Heeey, Commander… I know we had a call scheduled, but now might not be the best time. We're in the middle of something, you see. We’re putting in some good work for our independent pilot society. The guys are picking up a package at the Icarus research center. Completely authorized! Hold on a sec! Come again? What do you mean it's just standing there? We better hurry up, boys. I'm sending Jekyll to scout ahead. No-no-no, this can't be good. DEATH-MARK? SLOWDOWN? Abort mission! Abort mission! Ah, we lost our stealth squad. Proceeding to plan B. We still have time before they equip one of those Titans. Or maybe we don't… Well, mistakes are great teachers. So, Icarus has just released a new Titan. It has a reactor that slows you down if you are close and marks you for additional damage. We can work with that. Then there's that dash. The Titan will try and force you into close combat. Countering it with your own dash might be a solution. But why is that Titan so durable? Could it be a delayed damage defense like the one installed on Ochokochi? We'll see.
And — who would have guessed — they’ve equipped it with shotguns! Looking at the condition of our survivors from Springfield, these new weapons corrode armor with acid. I'd wager the Titan itself is resistant to that effect. When it's not about portals, Icarus knows how make sure things are safe. Speaking of safety… How's the new plan? Why tank it head on when you’re faster, right? Now, if you'll excuse me, we have a task to complete.
Wish us happy hunting, Commander!.