going to be released quite soon um and I just want to thank all of you guys they theyve been more than 3,000 people who were joining our second session of Boom chats and uh I hope to see you next week and thanks to everyone who've been watching who've been asking questions and wish you good luck in to in in participating in the $5,000 giveway thank you Anon and have a nice day see you see you very soon yeah thank you a lot thank you guys for listening to us bye bye
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