most of the time here on the channel we discuss
the late game PVP meta in Rise of Kingdoms but sometimes I get comments from brand new players
who actually just need some guidance on what commanders to work on in the early game so that's
exactly what we're going to cover in today's video and the information in this video was inspired
by one of the best early game players in Rise of Kingdoms now about 2 months ago I made a
video talking about the sleeper strategy in Rise of Kingdoms and in that video we took advice
from another rise of Kingdoms YouTuber who goes by the name of the logic bank if you miss that
video it'll be in the description but basically the logic bank is a professional when it comes
to restarting your game in Rise of Kingdoms he is like the best Min-maxer at the very start of a
new server and he's completely free to play after that video did pretty well he actually reached out
to me about a month ago and said hey I appreciate you shouting out my video thanks for sharing it
with your audience why don't you make a video that covers the best early game Commander investment
guide that he made on the channel so that's what we're going to do today and this video would not
be possible if it weren't for him so I'm going to link to his video down in the description below
please make sure you go over and subscribe to his channel especially if you're a brand new player
and you're free to play and also while you're down there consider subscribing to my channel and
clicking the thumbs up button that will help get this video out into the algorithm and it really
helps out the channel a ton and of course before we jump in what's going on guys cheers okay
now let's just jump right into this here and the way that the logic Bank likes to think about
what commanders you should be f focusing on when you first start the game day one is you have to
break it down into six different categories the six things that you should be focusing on at the
start of the game number one killing barbarians number two doing Barbarian forts number three
Gathering resources on the map number four you're progression through the Expedition levels and
number five you're ranking in Sunset Canyon every week and finally number six is going to be your
very first kvk which stands for Kingdom versus Kingdom if you guys aren't familiar with that and
essentially what that means is your entire Kingdom everyone on the server is going to be dropped into
a map with other servers and you're going to fight it out for the center of the map and that's where
all the fun is to be had in Rise of Kingdoms large open field PVP combat that is your ultimate end
goal but it has to start somewhere and the first place you have to start is leveling up your
commanders you have to get these commanders to level 60 or as high as you can get them before
KvK 1 because the higher level of the commander the more stars you can unlock for them and getting
more stars means unlocking more skills getting more Talent points and the ability to bring a
second commander in your Army in the open field so step one level up your commanders well great
news there are two commanders that are going to help you do that at the very beginning of the
game the first one is Boudica she is an epic Commander she's a purple Commander as you can
see here and her second skill gives you 25% damage to barbarians and 20% more experience from
defeating barbarians and the king of experience gain is going to be lohar his second skill gives
you more damage but his third skill gives you 70% more experience from defeating barbarians now lar
only comes from the special event lohar's trial which you should have seen at the very beginning
of your server and of course Boudica you can get by starting with Great Britain or you'll just
get her Naturally by opening up the chests in the tavern you can get her from the silver
chests or you can get her from the golden chest you can get full Summons of her in the gold
chests or just a handful of sculptures from the silver chest so using these two commanders and
focusing a little bit on these commanders in the early game at least at the very least getting
their bonus experience skills maxed is going to help you level up the rest of your commanders
that we talk about throughout the entirety of this video If you're looking for a talent build that
you should be focusing on in the early game for these peacekeepers then I would say start with the
peacekeeping tree because you're going to be able to get a lot of value from your early points here
it's going to require less action points to attack barbarians you're going to get more experience
here you're also going to get more goodies from the Trophy Hunter talent and there's going to be
a lot of bonus damage that you can get from this talent tree and some healing some March speed
and if you do take down forts which we're going to talk about in a minute then you're going to
want the mighty Force talents the talents over here are going to be the same for Boudica but
she has the skill talent tree and you're also going to go for rejuvenate in the skill tree as
well now the second type of Commander that you might want to use for defeating barbarians out
in the world and this is for those more advanced players is a commander that is good at chaining
barbarians and these commanders have AOE or area of effect damage ethyl fled is a free to
play legendary Commander that you get from the Expedition and we'll talk about that in just a
second but her active skill is a half circle AOE when she's fighting in the open field and so
because she has such a wide AOE damage radius what you can do with Ethyl out in the world
is you can be attacking a barbarian here and AOE damage if you're close enough could trigger
another Barbarian to attack you for free meaning it won't cost any action points and this is called
chaining you basically paying action points to hit one barbarian and you're getting a two for one
for that action point spend or if you're lucky if there's a lot of Barbarians altogether you
could get a three for one or a four for one by just going from Barbarian to Barbarian and getting
those kills for free and you can do that with a little bit of skill a little bit of understanding
how pulling barbarians together works we're not going to cover that in this video but if you're
an advanced player and you are interested in learning that you could look it up on YouTube
for that reason you're typically going to want to pair your peacekeeping commanders with an AOE
Commander that way they can pull in free Barbarian kills now we're going to talk about Aethelflaed a
lot in this video but it's also worth noting that she is also a peacekeeping commander so she's a
great use for killing barbarians out in the world as well and she gives you bonus experience but
the difference with her is she's legendary you can only get some of her sculptures every day
so you can't really pick and choose how many sculptures of her you get whereas with the epics
that we talked about you can dump all of your Universal sculptures into them to get that skill
to where you want it to be next let's talk about Barbarian forts as a brand new player okay when
you start off in the game if you look in the top right corner you'll see the map and I can zoom in
and out you're going to start in one of the outer rings of the map one of those zones and in these
zones you're going to see level one through three I believe and if you're a brand new free to-play
player you probably should only focus on level one and two Sports for the beginning of the game
and this is because to take down level three and higher at the very start of the game you're going
to need a decent amount of troops in the Army and you also have to be dealing a lot of damage and
the best pairing to do that with is Minamoto with Cao Cao and of course if you just started the
game you're going to know that Minamoto is not a free to play legendary Commander you actually
have to make or you have to spend money to get this Commander okay so at the very beginning
of the game leave it to the whales to take down those level three and higher forts but for level
one and twos you can stick to the tried and true commanders that we talked about before meaning
first of all you can use eth because she has the support tree she has the peacekeeping tree you can
do really well here but you could also use Boudica and lar to do these early level one and two forts
as well okay A lot of times players will try to use somebody like Belisarius or even a commander
like Cao Cao and these commanders you know they have the peacekeeping tree so they are decent here
but they have the mobility tree and while that's going to make the them move around the map a lot
faster they're going to get to that Fort a lot faster you're actually at the beginning of the
game this makes a big difference because you're missing out on this skill tree or the support tree
the skill tree deals a lot of damage the support tree is typically a little bit more tanky in the
beginning of the game you're going to need as much damage as you can get to take down these forts I
know it kind of sounds silly talking about like needing a lot of damage to take down a level two
Fort but like when you first start the game it's it's not going to be super easy to do that right
so you're going to want rejuvenate you're going to want burning blood you're going to want tactical
mastery and heraldic shield at least plus all the stuff from the peacekeeping tree so just like with
barbarians taking down the forts you're going to want those lar Boudica or ethyl fled especially
you're going to want the mighty Force Talent over here you're just going to deal 9% more damage
to that Fort which is going to be really really important also the benefit of using ethyl fled
primary for these rallies is her fourth skill gives you more army capacity for that rally it's
probably going to be a while before you max out this skill if you're doing things correctly but
it's at least worth noting here now I mentioned the reason that you want to focus on barbarians is
to level up your commanders which is true but of course you're going to get more goodies as well
especially these arrows of resistance which you need to upgrade your Watchtower you're going to
need to Max that building to finally get to the end game and likewise the reason that you want to
focus on the forts is because books of Covenant this is the only way that you can really get books
of Covenant in the game there might be a handful of other ways from other PVE events and things
like that but for the most part A majority of your books of Covenant are going to come from doing
forts and you're going to need thousands of these to max out your Castle okay now why is maxing out
your Castle so important well first of all you're going to need it in order to get to endgame you
need that to get your city hall to level 25 you're going to need that to get your tier five units in
your Academy okay so if you thought that you could just rush all the way to the best units in the
game that is not the case but the other reason that it's important to focus on forts early
on in the game is because it's going to help you progress through the Expedition we're going
to cover expedition in depth but some of these Expedition missions have you rally a Target City
and the amount of troops that you can bring in that rally is going to depend on the size of your
castle and so these are really important stages to be able to clear an expedition because these
are the stages that are going to give you more of Aethelflaed and Aethelflaed is like I said before
a free Legendary commander and she's going to be very important for what we're going to talk about
later in the video for getting the best kills and best performance in kvk 1 and so the earlier and
farther that you can go in Expedition the better your account is going to be for kvk 1 like you
should be doing Expedition as soon as you can in a brand new kingdom and getting that higher castle
level is going to help you get more Aethelflaed sculptures over time okay now while we're here
in the Expedition let's go over what commanders you should be focusing on in the early game to
get that progression right because the there is a direct correlation between doing barbs doing
Forts and progressing through Expedition and how good you can do in kvk 1 okay there like I know it
it might not seem like they're that connected but the sooner you can nail these things the better
you're going to perform in kk1 so this is like the training wheels every five levels you're going
to see that it has a purple Banner these banners indicate that you're going to be going up against
a sort of boss level if you want to call it that this is a level three Sun Tzu with one star it's
kind of cute it's kind of funny but what you want to do for these levels is deal as much single
Target damage as you can AOE does not matter here and you also want to be able to buff your armies
and debuff the enemy Army so that's really the commanders that you want to focus on every five
level Milestones here so what commanders are good to focus on and level up to progress through these
big milestone levels well first of all great news Aethelflaed has an insanely powerful debuff on her
active skill so she's going to be very useful here I do not recommend putting Universal legendary
Commander sculptures into El Cid but if you were lucky enough to unlock him and summon him from
a gold key in the tavern then his active skill no matter what level it's at whether you just get
it to one or you get it to five it doesn't matter after his active skill is used for the next 1
second the target cannot launch a basic attack or use their active skills in this single Target DPS
game mode this is going to be really important for you in the early game because you're going to be
taking a lot of damage from B basic attacks now in the late game that's different 90% of the damage
you're going to take in the late game is going to be skill damage and AOE damage but in early
game basic attacks counter attacks those types of things are going to really hurt you a lot and so
to stop them from doing that every skill cycle at least just for a turn is almost like healing cuz
you're going to have more troops as a result of this 1 second basically disable plus his second
skill just by unlocking it is going to give you a chance to instant proc 500 damage factor which
is I mean really nice for the early game also if it Target doesn't launch a basic attack that means
they don't get rage for that turn which means the boss Army is going to fire their active skills a
little bit slower just cuz you have a level one El Cid there in one of your armies also on top of
that Boudica can reduce the Rage of that Target as well so they lose 100 rage each second for
2 seconds even if she's not expertise actually it's the same all that changes is the damage
Factor here so that's really cool definitely use Boudica for those Expedition levels she has a
lot of single Target damage here and she has that really powerful debuff on the active skill very
useful for those levels and finally I know this is going to be a little bit of an unpopular take
here but you can use a Seondeok in these single Target levels as well as a secondary Commander
because first of all she has single Target damage but also she has a rage reduction okay and so
between these three commanders Boudica Seondeok and El Cid we are slowing their rage gain from
El Cid and reducing the rage that they take that they're getting from Boudica and Seondeok and so
their active skills are going to just fire a lot slower and that's going to allow all of your your
armies to stay alive a bit longer so that way you can deal as much damage to them as possible
and just DPS them down so far we've talked a lot about Boudica so it should be no surprise that
she is somebody that I'm going to recommend that you work on really you want to get these first
two skills to five if you have extra sculptures you can do the first three skills to five but the
first two are definitely the most important for the early game you don't need to expertise her
right away you're not really going to use her for PVP at any point so don't worry about that
now for pretty much every other main level here with a red banner it's going to be multiple armies
that you're going to be fighting and so having an AOE Commander or having as many AOE commanders as
possible for these stages is going to be very very useful and that's a majority of the stages here so
for a majority of expedition what you want is AOE commanders and that's going to be a really common
theme throughout the rest of this video okay AOE is super powerful for those Expedition levels but
it's also super powerful in Sunset Canyon and it's also super powerful in open field PVP in KvK 1 so
the commanders that you invest in for a majority of the Expedition levels are also going to provide
you with a lot of value in other areas whereas so far we've mainly talked about peacekeepers and
really you're never going to be doing any PvP with peacekeeping commanders eth's an exception we'll
talk about that later same thing with Minamoto but you're you're free to play so you don't have him
but Boudica and lar great to work on at the very beginning of the game but you're not going to PvP
with them so let's talk about some commanders that have really nice AOE at the beginning of the
game that are also going to help you in other places and we have to start with Sun Tzu this is
a no-brainer this is the best in my opinion PVP epic commander in the game and he's also great
in Sunset Canyon and he is great in Expedition he has a five Target fan-shaped AOE that when
he's expertised it's going to deal a th000 damage factor to five targets one of them is a little bit
of a DOT here a damage over time but really it's going to be 1,000 damage factor which is nice and
every troop that you hit with that skill you're going to get 50 Rage which is super beneficial to
popping off your active skills as much as possible and like I said before as you get later into
the game a majority of the damage you're going to deal is from your active skills so you want
as much rage as possible so you want to max out his first skill his third and fourth skills are
extremely good as well he also has the Infantry tree which is very tanky in the early game and
the skill tree which is arguably the best talent tree in the entire game if you're looking for a
basically an open field PVP talent tree you're probably going to want to use something like this
now this is going to grab feral nature and you're going to get everything in the main parts of the
skill tree you can skip out on latent power and naked rage and then you can also come over here
and grab strong of body you can grab a bunch of March speed and you can grab a snare of thorns
this is for open field PVP but if you want to focus on Sunset Canyon and also Expedition then
you're not going to care so much about the March speed and slowdown over here so you could switch
it to a talent build like this where you keep the skill tree exactly the same but you come up here
and you grab hold the line for the tankiness you grab all of the health and defense over here
along the way you're going to get some extra normal damage which is nice but you're also going
to grab undying Fury for the rage and 9% more damage to Cavs and then you'll have one point left
over you can either put it in the March speed or you can get half a point of Defense over here what
are some other great AOE commanders that we can use for Expedition well we can use somebody like
by bars who has a five Target well in the early game it's a three Target but it's an AOE very high
damage Factor AOE 750 when it's at 5 and when he's expertise it's a th000 which is very very good for
an epic commander and the good thing about Baibars is you actually can max out his second skill as
well which gives him 20% Cavalry attack which is going to be really really nice for you he also
has the skill tree very great epic Commander if you're going to be using Cavalry and especially of
course in Sunset Canyon and Expedition who else is a AOE Commander that we can talk about here well
we have Kusunoki Archer skill tree you're seeing a trend here now his damage is a little bit over
time so it's not as great as like the instant all the damage but you also have a nice cleanse here
which is really good and he gets some nice stats and damage over time on his kit as well now I'm
going to show you this talent build for buy bars using my Xiang Yu because I actually don't have
a level 60 Baibars cuz he's useless to me but trust me these are all the same you're going to
get feral nature in the skill tree you're also going to get buckler shield and the reason that
you get this for an epic commander in the very early game is because especially in Sunset Canyon
you are going to be taking a lot of Counterattack damage relative to the damage that you're taking
in other places so again in open field PVP later in the game buckler Shield is not a great talent
but at the start of the game taking 9% less Counterattack damage is very very impactful also
we grab undying Fury and unfortunately I would love to take emblazoned shield but we don't have
enough points to get all the way there because we grabbed buckler Shield so we actually go ahead
and grab disarm and then we have two points left over can get the health here now if you don't
want to grab buckle your shield and you want to basically future proof your talent build then
instead you can come all the way up here just like we did before and you can come up here and grab
emblazoned shield and then you can come over here and grab undying Fury then you have three points
left over you put them in Halberd and you are good to go your Gucci This is a talent build that's
going to age much better for you but you're going to miss out on buckler shield for the early game
now when it comes to Kusunoki for Archers this is the talent build that I would go with you can see
the Trend getting feral nature on the skill tree is great you come up here and grab venomous sting
for 8% more skill damage you grab razor sharp for more rage every turn and then you have a couple
of points left over in the early game I would put three points into Rapid Fire for more normal
damage and then you'll have a few points left over to grab full quiver one extra point you just get
a little bit of attack you can put that pretty much wherever they're all going to be the same
here and finally another great AOE commander in the early game is mimed this is another gold key
Tavern Commander that is a legendary I would not recommend putting legendary Universal sculptures
into mimed unless you really are like a whale player which if you're watching this probably not
but his active skill even when you don't expertise him can deal a nice chunk of damage to up to five
targets now it is actually a relatively narrow fan for mimed unfortunately but it is still very good
damage factor for AOE in the early game and his second skill is exceptionally good 20% attack
20% skill damage you're probably again at the very beginning of the game you'll be just lucky
to summon him and if you do just unlocking these first two skills is going to be very very crucial
obviously skill locking the first skill you want to Max at first so for all the red Expedition
levels you're going to stack it with all the AOE commanders that I just talked about in this
video and for all of the purple Expedition levels you're going to stack it with all of the buffing
and debuffing commanders that we talked about and then you can fill out the rest of your armies with
you know your best single Target or just your best commanders in general to flesh out all of your
armies and like I said before these attack levels where you're going to Rally are going to depend
on your castle level and so for these rallies you're probably going to want to use Ethel fled
primary for these in the early game and then that only leaves one type of mission left and that
is the green defense Expedition levels and your performance here is going to depend on basically
your the strength of your watchtower in your city and also your Garrison The Garrison Commander
that you're going to be using for these levels is going to be sun Sue we talked talked about him
before and I told you he is one of the best early game commanders in the game for a reason because
his second skill has you take 7% less damage as a city Garrison and his third skill is just so tanky
in the early game you take 10% less damage across the board that's very good on top of the fact that
he's got the Garrison talent tree and if you want a city Garrison talent tree it looks something
like this so you would basically grab rejuvenate tactical Mastery heraldic shield and then you can
come over here and you can grab basically the the whole front row of Garrison talents and you can
grab no thy enemy if you anticipate a swarm which you probably will get swarmed in these Expedition
levels so that's going to be really nice for you and then of course the first level of the Infantry
tree is nice because call of the pack gives you defense for all troop types not just infantry
which is kind of misleading you also get rage here which is nice you get more normal damage
and you deal more damage to calves so basically nothing here is relevant to just infantry and when
you're a city Garrison you're going to have more than just infantry in your army you're going
to have everything in your city which is going to include Siege it's going to include archers
Cavalry everything so that's why you don't go more all in on the Infantry tree when you're building
a city Garrison talent build just like this one so use this build for those defense Expedition
levels and you will be golden okay now we're going to move on to Sunset Canyon and Performing well
in this game mode should be at the top of your brain as soon as you start in a new server and the
reason for this is because if you can get rank one every day you're going to get get way more gold
keys than other players in your server and look at how much experience you're going to get every
single day by coming in first place even if you're just in the top five you're going to get a lot
of experience here and these are Universal tombs that you can put into any commander whenever you
want you can save these up for legendaries or you can put dump them all into your kvk 1 commanders
that we'll talk about later but these gold keys are really going to be crucial for your early
game progression especially as a free-to-play player and every season is 7 days long it's one
week and so if you can be rank one at the end of the season then you're going to get even more
experience here in the form of tombs and way more gold key so very important that you are in the
top five if you're a really serious free-to-play player so what commanders should you be using
in Sunset Canyon now that we've established how important that it is this is where the logic
bank has some crazy good insight and advice that keeps him at number one in Sunset Canyon for the
first few weeks of it coming out which is actually insane now I'm sure sometimes he's in servers with
some whales that kick him out of there but for the most part he's often number one in Sunset Canyon
so if some of these choices look unorthodox to you if you're a seasoned player then I hope you will
consider opening your mind a little bit because his justifications for these commanders are
actually very good and his Insight is again this is probably the best restart player that I've ever
seen in Rise of Kingdom so I trust his judgment here and his results don't lie he performs Super
well so first we have to understand how Sunset Canyon works and there's a front row and a back
row and this will be the same for attacking and defending what you have to understand is that
the front row commanders should be more tanky commanders and the back row commanders should be
your high DPS AOE commanders because you want to protect the so-called glass cannons the commanders
that maybe can't take so much damage but they can deal it out you want to make sure that they're
not really taken as much damage as possible so who should you have in your front row well if you've
been paying attention in this video you'll know that a very good early game tanky Commander is
Sun Tzu why literally takes 10% less damage across the board and health is the most tanky stat for
infantry which is the most tanky troop type so Sun Tzu again best early game epic Commander that
I can think of almost no question he's basically been in that role the entire time you can do
full Spearman with him and you can pair him with another AOE Commander such as Kusunoki Kusunoki
is going to make sure that you have no debuffs on your Sun Tzu so he can deal the maximum amount
of damage and you know not have his health and defense reduced by the eth you're probably going
to be fighting plus again more AOE damage here is really nice next we're going to talk about Joan of
Arc now Joan of Arc we haven't talked about a lot in the video but she's actually insanely broken in
Sunset Canyon you can use her with full Siege yes you can use her front line as a tanking Commander
what is she doing first of all if she's expertised it's it's even better if she's not though for 2
seconds five of your armies get 30% health health for infantry 30% defense for caves 30% attack
for Archers and they get 40 rage per second for 2 seconds that's 80 total rage that is insane which
is expertise it doubles the effectiveness here and gives you more rage an unbelievable buff here
she also deals 25% more normal damage which like I said earlier in the early game you're going to be
dealing a lot of normal damage and she also has a heal which is very good in Sunset Canyon so the
fact that you can use her as a tankier is great because we're going to talk about her later for
farming and you get that double value here now who would you pair her with now that we know she is
a buffer and a support unit well you can pair her with another buffing and support unit for example
you could use somebody like Cleopatra again very unconventional you might not consider this if
you're you know if you're used to the endgame like me this is not a pairing that you would really
think of but the active skill on Cleopatra heals five nearby Targets and it gives them a certain
amount of Defense as well now I don't again I I don't recommend putting universals into her she is
a legendary Commander you might not even have her in the early game you might not get lucky enough
to get her from things but you should be able to get your hands on Cleopatra eventually and this
can be a very tanky front row Army now why Jon of Arc well because you're going to leverage her
talent trees as best as you can in the early game and with her filled with Siege you're going
to grab all of the support talent tree you're going to save one point from cage of thorns we'll
talk about why you don't put Five Points here in just a second but you read grab fresh recruits for
more troop capacity you also get a bunch of Siege defense here when you drop below 50% and you gain
6% attack defense and health for Siege so 18% of stats for that many Talent points is wild you also
get Counterattack that says whenever you heal you gain 9% attack for 3 seconds which remember she
heals herself she also has healing on Cleopatra so lots of bonus attack here and she has Elixir here
which gives you even more healing from Cleopatra and from Jon of AR and you have loose formation
to take less skill damage now you have a few extra points left over so we put them into attack we
put them into defense and we put them into some attack and defense here and you have four points
left over so you might as well put them into cage of thorns because this is an AOE slowdown and
eventually when you expertise your ethyl fled she actually deals 20% more damage to slow troops so
there's actually way more Synergy than you think with using Joan of Arc as a tanky March in Sunset
Canyon so that it's definitely something that you can do now if you want you can move your Cleopatra
to another Commander we're going to talk about in just a second and you can put your Aethelflaed
here at the very front of the pack and this is really having her Aethelflaed at the very center
of your lineup here it's going to be very crucial for having the AOE from her it's a half circle
it's going to hit as many targets as possible by being in the very center here which is very
very crucial and again you've got the Slowdown on Jon of Arc you've got the healing factor and
again this is a big supportive March okay there's lot of debuff value you're going to get from ethyl
fled being here there's also the fact that you're going to take 20% less Counterattack damage
because again this is going to be your front line it's probably going to be swarm so very
important stuff there now your third Commander here is going to be super unconventional but let
me cook it's going to be City keeper now this is a commander that has been extensively tested
by Logic bank and in the early game for Sun Canyon he pops off boys he's basically a free
to pay or Poor Man's Richard the first because he's so tanky in Sunset Canyon in the early game
when everybody else is scrambling to figure out how to even get Richard you're going to have
City keeper popping off and this would be the other place that you could put your Cleopatra as
a very tanky sort of off lane March and why does this work why does City keeper work well let me
explain here by taking a look at his talent trees as you can see in this video we're leveraging
the effects of your talents like crazy here and the reason is that the attack tree while it's
not great in the end game in the early game is going to be insane first of all you get effortless
which when you get him to five stars you're going to get up to 10% bonus damage that's all damage
okay you can also grab Marshall Mastery which helps you deal more Norm normal damage but you
deal less skill damage which is fine you're not going to be dealing any skill damage with him at
all anyway you can also get unyielding so you deal more counter attack damage you get burning blood
for more rage regeneration and he has the Infantry talent tree so you can get more rage from undying
Fury you can get tankiness from hold the line you can get tankiness from strong of body so this
combination here works really well but the secret to City keeper is that he is a green commander
and if you guys don't know the ability to max out all his skills is going to be super easy in
the early game okay you're going to be able to get him all to five you're going to unlock him super
fast you also are going to level him up faster than any other Commander in the game because green
commanders require the least amount of experience to get to level 60 so you're basically getting
it's the same talent trees as legendary commanders so you're getting the same value out of the talent
trees but it's actually cheaper for you for City keeper because he needs less experience but on
top of that it's really important to make sure that you're spending your purple and legendary
sculptures effectively in the early game and so City Keepers effectively a free Commander
you're going to get to Max him super easy for free you're going to use green stars on him which
again at the beginning of the game Stars will be a bottleneck your purple and legendary Stars will
be a bottleneck so the fact that you can get stars on him basically for free without wasting purple
or Golds on you know a basically a Sunset Canyon Commander City keeper is the most free-to-play
friendly Commander that you can possibly use and you get so much value out of his talents it
is insane his level and his Star level is going to be higher than basically anybody else in Sunset
Canyon because of all those advantages as we just talked about everyone's going to be trying to
use their Richard and it's going to be level 28 level 30 and oh you don't have enough gold stars
to get them to four stars so it's going to be a huge struggle for them and even though Richard is
a better commander in general you're just going to Max City keeper so fast that he's just going
to have more troops than anybody I'm telling you at the beginning of the game City keeper is the
play now his skills nothing crazy right defense Health attack and more defense he's pretty tanky
you're going to want to use him in the early game pair him with Cleopatra he's going to be great in
your front line he's going to be super cheap to get because he uses resources that you don't care
about and later when you get something better you could just throw them in the garbage okay so who
are you going to put in your back row well like I said this is where the AOE commanders are going to
shine this is where we put Baibars and we're going to pair Baibars with another AOE Commander that
we talked about which is mimed now again mimed is probably not going to be he's not going to have
many skills you you might have him at 1111 or 1110 something like that you might have him at 210
something along those lines but the AOE is I'm telling you that the way it scales is going to be
worth it so you put this in your back row and then you're going to do another very unconventional
pairing that you probably never would have thought of if you're an endgame player but that's going to
be Tomoe with another Archer Imhotep yes Imhotep we are talking about a blue commander and emote
this is another Super supportive Army that has many of the benefits of City keeper Army for one
Tomoe is a blue Commander she's going to take less experience to get to max level then your purples
and your legendaries she's going to use blue stars which are basically free I mean you won't have to
waste the purple and legendary stars on her which means she's probably going to be a higher level
and higher Star level than anything else that you see in the early game in Sunset Canyon also she
is very supportive here she gets a lot of attack points she has a built-in rage engine 20 rage per
second which is nice and she has a really nice debuff here the target T deals 15% less damage
for 2 seconds whenever you use an active skill now Imhotep if he's not expertised he's going
to make five nearby enemies take 20% more damage for 3 seconds that's crazy and his second skill
at five gives you 30% of Archer stats and guess what guys all of the benefits that you got from
the attack Tree on City keeper are also going to be on Tomoe so she's going to get the rage engine
she's going to get the more damage she's going to take less overall damage she's going to deal more
Counterattack damage this is another Commander that doesn't deal skill damage with Imhotep so you
can deal 6% more normal damage and she has a rage engine on Razer sharp you can probably make your
way up to Fenix tail Arrow since you don't need the skill damage from venomous sting I'm telling
you in the first few weeks of a new server you can make really good use out of Tomoe basically
for free and then eventually when you have better uses better commanders than her you can just throw
her away and it's fine she blue Commander doesn't matter so the example build would be something
like this but you could also change these things up a little bit depending on what commanders
you have for example you could remove ethyl fled from the front line here and you could put
her with buy bars in the back row then you could put your mimed with your Sun Tzu in the front row
especially if you can unlock this fourth skill so you bring more troops that would be really
nice and then you could put your Kusunoki with your Joan if you wanted to or maybe you could
put the Kusunoki with Tomoe behind Tomoe you move the Cleopatra to your drone of Arc and then
City keeper can get something a little bit more tanky but those are mainly the commanders that
you're going to focus on and really what matters the most here is the primary commanders which
is Baibars Sun Tzu Jon of Arc City keeper and Tomoe two of these you're only going to be using
for Sunset Canyon okay you're not ever going to be pvping with City keeper or Tomoe I promise
you just don't try it it's not going to work also Joan of Arc Prime probably not a great
primary for PVP in kvk either so try it out and tell me what you think in the comment section
below now we next have to talk about Gathering commanders now here's the thing about gathering in
the early game and even moving into the late game if you're a serious free-to-play player you should
have Farm accounts Farm accounts are essentially more cities that you have on the map that can
go out and farm resources for you and then you can send those resources to your main account
I can't emphasize this enough you really should have at least one Farm account if not two or three
especially in the early game because you are going to run into huge bottlenecks such as needing more
stone for your wall your city hall and your Tavern and you're going to eventually need a lot of gold
when you get to tier five and also to unlock some of the later Techs in the academy and that's where
there is a tradeoff so if you focus on Gathering commanders at the very start of the game you're
probably not going to have enough experience to go around to max out your Sunset Canyon lineup
that we just talked about as soon as possible so if you don't have Farm accounts your sunset Cannon
performance is going to be a little bit worse so those experience tombs and gold keys that we
talked about you're probably going to get fewer of them but these are all the farming commanders
in the game and of course maxing out Centurion and the blue commanders is going to be perfect because
they're extremely cheap so you definitely want to do that and when I say maxing them out really
you only need them to level 37 level 37 is when you can max out Superior tools now if you want to
take them to 40 and get more stars on them you can grab modified axles you March way faster which I
really appreciate but 37 is considered to be like the sweet spot for early game Gathering do that
for all of your gatherers of course I recommend focusing on Joan of Arc first as the Epic because
she as you saw in this video can be used in a ton of other different ways second place would be
Matilda cuz her expertise is insanely good when it comes to Legendary commanders the best one
is Seondeok for Gathering same thing the the expertise here is insane second place would be
Cleopatra but never ever ever ever use legendary Commander sculptures on a gathering Commander
okay just never ever do it and that's pretty much everything for Gathering it's very very simple
now this entire video has been building up to kvk 1 which commanders should you use for kvk 1
well Consulting with the logic Banks advice in his video he's come to basically the same conclusion
that I would come to all on my own which is that there's really for free to- play players two
options that you can go with okay the primary number one option is going to be Sun Tzu primary
with Ethel fled secondary I think if you want the most bang for your buck the most damage factor in
the field this is the way to go you've got two AOE commanders here you've got bonus skill damage on
the fourth skill you're going to be a little bit tanky because you're going to be able to take
less damage and have more Health you're going to be a full infantry Army here so you're going to
get the benefits of the Infantry talent tree from Sun Tzu plus his skill tree which we talked about
four and again these are both five Target AOE commanders and Aethelflaed is a half circle with a
massive debuff she also was a little bit tanky in the early game with the less Counterattack damage
taken this is the number one best PVP free to-play army for KvK 1 there's really no doubt in my mind
there's one other pairing that you could consider and that would be a Cavalry build with Belisarius
primary and your secondary is going to vary if you got really lucky in the tavern and you got your
hands on some Cao Cao then you can unlock you know the first I think three skills for him or four
if you have the stars for it probably not but by just unlocking these skills you're going to get a
little bit more Mark speed on the third skill and his active skill is going to be a really nice
single Target punch and the reason that you do Belisarius primary is because Belisarius has the
mobility talent tree which makes him one of the fastest commanders in the entire game even as an
epic Commander now his active skill a little bit of a debuff nothing crazy he gets lots of troop
defense which is nice he gets 50% March speed for 10 seconds when you leave combat which is crazy
and you deal 25% more damage to troops with less than 50% of units remaining so what does this look
like when you're actually fighting in PvP well let's take a look at Belisarius for a second as
I stated before he has the mobility tree which is going to give you a lot of March speed especially
Hasty departure you get 60% March speed when you leave a building a resource point which is wild
cuz you can jump from resource point to Resource point but you're also going to get a bunch of
extra March speed in here as well you also take 9% less skill damage and then you can put a lot
more points into your Cavalry tree now this is basically the fastest talent build that you can
go with for Belisarius well really it would look something like this now it depends on if you're
going to be an aggressor or not if you want the most damage you would go with undying Fury if you
wanted the fastest aggressive build you would go with equestrian excellence and if you wanted the
fastest defensive build you would go with with swiftness I'm going to put three points in undying
Fury and one in swiftness but you can make that decision all on your own also you put one point in
the March speed over here just in case you missed that but basically what this does is because
you're so early in the game this is probably the fastest thing on the field just hands down
all the March speed in the mobility tree plus the March speed on his kit here it's insane basically
with Belisarius you can decide if you want to be in combat or not that is completely within your
control and you're a free-to-play player so if you don't want be in a fight if it is unfavorable
for you you just run away okay now the benefit of this Army is that you can chase down the weaker
armies and you're going to be dealing 25% more damage to them which is very impressive now you
can pair them with Cao Cao and that's going to be really nice if you don't have Cao Cao then
you can pair him with buy bars another really great free to-play Commander great AOE damage
here which is nice and a really good slowdown on the target to really make sure that you stay
connected to them very good stuff here especially when you exit combat here you're going to gain
even more March speed being and a healing Factor so if you want to deal massive damage you would
do Sun Tzu primary ethyl fled secondary if you want to play more defensively and you want to
be more micromanaging and you want to pick off the weaker players you would do Belisarius full
Marge speed with either Tau or Baibars and that would be the way to go those are the only two
PVP armies that I would consider using for free to play players in KvK 1 if you're a low spender
which I know this video is not focused on that but if you're a low spender then I would do a 5511
Minamoto and I would PA that with Cao Cao you can get them from the daily special offer or
you can get lucky from the keys that would be Minamoto Tau probably the best or one of the best
early game PVP marches it's also great for doing forts peacekeeping it's really good in the early
game just at basically everything okay but again you're not going to have that as free to play so
really in the early game you're going to be trying to figure out where the best places to put your
purple sculptures are right because us late game players often forget that purple commanders like
it's kind of slow to afford them in the early game right the best places to put them are going to
be obviously Sun Tzu Joan of Arc Boudica Baibars Belisarius Kusunoki and emo I wouldn't go all in
and expertise one Commander right away the reason for that is because eventually you're going to
get into kvk 1 where you can you know reclaim some value from sculptures for expertise commanders
what I would say is right before the fighting in kvk 1 that's when you should get an expertised Sun
Tzu make sure he's expertised before the fighting begins that is very very important obviously
besides that Jon of Arc very important early game expertise as well but just go through these
skills and see okay well you know my next skill up for buy bars for example is going to get me to
finish off this second skill that's where you're going to put those sculptures and really just
spread them out to get as many of those early game Sunset Canyon armies in fighting shape as
you can so you get the most value there and then again once KvK 1 comes around max out Sun Tzu
you're good to go that's your one massive DPS March and that's going to be it okay this video
was actually way longer than I thought it would be so if you enjoyed it please drop a thumbs up
on it it really helps out the channel a t it helps get this video out into the YouTube algorithm so
other Rise of Kingdom's new players might see it and of course in the description I will have the
logic Banks YouTube channel go ahead subscribe to his channel drop thumbs UPS on his videos as
well I'm sure he would really appreciate it and consider subscribing to my channel as well and
click the Bell to be notified the next time I upload a rise of Kingdoms video com down below
your thoughts on some of these more unorthodox choices in the forms of city keeper and the forms
of Tomoe I think a lot of you guys probably didn't expect me to talk about these commanders in 2024
but here we are this is great for new players let me know in the comments section below what
you think about that and with that being said guys thank you so much for watching this has been
Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace