hey bloomies ready to make your P2P Trad safer today we're diving into P2P trading safety tips so if you're trading directly with other people you've got to know how to avoid scams and keep your crypto safe ready to get into it let's go before the trade before you even start a trade pick your platform wisely go for ones with solid security great reviews and policies to protect you if things go sideways and don't forget to check out your counterparty look at their profile and trade history if they're new or have no feedback that's a red flag oh and remember never share personal stuff like private keys or passwords legit platforms will never ask for these and watch out for any fishing attempts those sketchy emails or messages trying to get you to click weird links just don't do it now during the [Music] trade double check everything make sure the wallet addresses and amounts are spot on and bloomies don't trust screenshots or promises if a deal looks way too good to be true it probably is scammers love using High returns to lure people in also stick to secure messaging channels on the platform or use a reputable encrypted app if you're talking trade details once you've wrapped up the trade keep an eye on your wallet for any sketchy activity if something seems off report it us up and stay updated on the latest scams and security tips crypto is always changing and so are the scams and and a few bonus tips start smaller trades first to get the feel of P2P trading diversify a bit too don't put everything into one trade or platform and as always only trade what you're cool with potentially losing so there you have it bloomies P2P trading can be super convenient but always keep your guard up follow these safety tips and you'll be trading like a pro in no time if you want to keep up with all the latest crypto news don't forget to hit that like button and smash subscribe catch you next time on Bloom Academy [Music]
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