have you ever seen a Pokémon card that can do this well you're in luck because the Pokemon
company invited me out to an exclusive Pokémon TCG pocket event in New York City and all I got to
say is I have a ton of information from the Easter eggs all around the event a presentation from
the Pokémon company and an exclusive question and answer session with some very important people
from creatures and from the Pokémon company so stay tuned for that I took the elevator up
and arrived exactly at the location for the event where I was greeted by Kelly from the Pokémon
company who handed me this awesome bag which had some good stuff in it which I'm actually going
to open up for all you guys right now inside we have a squirtle plushy a Spiel deck box oh this
is cool this is really cool and a Spiel playing mat which I'm now going to use as my mouse pad
thanks Pokémon company after getting our goodie bags we proceeded further into the event where
there were a bunch of Pokémon TCG pocket displays now before I get into that I do want to mention
that I did get to test out TCG pocket while I was in Honolulu Hawaii for the Pokémon worlds
2024 but the only experience there was just really opening up a pack and you got an exclusive
sticker for doing that so that's really cool now in the main lobby we were greeted by the Pikachu
card that you saw in the beginning of the video and that was shown off in the trailer immersive
cards are absolutely insane and there was also a beautiful Bulbasaur card that was right next to
it I mean just look at the art on this card it's absolutely amazing and exclusive right now to the
TCG pocket and in front of that they had a kiosk where it showed the Pikachu animation and just
played it on Loop but it's just so cool to see that there are such a thing as immersive cards
there was also a really cool TCG pocket spot where you can take photos and something special
is going to happen there later in the video but I just took a selfie with my friend Austin and
then we proceeded to head outside where we were greeted by a beautiful Mewtwo card and a Charizard
card on top of a rooftop I mean look at this view now of course there was a bunch of food and
refreshments but the most special part of this all was this right over here that I'm holding
in my hand there were TCG pocket packs filled with cookies and we were told by Stefan from the
Pokémon company to collect all four and what were those four Pokémon well my wife henna grabbed one
and then I thought I'd open hers but then she said let's see what we get no that's mine
get your own so I grabbed my own and then we all started to open it up it
worked out perfectly because my friend Alchemy Sunday AKA Dev pulled a pyu oh you
got to show Nate Austin John pulled an Eevee e my wife she got a Bulbasaur
oh and me I pulled [Music] Pikachu I got Pikachu and as you can see I I may
have eaten a couple more cookies anyway moving on after eating all our cookies and having some
food I then went back out to the entrance area to film some extra b-roll but when I walked out
I couldn't believe it Pikachu was waiting right there for a photo op and since I was right there I
had to run up to Pikachu Pikachu I'm the first one to take a picture of Pikachu by accident I also
had to show Pikachu the awesome cookies they had packed in this after that I then told Pikachu to
strike a pose and this happened you give me some b-roll strike a pose Pikachu yeah and you should
also strike that subscribe and like button just like Pikachu to get awesome videos like this after
that everyone hung out again and we then called into a room for a presentation about TCG pocket
now here's the crazy part when I walked into the room there were two cards on display just like the
light up Mewtwo and Charizard outside except this this time it was a beautiful Squirtle card and a
Moltres card those are just two more cards to add on to all the amazing cards that they're showing
off during this event so make sure you're keeping track of them during this video once we were
all in the room we had an amazing presentation from Stuart from the Pokémon company and this is
the really important part because this is filled with ton of information you need to know about the
game and I'm going to make it as easy to explain to you as possible also I just wanted to mention
later on in this video you're going to find out some secrets that weren't mentioned during this
presentation and maybe some upcoming plans about TCG Pockets so stay tuned all right let me walk
you now through the game so essentially here is how the core gameplay works you get to open up
one pack every 12 hours which means you get to open up two packs per day you can even earn pack
hourglasses to reduce the time by 1 hour now there's two ways of opening you can either open
one pack or 10 packs at a time and this is the animation that was shown off and opening 10 packs
at a time is very satisfying I I already struggle just opening up one Pokémon card at a time now the
first expansion of Pokémon TCG pocket is going to be called genetic Apex which is going to have over
200 cards in it now there are three versions of genetic Apex booster packs a Pikachu booster pack
a Mewtwo booster pack and a Charizard booster pack now something you need to know is that certain
cards in the game are going to be unique to specific booster pack art that you use for example
if you open up a Pikachu booster pack the lucky immersive card that you'll get is going to be the
Pikachu that you've seen a ton of times so far and if you open up the Mewtwo booster pack you're
going to get that awesome card that was shown off during Pokémon worlds which is the Mewtwo breaking
out of a glass which is ridiculously amazing and there is a Charizard booster pack but I'm going
to leave that up to your imagination now for the future the number of boost booster pack Arts that
they use will be different by each expansion so just keep that in mind now if you're wondering
when new expansions are going to be released for this game it's going to be on its own time
schedule so it's not going to be tied to the Pokemon TCG that we're normally used to it'll
be according to how pocket has its own release schedule now let's talk about some really cool
features about the game the first feature I want to talk about is Wonder pick now wonder pick is
really interesting because it allows players to select one Cod of random from a booster pack that
is opened by another player so for example you'll see this random booster pack here and you'll
see the very rare Squirtle is inside of this pack it gets all shuffled up completely so you
have to guess which card is the one and if you select the right card you get it now don't worry
if someone opens up your pack and chooses a card specifically it's not going to take away your
card now I don't know if this was just for the event or if this is a really nice bonus to have at
the start of the game but when everyone was handed a phone and was testing out the game every single
person no matter what card they picked were given something really cool like the Squirtle card
that was shown off in this example the bubbl store card that was shown off during the event at
the start and I'll let you guess what the other card was hopefully that stays in when everyone
gets to play the game on launch now there are also some special kind of Wonder picks that may
appear that sometimes include items promos or rare cards now in order to do Wonder picks it
requires Wonder stamina that recovers over time and the item Wonder hourglass can be earned and
used to reduce time until your Wonder stamina recovers just important to note that Wonder picks
do expire after a certain amount of time but can be made available by using a rewind watch just in
case it expires and you saw something really cool that's what you'll be using that for now the next
feature is very personal and very customizable they call this showcasing your collection now they
had something known as a collection board so for this you can tap on all your cards and you're able
to actually View and toggle something known as the deck toggle to see any missing cards and you can
filter all the cards by variety of the attributes so it's very easy to locate certain cards that
you want now the game allows you to create binders which are completely customized Collections and
you can apply custom covers to the binder like this Evolution one you can obtain them in missions
from the shop and once you have these you can share this with your friends or other players
I mean it's a great Flex or just you know to match your aesthetic of your favorite Pokémon
now they also have something known as display boards and the example of this is going to be this
Charizard card placed in it you can place whatever individual card on a unique backdrop to show them
off you can obtain these from missions or from the shop and of course this is also something that you
can share with any friends or other players on top of this you can even add more personalization and
what you can do is you can add custom animations to the cards in order to get these various things
known as flares on the card you can get them by getting duplicate cards and then turning them
into shine dust so if I pulled a really special card and then pulled another card the game does
not automatically get rid of the extra card and turn it into shine dust you have to manually
turn that into shine dust yourself and once you have your shine dust you then have options to
purchase various different players for example here's a Bulbasaur from these screenshots and
you can see that there's various different players we can also put onto it you can also add
personalization to accessories and the cool thing is you can actually earn accessories in a variety
of different ways which includes missions limited time events or in the shop and these include
coins card sleeves and play mats so customization is everything in this collectible card game now
let's talk about the earned in-game currency the first ones are shop tickets which can be obtained
by completing missions or stepup battles and if you're wondering what missions are they simply
just tasks that you do in the game for example maybe have five cards in your collection and Bam
you've completed a mission just like that and you can use that in-game currency to redeem for
cosmetic items and accessories the next ones are emblem tickets which can be obtained by completing
themed collections or deck missions these can be redeemed for emblems that can be added to your
your player profile to flex the next currency are special shop tickets and these are obtained by
consuming High Rarity cards which can be redeemed for special accessories then comes the event shop
tickets and these are obtained by completing event missions which disappear after a certain period
of time basically when an event ends and these can be redeemed for limited time accessories so
coins card sleeves playmats I think one of the biggest takeaways from the whole currency is just
play the game daily open up the packs if there is an event try to do all the event missions and rack
up that currency so you can get these limited or special items it'll just make your collection look
cool in this game and you never know if a limited event is coming back or not and this is a great
way to stay on top of the game now because this game is developed by creatures the makers of
Pokémon TCG this is obviously going to include nostalgic illustrations that we have seen in the
past that are Incorporated in this game as well as new card artwork only found specifically in TCG
pocket and there are some beautiful new cards like this Moltres card Lapras card Articuno card and
one of the cards I actually recognized from the presentation was this Raichu that was drawn from
Akira igawa which is from actually Cosmic Eclipse I have the box the booster box right over here
who I actually had the honor of meeting while I was in Hawaii and she signed a poster of the shiny
Charizard from Po and Fates for me so it's just really cool to see her artwork also in this game
as well as the other amazing illustrators speaking of all these illustrations and Rarities let me
tell you about the entire Rarity system that they have now this Rarity system is unique to TCG
pocket it's not really correlated with the actual TCG game and here's how it goes It goes from one
Diamond to Four Diamonds here's some examples of the cards and then from one star to three star
and during the event we saw something that might have been even better better than that but I'm not
going to say anything more then that's something you have to find out now the way these cards are
presented their digital expressions are completely different of how they like to show it each cards
actually have their own thickness to show the depth and dimension and you can see on the lower
Rarities it's a little bit more plain while you move up Rarities the borders are a little more in
depth you can see a shine on them and you can note that there are also two unique hologram patterns
used for both illustrations and borders you also get this really cool Parallax effect with you
move the card which is of course only obtainable in this game I don't know maybe in the future that
might happen for real TCG cards but for now it's only available in TCG pocket which adds a lot of
depth to the card and the cards look so gorgeous I mean just look at it moving now the full art cards
showcase so much of the Pokemon it's so much in depth of the artwork of the Pokemon actually
in their natural environments I think that's one of the coolest things about the Pokémon
TCG having all these Pokémon show up in their home environment it just makes the cards have a
little more oomph to it now I'm personally someone who has gotten into the whole entire TCG hobby by
collecting and not really a battler but this game also has battling so I might get into it but let
me show you exactly how it works in this game now this game is focused specifically on being more
fun and casual than hardcore competitive so the battle system is optimized for mobile devices so
you can play really quickly in a short amount of time now these quick battles feuture streamline
rules based on the classic Pokémon TCG battle system so here is exactly what you need to know
a full deck in this game contains 20 cards versus the conventional 60 cards you can have up to three
Pokémon on the bench and they have something known as a streamlined pointbase system priz cards
have actually been removed in this game now battling pretty simple one point when you KO an
opponent's Pokémon and two points when you knock out an opponent's Pokémon's EX the first of three
points wins there's also autogenerated energy in the game so there's no energy cards there's an
autoc calculated HP bar no damage counter dice got that all out the way now let's move on to
the next part which is the battle options and the deck building now here's what's really cool
you can battle against the computer or locally with friends or family or with other players
from around the world so you don't have to be in proximity of someone to battle them I love that
auto battling is also available my favorite part especially with if I don't want to pay attention
too much and just get certain tasks done and this is going to allow the computer to help you battle
you can also build custom decks or use the auto bu feature for help crafting a deck on top of that
thank you Pokemon they also have rental Decks that are available for use and those can also
be obtained through deck missions talk about convenience for almost anything now let's talk
about the fun stuff aka the money let's talk about the first currency known as poke go one poke gold
can be used to reduce the weight time to open an additional pack by 2 hours remember that I said it
takes 12 hours to open up a pack and you can open up two per day so you can purchase this in order
to reduce the time by 2 hours you can combine poke gold and pack hourglasses together to reduce
the time to open a pack and you should note that the pack hourglasses will get consumed or used
first before the Poke gold is spent the smallest increment that you can buy poke gold in the shop
is going to be for 99 and that'll give you a total of five poke gold which will total up to 10 hours
you can also use this poke gold to purchase other accessories but of course this option exists for
the players that may not be as patient for waiting so that's totally up to you you don't have to
use this one now the next one is really cool and I will be actually doing this one this is the
premium pass which is a monthly subscription of $9.99 which allows players to open one additional
booster pack this one that comes with the premium pass refreshes every 24 hours now the good thing
about this is the first time subscribers will get this for 2 weeks at zero cost so you can do this
for free for completely 2 weeks I suggest everyone take advantage of that the other cool thing
that comes with this premium pass is premium missions which will allow you to obtain unique
promo cards and special in-game items such as play matk cards sleaves and coins also I wanted to
say that the promo cards acquired via this premium pass subscription are going to have the exact
same attack and abilities as their counterpart card it's literally just a different art but I
know since this is a collection game kind of a big deal to own a premium pass subscription for
whatever promo card is out during that time but essentially it's just an alternate illustration
and there's footage of me figuring out how to find it on the app once again big shout out to Stuart
for doing this entire presentation and that was a lot of information so feel free to go back and
rewatch any parts you may need now after this we were handed the top secret phones from the Pokémon
company that had TCG pocket installed on it and we all went and started playing the game my wife's
not too much of a hardcore gamer but she was having such a great time opening up Pokémon cards
with me and she was getting absolutely excited I was also able to do some pack battles with friends
and check out a lot of other features in the game it's really cool and basically we were all just
pulling cards non-stop the entire time and getting excited about all the art we were seeing this game
could be pretty pretty fun and trying to fill up your entire collection is probably the number one
goal out of everything but here's what some other people at the event had to say about the game the
art is beautiful and seeing how interactive it is is just super cool the opening packs is fantastic
it's awesome the artwork is adorable very cute the immersive cards are super cool I've never
seen anything like that so I just want to keep opening more it be a pretty good stepping stone
for the card game for kids I would appreciate them having a Digital Collection like this but also
too it teaches them the rules it gives them the fun of opening packs I really like to interface
a lot like the way the app looks it's very smooth very easy to like get around I like that you don't
have to manage energy as like oh man did I draw an energy no well I'm out of log now you can just be
like cool I have energy now I get to play the game now after all of us enjoyed ripping packs inside
of the game talking with one another sharing what we pulled and me grabbing another one of these
cookies because they were so good I I I really I ate another one don't judge me I don't get to eat
Pokémon cards that often it was then time for an exclusive interview Kelly from the Pokémon company
told us to enter a room where we would have an exclusive Q&A with people from creatures and the
Pokémon company now when I walked in this room all the way on the left sitting down with the laptop
was David from the Pokemon company and David should look really familiar to you because you've
most likely seen David he was there translating everything for me from the Nintendo Treehouse for
Sun and Moon let's go Pikachu and Eevee and he was also on stage translating for ishihara during
worlds and now David was going to relay all the questions we had to the four people that I'm about
to introduce on the left was rosi hanua the senior director at the Pokemon company next to him was
satoro nagaya the art director at creatures next to him was Rio suji Kawa the creative director
at creatures and then all the way to the right was K hobi who is the executive corporate officer
at the Pokémon company and also the producer for TCG pocket so we were about to get some exclusive
information to break the ice I actually asked the first question which was what's everybody's
favorite part about Pokemon pocket and they all had some awesome answers like the collection
aspect of the game the EX cards opening up the packs in a simple way where his wife can even
enjoy doing it now there were a bunch of other rapid fire questions asked during this interview
but three of them really stood out to me that were important one question asked about about a Pity
system so if there was a set that was out and you wanted to collect every single card and you
were missing just one of those cards how would you obtain those cards and the answer that we got
was you get pack points from opening up packs the higher points you get the higher Rarity of a
card that you can exchange it for so just think if you're doing the premium subscription that's
going to be accelerated with the three packs per day or if you'd like to be a whale in the game and
spend more poke gold it's just going to help you get to that faster but you can get there the free
route as well now my buddy real breaking Nate had a really cool question that he asked next to me if
there's any plans for a crossover from TCG pocket to the actual TCG and I was really shocked with
the answer they gave because they didn't just say no we're not going to mention anything about it
they said this I can say right now our focus is really on like you know taking a lot of the cool
art and illustrations from the the physical card game and also you know combining them with some of
the cool digital things that we're doing in Pocket to make it feel unique and cool so at the moment
we don't have any concrete plans to do like kind of the example you said like a TCG crossover where
maybe we'll bring something back but at the same time we do know there's you know a lot of people
out there who would be looking forward to that kind of thing so I think we'll we'll definitely
be keeping it in mind when we uh come up with our plans in the future I mean let's be honest
if Pokémon go out of all games got a Pokemon TCG set I would expect TCG pocket to eventually
somewhere down the road get a card set IRL and that would be one of probably the most gorgeous
card sets ever Pokemon please please make it real now next to Nate was Pokémon cast and Pokemon
cast asked the coolest question as well which was can you collect cards in multiple languages
so if we traded with someone in Japan would we be able to get the Japanese card and the answer that
we got was this you will be able to get cards in other languages when you're trading with people
who have those cards and other languages you'll be able to get the cards that are that language
not really cool so yeah those one of the things we really wanted to kind of keep from the physical
TCG that kind of fun of getting different language cards that by far is probably one of the coolest
things in the game and let's just say you have this extremely rare Pikachu card and now you
own it in all the languages and your binder is a Pikachu binder just showing off all the same rare
Pikachu in every single language available in the game that is a flex and talk about having a unique
collection to show off also it'll make it really fun to make friends all around the world to trade
now during the Q&A there was also a question about what platforms they're optimizing so it's really
going to be for mobile devices and the iPad but the Apple Vision question had me thinking a little
bit and after that was all over I actually showed all of them a video on my phone of me using the
Apple Vision Pro to actually use Pokemon apps play the Pokemon game use Pokemon home inside of it
as well as play Pokemon scarlet and violet inside and trade in the game and they loved it I wanted
them to kind of maybe imagine what it would be we like to do PCG pocket in the Apple Vision Pro
that where you can open up packs and augmented reality I just think that would be really cool
and after that we pose for a photo together now if you check out this video over here you can see
the video I showed them on the Apple Vision Pro and if you click on this video you can see the
Pokémon TCG set that actually got me collecting Pokémon cards so decide what you want to click
on and let me know what you think of TCG pocket