we just wrapped up the first week of season one giveaways for most of our hardcore users we had over 450 of you to take a share of $5,000 giveaway for completing Bloom tasks which I will talk a little bit more in just a second but before we do speaking of Lunar New Year if you haven't checked it out yet Bloom's drop game we'll be having a fresh update with a beautiful Lunar New Year theme very very soon so you guys will be able to check it out and it's going to have some special and very cool rewards as well um and of course the new design as we love it as we did it on BL many many times so check it out very soon uh inside the blue map and again congratulations to the ones of who share $5,000 uh giveaway you guys should be receiving it uh in your wallets already if you haven't check out the list of the participants which is in our telegram chat and telegram group telegram channel so congratulations of course you need to be very active and check and of course receiving those Bloom points they are very very important still and we have a lot of new tasks inside the app uh so do check out Bloom regularly and uh do your daily streaks as well to count maximum as you as you possibly can the question regarding the bloom point points and mean points coming up very very often so I just wanted to break down the difference between Bloom points and mean points today Bloom points are awarded for General participations within the blo EOS system and these points are essential for eligibility in rewards and air drop air drops as well they continue from season one and they will be keep rewarding your ongoing participation and there a lot of new tasks and quests are on the way to you uh so do check out the earn section and do play the game as well and meme points are tied specifically to activities on our mem pad and Bloom trading board Bloom trading board used to have the availability for more than a million of you and very very very soon it's going to be available for everyone we actually plan to have it available for everyone this week so do check out the bloom trading board uh and as I said and as Anon also mentioned the last Bloom chat session that it's going to move out move out to the minia app as well so a lot of cool updates are coming up and Bloom trading Board of course allows you to trade variety of T tokens it's not necessarily to be the meme meme tokens not necessarily to be the tokens which are created on blo Mad there are a lot of other tokens for example docs not and many others build PX toen which recently been listed with a good success in terms of the Dex listings so me points reward you for launching tokens and trading tokens of course as well and the M pad other than uh Bloom trading bot they will offer additional incentives for active engagement and we and they are automatically counted uh for your activities within the bloom Mead and Bloom trading pod so we waiting for our today's guest still hope she she joins very soon but regarding the bloom points and mean points they are all valuable but serve different functions within the ecosystem and both contribute to your overall rewards the specific criteria for each uh will be published before our listing which is uh coming up right but besides the bloom points and mean points your activities with proof proof of activity is also counted the number of games you've played the number of friends you've invited into bloom so everything counts so you can continue doing this and this is going to be important so we're going to maximize your rewards across both Point systems and participate in trading engaging in the community playing the drop games and completing the tasks and referring your friends as we're still waiting for our guest I wanted to let you know about the Prize winners a bit more details season 1 hardcore users are the the ones who going to reward with the prizes and $5,000 every week we since this since the last week actually we're going to distribute to those ones who been active in the season one and it's going to be based on variety of metrics from completing Bloom tasks to farming Bloom points to playing the drop game and of course daily check-ins and inviting friends is going to be important as well as tribes right we have this functionality and still have this functionality for tribes and every week we're going to give away 5,000 and uh this past week we' been focusing on the completed Bloom tasks so the users who completed the tasks were taken into account and we have actually millions of users who completed all Bloom tasks but not to give away the dust we going to focus on some of you guys and I'll tell you just in just a second how it's going to be how it's going to be done just take a moment to think about this there are millions of you who did all of the tasks inside Bloom and because there are so many users we had to random pick 450 users and the winners are published inside our telegram Channel and you'll be able to see everyone who won the prizes and there's a total amount of $5,000 so congratulations to those ones who won but we're just getting started right so this week we actually going to have the new new rules and every week the rules going to be changing so let's discuss this week's giveaways uh once again $5,000 but this time we shift Focus to our most hardcore drop game players if you participated in bloom uh app and you've seen variety of different you know Vis visually different games we had we had the game with pocr lampas we had the game with Captain subasa the Japanese IP brand and the anime series uh which was really cool we had this uh New Year game and now we are launching the uh Chinese New Year themed game inside Bloom and really really happy that we you know going to surprise you with different rewards inside the game so drop game is not easy bumps are everywhere but there are some of you who did the drop game very very fast and did succeed in it so some of you have just put hours and even days into getting the highest score possible so we want to reward all of you for your hard efforts so this week the distribution is similar we will have 10 users who will get $100 50 users will get $25 150 users will get $10 each of course and 250 users will get5 each so we will picking those users in random out of the highest scores In Bloom drop game now most importantly don't miss your chance so to be eligible you need to First log in into the bloom M app at least 5 days before the next Bloom chats live stream which is going to happen when we plan it to happen December uh we plan it to happen sorry uh next Wednesday uh which is uh going to be 5th of February so you need to log in into the bloom at least five days before every day uh you need to be a user who signed up before Season Two started which uh which is December 28th and of course uh you need to make sure that you have your ton wallet connected so we can actually distribute the priz money so if you didn't do so it's time to do so right now we will announce the winner across all our socials uh so make sure you are subscribe and now I'm happy to move forward since our guest is here so I just wanted to introduce you guys to Natalia Natalia is being is actually our product lead and she's leading Bloom product updates and Bloom product processes Natalia do you hear me and do you have the sound finally yes I hear you very well and I'm glad that you finally joined us so it's really uh great to have you here cool so hello everyone okay uh so Natalia is not been you know very public for a lot of times uh so we we did convince her to participate in this session and uh as always we wanted to actually share some product updates but before we do so our audience is familiar with GLE our CEO e our co-founder and design Le and Anton our chief operating officer so we want to let you to get to know you a little bit better so if you just share a couple of words about yourself uh how you've you know been joining the web free space what you've been doing before Bloom that would be very very nice and I think users will be happy to get to know you a little bit better yeah thanks I've been in crypto since 2016 and back then it was really hard to trade crypto you know uh because the interfaces seemed to be designed just only for professionals they remember and uh in that time I started building trading platforms which really simple and welcoming to everyone and today I'm happy to be building the bluma system with you we're happy as well and let's quickly just talk about the updates we we have when we announced season 2 and everyone was following the current current road map and one of the key products of the ecosystem will be Futures and Natalia you do have some cool updates let's have some background on the design and how it can how can it be visible to users in the future yeah so our plan is to provide blo users with access to a serious trading tool this instrument was firstly used especially in the crypto which makes absolutely unique only one things in history and because of its extreme convenience it's even moved to a traditional financial markets and of course I'm talking about Perpetual futures or simply burps burs offers you to trade simulated traditional Futures with a leverage but with no expiry date why is it so popular why is it used for so for example if I think that Bitcoin will raise I can open a long position to maximize my profits and uh vice versa if I think Bitcoin will fail I can open a short position so uh leverage actually helps me to control a larger positions for example if I have just only $10 using a 10x leverage allows me to control uh $100 position which actually cool and helps me to maximize the profit and of course we're going to to create a multiple order types and will be available to help you uh to manage the risk uh even if while you're sleeping you can sest orders and uh don't worry about it in a short you want to make uh Advanced trading accessible to everyone no matter your background or EXP experience level just make it simple and uh finally and the most uh importantly I would be really happy to to get your opinion guys because we're building product for you we prepared a two design layouts which was inspired with the best product markets but we simplified it as as as much as it was possible and these two layouts let I'm not sure if you could share the screen I think okay maybe you can share the screen not yeah or if you can share the screen as well would be cool sorry we we have a some telegram issues is why uh it wasn't possible for me to join from laptop I join from my mobile I've shared the screens with K and um I'm sure it's going to be provided to all of you guys the point is that we have two different options the first option when you choose um the lawn or shirt position and then you set the trade side leverage and so on and the second option is opposite you choose the trade details first amount leverage and then the final step you'll decide are you going to long or short position and your choice will directly influence our product interface so please let me know in comments which option resonate with you the most okay regarding the the Futures right uh there's a lot of people are worried a little bit how do you think is it suitable for the new joiners of the market or it should be used only by professionals or the guys who actually have experience in crypto because the more leverage the the more margin the more x 100 or 50 you have using the Perpetual futures of course movement of the price we might close your position as well right so what are your thoughts on this yeah sure so as higher leverage you choose as more risks uh you may get and at the same time as more profit you may get as a result there are different strategies how you could uh manage this and our job is here to provide as easiest way to trade for you as just possible to make it uh not just for professionals to make it available for everyone for sure and I think besides the future we have some cool stuff which some of the users might noticed last week and I think this week is we're going to move forward and of course we're talking about the streams can you give a couple of words about the stream streaming functionalities inside the bloom impa yeah sure the capit is a secret but uh our users are smart and found it themselves so uh basically each uh token owner can launch their streams for free just pressing a few buttons in our interface and our other users who come to the page Will T us um beautiful live stream with the token owner uh the token owner can also share the link directly to the stream and uh involve other people joining trading together which is actually pretty fun I got a lot of uh reviews from our users that's that's really funny the point is that um we have uh even children in our platform uh and we are following the legal rules that's why we have a pretty strict level of the durations of the stream which is means uh you cannot stream whatever you want all illegal content is going to be blocked immediately and when loing the stream uh everyone should be um knowledged with our stream rules yeah so guys please do check out the stream rules because we don't want we don't want to have the content which might harm the others or even the copyright rules right but however I've been noticing that some of the guys some of the teams and the girls of course been using streams very creative ways and uh it's not necessarily needs to be like the stream we are having right now which is just you know telling users what to do some of the stream guys were saying that you know if they're talking reaches some kind of a uh Market G some some you know some exact number numbers of the market cap they will have the stream running for a months or so some of the guys are streaming their you know YouTube videos which they have the right to stream some of the guys and some of the projects are streaming the cool music so I think it's uh where the creativeness of our users and of our creators can come into the right place so you guys can be as creative as possible to drive attention to your tokens you're launching uh on Blue Mead and uh going just uh because I you know I actually tried it out myself and at first it seemed to be very complicated because I had to download the OBS the special software which helps to have the stream right but actually it turned out to be very easy on our Bloom website we have the full information how to do it stepbystep guide very easy you can download the software from The Trusted resource we have the link there you just have to put in one uh know stream uh stream key uh credentials into into the OBS and if you are the token owner token Creator you can launch the stream so it's really really easy and inside the OBS you can do all kind of things you can stream as I said your screen you can stream stream yourself from the camera you can stream some videos on YouTube you can stream the comments of the community so it's really really cool feature and really easy to use we are going to be having more detailed information in our social Channel and our content channels how to launch the streams and we're going to be preparing the guides how to do so and since this week we are planning to you know showcase it to majority of the audience and they're going to be a special tab inside the blue map we're going to have I think more streamers coming into the platform and it's been taken very interesting by the token creators community and have I've received dozens of uh requests and ideas how people can launch the streams inside bloom but so you can you can try it out for yourself again trading with mem coins launching mem coins can be a significant risk for you guys so just a warning that you may you may lose all of your money so you need to understand what you're doing and all the risks associated with the launching and trading of mem coins and any other crypto and any actually Financial instrument on the market so be very careful Natalia anything else you want to say about the current development and upcoming features or the features which might have the Mead might have and the app might have in the nearest Future or even this week or no so basically we are developing a new Advanced charts for you guys so for now only uh Line new chart is available but pretty soon we'll provide you a Candlestick charts which Mak the trading even more user friendly yeah we Traders all Love candles so yeah looking forward to use it inside the blue map uh by the way guys meanwhile while we are speaking you are free to drop your questions to Natalia to to myself and we will try to answer them as transparent as possible Natalia just let me know if we can proceed to the questions or you have some other things you want our audience to know yeah I think we could proceed to the questions awesome awesome so the first question so you guys just can drop your questions directly into the comments of uh the announcement of this stream uh feel free we will collect them and we will try to answer them so the first question is from mukes it has been more than four or five months loging in every day completing all the tasks and making lots of tone transactions I wonder how many airdrops they will give me it's is it really worth the time so again I might take this question natal if you if you're okay with this I think they've been just just just just to let you know what have been done already so we did uh spread out more than seven million in different kind of airdrops from Bloom laabs partners and they're going to be more coming every person should be responsible for its own time and of its own spendings of course but we're building the infrastructure product for the ton and not only T ecosystem we've been consistent with our vision and if you follow the channel we had the portions of the videos where we said once again and again that we're going to be and we are building the multi-chain and multiplatform product which is started inside telegram but going to be going way much beyond the telegram uh as the messenger and we're going to be having multiple chains connected and uh the ease of using the product going to be very cool because we want to be building the product which is accessible to a lot of people both D Jans which are which need some sophisticated products and of course the nubis which we have a lot from the almost 91 million of registrations which we are having now inside and of course after we finish our development of our cor products we're going to be proceeding to the tge which was announced at the during the road map uh update uh which you can check out on our website bloom.
In the blog section okay let's let's move to the next question Jam is asking natal I think it's it's for for you will everyone be able to run streams inside a bloom a m pad yeah I can handle this only a token creators may run the streams and only in case they follow the rules in case some of them uh will not follow we will block the ability to stream again please understand because or we have a lot of users and we should follow the legal rules guys it's very simple as it was in my kindergarten so if I break the toy I don't get to play with this right so don't break the rules please and use your ability to stream and to create tokens wisely do not fool the users do not run the rock pools so let's form the friendly and engaging Community around your tokens and I think Bloom is a very cool you know place to have this there's a talk there's a question I can take this question I think this is regarding the $5,000 giveaway the question from 53 we used to do daily farming and drop game and daily checkin uh so why did our name come up check in my record so once again I've I've been talking about this a bit earlier but there are millions of users who actually did this right so we picked up randomly using the randomizer 450 users this week to receive and share $5,000 price but don't get upset with this because every week uh and this week as well this week is going to be focused on the hardcore drop game users who play the game most and who joined before we started season 2 so don't get upset continue using Bloom playing games uh continue doing tasks quests as well and you will be able to share the price pool starting from next week okay natala it's this this I will give the hard questions to you and I will easy ones so the question from volix is it okay to use Bloom for the desktop since I only have my laptop and cannot afford to have a phone I think it this is a question with I don't know I I personally don't know maybe walex you're the first person who I see who who has the the desktop and doesn't have the phone but maybe these people exist is it okay to use the telegram desktop and not to be banned me personally as a user who open our application every day from desktop I love using it from desktop because when you start trading on map it's much more convenient than from phone because you may open a full screen and it gives you like a bigger picture I just love big pictures so um yeah you can definitely use it from your desktop only one thing that I prefer to play our game from the mobile because the game designs for the our mobile audience I love it too by the way is the full screen experience going to be in haste and going to become even better for Bloom do does the product team have this U you know points in the road map uh that that's right we are going to work on a full screen even more and improve it for you guys yeah so you guys can open full screen now uh if you work from your from your laptop or from your desktop but soon as Natalia said we're going to enhance the experience and it's going to become even even better add Thea is asking about the airdrop how much Bloom points will give one bloom token and so on as I said many times we'll happy to repeat this on once more we do not have the published rules and the conversion rates for the points so it's going to be happening we're going to publish it and going to be transparent and for sure discuss it in the upcoming Bloom chats as soon as the tokenomics is ready as soon as the uh development of the project and key features such as trading B inside uh the uh mini app and Perpetual Futures and the one the the features which are featured in our road map which you can check out on the website which is bloom.
in the blog section only when we're going to be closer to the TG we're going to publish the rules and it's going to be transparent and you guys will be able to check it out okay money retainer is asking a question can a channel be created for people to meet and collab on creation and network safe space to create projects meme coins well actually we have dozens of chats dozens of groups and we have our bloomies who can help out to reach to our to our team if you want to collab with the blo mem pad if the question is about this so feel free to drop a line inside the community either in local community if you are from Turkey Africa CIS we have dozens of them actually and we recently published the the links to all the local communities as well so you can check them out and reach out to the blois they'll help you out to to reach us and as well we do have the customer support board which is can be found at the bloom support with the verification Mark so don't get into the scammers and people who try to fool you uh you can drop your question there so you can choose the language where which you want to speak in this uh Comm customer support board uh and you can choose the topic uh and then you can drop a line and it will be answered by our customer support agents as well seems to be that the majority of questions being being answered natala thank you so much for participating today I wanted to just once once again remind you about the drop game hardcore users giveaway which is happening starting from today this is $5,000 and just you need to make sure that you're logging into the bloom app at least 5 days before the next Bloom chat live stream which is going to happen relatively soon it's going to happen on 5th of February next Wednesday probably at the same time you need to be the user who joined Bloom before season 2 started which happened on December 28th and of course you need to make sure that you have your ton wallet connected uh inside your Bloom account so we can actually send your PRI send you the prize money we will definitely announce the winners across our socials as we did it this time so make sure you are subscribed and check out if you are one of the winners this week it's published in our Bloom crypto channel uh telegram channel uh check out the list hope you guys who listening to me right now and Natalia as well are here Natalia anything you wanted to say to our users maybe some good wishes maybe you want them to try out some of the actual features that you've been rolling out recently I wish you guys participate voting for our design for the Perpetual futures I really wondering which of the two options you like the most yeah guys please do participate in votings that will be an important information for our product and development team and marketing of course make sure that you guys are subscribed to our X account to our telegram group to our Discord uh Facebook LinkedIn whatever feels interesting uh to you and you can by the way still earn the bloom points for this check out the earn section this is this been a very cool session thanks natal again once again for participation and see you next Wednesday so the cool stuff if you missed it the cool stuff in recording is going to be shared across our socials so stay tuned thank you so much for being with us it's been a pleasure talking to you guys and give receiving your questions and answering them have a nice week everyone thank you thank you so much bye-bye
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