Did he? Oh, I was about to say, wait… I thought we were in a one-on-three, endgame. Aha, that person over there is not going to wait for them. Aha, one tree and two rays against three people. Team scan! If you thought that was exciting, just wait because this was only number 30. Let's enjoy Raiden's best moments and move on, the best is yet to come. No. 29 Throw the fire bomb at him through the wall. It's like a game of chess, everyone moves. Aha, what does he do? Big mistake, my friend, big mistake to turn your back on Raiden like that. Shoot. That is, he heard the fire and ran away, come on. No. 28 Aha, you'll go straight to the window. They are in real trouble. The corners… of course, buddy [laughs] Wait, he's back again I mean, they're paralyzed, come on, yeah that's right. He doesn't give them a chance to attack. What does this person do? Oh, I was hoping it would blow up in someone's face.
Another one? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can we take a moment? The man ran inside, said no and came back again. He didn't even try to fire his weapon once. Good he should have fought him. I mean, he was going to die anyway, he had to fight him. Yes..!! Okay, great job, let's keep making the boxes. No. 27 Aha, what's this guy doing? He dies. He needs to heal. Aha, it doesn't matter, just senzu beans. Healing is for beginners it seems. Great angles! He is very fast. accurately. That guy just- I
don't know what he was doing. No. 26. Fire bomb on the first floor, fire bomb on the second floor. Aha, fire bombs everywhere, no one comes out. Then there are two random people dropped aha, aha, aha, wait, wait!! He wiped out the entire team using only fire bombs. Wait, wait, wait. Because the two people outside were already shot down.
00:04:00,284 –> 00:04:02,284
That means they were just people, they didn't bother to clean up.
So he just-
took everyone out. No. 25. Aha we have a dual camera. What a surprise, they are wearing matching clothes. Oh they are adorable. What a surprise. They all have pictures. Look at their backgrounds, look at their pictures, they are identical. I'm so excited. What is happening? I don't even focus. I'm so distracted. Because of their beauty, do their clothes match in-game as well? truly. If not, come on guys. Let's make it happen. But I bet they do, you'll see. Scanning the team I think they are wearing the same clothes. No, they are not. Guys, guys if we're going to match in real life we have to match in the game.
Number 24. From the top of the windowsill, in his face there was nothing but the bomb. There are two? What?! I swear he said nothing but the bomb. [Laughs] Like I always say, a well-placed bomb, it'll take out the whole team. No. 23. They are on the roof. [sighs] Aha, please, what a surprise, that would have been great. Great shots. Oh, there's someone up there too! The person in-
is he attractive or is he…. Look, they're funny. I think I look like that too. Poisonous Raiden, almost took out his frying pan. Aha, good thing he didn't have the frying pan, buddy. That wouldn't be good in a two-man situation. Aha, they're running away. Don't let them escape, no escape. If you're going to start a fight, you gotta be able to finish it, my friend. No. 22. What do they do? Guys, PUBG Mobile 101, you can't do this. Pio… it's over. Aha, be careful. They actually don't know.
This is not how we play as a team. No. 21. Aha, I've never seen him fight in this place before. In fact, no one usually fights here. [Sighs] Oh God, oh no. Does he say, "How was your day?" Or does he just say "I'll be right back"? He knows he shouldn't play with fire. Oh, my God! I didn't expect this person to come through the window like this. My heart hurts. Team scan. I think this is probably revenge. Number 20. Oh, sorry, is he using two guns right now? He has a mini and an M24.
He has 18 eliminations. It's terrible. I love this man. This will be the best clip you've ever seen. Because he has two guns and he kills people with bombs. Reload the mini. Here is. Now go back to attack again. infection. This guy is just getting impatient. He uses that mini. Man, he uses that Mini like an M4. This is a great angle. Throw it, throw it. Yeah, throw it in that one too. Yes, let's kick them out. Come on, he's on fire. He's like, "You can't beat my wits, I've got fire in both hands." Number 19.
Aha, he'll go right in. Oh my God, they don't know. Let's go. This guy is confused. And that man too. Confusion at its maximum. That man hesitated a lot, because he was definitely confused. Obviously none of these guys are using the connection. Oh, he said they were eliminated. Oh my goodness, the skills. Is he hitting- What! With the punch, man. No. 18. Wait. He seemed to know the exact distance he needed to fly. That's why he parked it there. There's one upstairs. He'll be gone by the firebomb in an instant. Double incendiary bomb. Be careful, just making sure.
Man, wait. What is the angle? There was someone in the car. What!! Was he there the whole time? Didn't I see that? Oh my God, I'm so blind. There, there. Shenron. Oh, he was there. There's another sniper. I didn't know that. Oh, there's more than one. Movement is life. Never stop moving. What? Look at the little map, man. There are only footsteps around him. Oh my God, there are a lot of firebombs involved. There is still more work to do. Oh no, he'll try to escape. Yes, of course.
Oh my God, it's like there's a bomb going off on the other side. Madness. Absolute madness. No. 17. Oh oh. For real. There's someone on the left, someone on the right, someone on the left. Oh, my God. [Twelve seconds later] I hear more footsteps. Yes, doubt doubt. Oh, wow, that guy was aggressive. One more. One more, one more. He has a DBS and is trying. to fail. to fail! No. 16. Reload. Drop the advance bomb, advance bombs. Then that guy. Give up the game. Really, man. from the wall. from the wall. Face to face, nothing but the net. Wow, I was hoping. Your religion! Just hide there for a second. Now start-
Oh, oh, that's weird. What. Oh my god, oh my god, you're almost out of health, please heal yourself. They really can't see it. This is the best protection in the game, bro. It's too late.
It's too late for them to realize what's happening. As long as no one comes from upstairs, he's fine, brother. Number 15. Oh my God, he's going to have to- Man!
Oh, here he is! I caught him! This is very smart. “I'm in danger” Oh my god it was a trap. It was a trap. “Shhh” man, oh man, they just keep the corners. They didn't make any sense at all. At all. No. 14. Oh, did he locate it? Catch him. Looking for the little signs Oh my God, he heard it like a sound over sonic. He doesn't need
to use a weapon. Oh, there's a whole team
here to fight. Ah, right back. I feel like I'm repeating myself all over again. The bomb, back in the corridor. The guaranteed way to make people
stop running towards you.
Oh my God and then we're going to shoot through the ceiling again. I am waiting. Is this the same lobby? I feel the recurring sensation now. Team scan!! Number 13. Oh man. I was a little worried
those beans wouldn't be effective. When they walk in, they don't expect
to find someone already in the room. What?! Do they have a connection? Does anyone use contact in this game? Is anyone talking about what's going on upstairs? No.
12. Oh no. Balmini, one hit. Let's go. In your face. He will literally eliminate the team using the mini. I mean using a mini and a rifle. Number 11. It is in rare Gaelic. It looks like a ghillie with sandals. This is like a normal uniform. Oh from the bottom, brother. Watch your toes. What I always say is “watch your toes”. This is why. Do you think they even see
him running around? Very fast bush there. Oh man, I don't know. I don't think they're paying attention. He's shopping in the middle of the fight. He is crazy. Oh my God, this guy has completely disappeared. Well, he's almost gone. It is definitely a one hit. Was that one hit senzu beans? Oh no, we're having a barbecue.
Is there anyone else? Where is the rest of the team? How many people are left
on this team? Not much. Oh I wanted that so much. Why does this make me laugh? Oh I love the pre-shot on the door. Too bad it didn't go his way. But that's okay. We'll set it on fire, it's more fun that way. Hello friend. Oh, my God. Number 10. Wow, from his face, brother, it was from his face. No. 9. I don't think they were prepared
to see him on that floor. They still thought he was upstairs. Now you will get distracted. It's like "You made me miss a grenade." [They come back for revenge] Look, he's waiting for them. Oh, there they are. Oh, oh
here they come. Oh, they won't arrive. He didn't even come back to Earth. It didn't even reach the ground. We have another bird
at home. Ah, man, reload that thing. It's really a nightmare. Oh, there he is.
He'll get it here. Yes. This guy is about to expire. Yes, yes. No. 8. I'm convinced that no one knows
how to play flats. I think you hit that guy. Is there another man there? Oh, now there. Hear that guy, that's amazing. What?! Oh we're at a dance party. Will he stay here? Oh wait! I can do that too. I want my sunglasses. I am waiting! Number 7. Oh no no no no. Oh, my God. God, that was a little close. No. 6. Why walk when you can slide in such style? That guy was no good. The last guy….oh is he like "I smell it burning" what's going on? He's so passionate about this case and I need to know why.
No. 5. They are everywhere.
People everywhere. One less man now. [exhales] You're getting fired. An eviction notice has been served. He knows honestly, this other guy is pretty good. I'm sorry. Are there more team members wanting to appear? We can get rid of them all. Let's take everyone. There seem to be 40 of them. No look, this was a trap. You can't fool Raiden, be real. correct. Is that a 6x scope on that on verb? I think it is.
Oh my god awesome! No. 4. Lots of smoke plus lots of people. That man did not realize that he was in a confrontation with two people. And that guy, he didn't stand a chance, he was eliminated. No. 3. I think Raiden vs UAZ UAZ does not win. I expect it now. He doesn't even have a gun. He has a T-Rex. Listen to his laugh, this is true happiness, people. Oh, more of them go get these guys too. Do not drop into water. Oh my god it's no no it can't oh no, they'll shoot your T-Rex. Did Cafu say? Is he calling GGs before he's even finished? Oh, he knows that.
I am waiting. What? These are two band wipes, one T-Rex and eight baby boxes. Number 2. Oh my God they are trying to talk to him it is not effective, he is in death mode. Kill mode. Uh, they're wearing… kind of, man, they're dancing, it's so beautiful. And they match Oh my God I actually have these shorts Do you want to see me wear those shorts? Good night, gentlemen. Number 1. He is a very good pilot and he lands elegantly too Oh, oh, oh That was very clever. Get out of here idiots I mean, where's the last guy? Oh, going off on the first guy Going on the second guy The third guy was saying ''I'm going to be very subtle'' The fourth guy looks like he really tried to hit it out Wipe out the band.