[Music] left here
[Applause] fine [Music] so you so so so so oh
[Music] all right everybody pays attention no
one gets hurt go open the door they'll get worse than
her hey hey come on smiling don't do anything let's go shut
up shut the [ __ ] up come on in the back
come on come on in the back come on let's go
come on you're getting that fat with that hands right your back come on
mister we're giving you everything you want
i don't even think about it [Laughter]
get in there sit tight i'll handle the plastic
don't blow yourself up listen up what's he doing in the back
leave us alone we didn't do [ __ ] to you all set phone it in i'm making the call all right we gonna do this huh
show me the money slow and steady t slow and steady [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
oh there it is remember just the non-sequential there's enough here for us all to enjoy
depends on how you look at it we're done here let's go
come on out b give it up i got him ah i saw your face i'll
remember you you forget a thousand things every day
how about you make sure this is one of them
i seen his eyes he's crazy no one's crazy
right think [Applause]
deep cool that's right pal i'm [ __ ] [ __ ]
he didn't have to do that let's get going there'll be time for grieving
later yeah you got that right come on [Music] i'm setting the charges they're on a
timer so brace yourselves [Music] oh [ __ ] you hear that sirens [ __ ] the
cops t hit the shutter switch get down back the [ __ ] down
dumb [ __ ] cops if i'm going to die i'm going to die breathing right
we're coming through blend the pricks who called you out here
[ __ ] these guys they answered the wrong call move
move move don't be an idiot don't be as dumb as you look press
forward come on guys get out of the way or
suffer the consequence now you're laying down for them let's
get out of here get out of here wrong profession
cars the kid might have failed this wasn't in
the job description we bring it to him it's over let's go get to the car he better be
[Applause] there let's move come on every man for himself you in here
geez what took you so long shut the [ __ ] up
and drive did you see that [ __ ] [ __ ] put that bitch's face against the glass
do you see that yeah you're a real stout ah [ __ ] get out of here go go dick [ __ ] you
come on let's get to the chopper we move quick we can beat the train
we're getting there
coming our way be cool they ain't made this car yet
man i'll believe in this bird when i get eyes on it
[ __ ] [ __ ] dick roadblock go right beat the train man you guys all right [ __ ] come on
ditch the car all right we can go this way to the chopper no hey
stick to the plan what stick to the [ __ ] plan
come on where the [ __ ] the chopper [ __ ]
[ __ ] i'm gonna check around back someone must have [ __ ] talked all
right brad's gonna be fine we gotta get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ]
gotta hit ah jesus key you gotta get out of here i'm gonna
leave you mikey go god i'm not gonna be [ __ ] gonna bleed
out no [ __ ] die
all of your i'm standing here finish me [ __ ]
[Applause] [Music]
[ __ ] stay back you come near me she's [ __ ] dead stay back go go michael was not always a good husband
not always a good citizen he did not die a hero's death but he was
a man our lord was crucified with two
thieves so perhaps we should not judge we do not know your infinite
but we know that you will show mercy to our friends your son james he's a good kid
he's a good kid a good kid why does he help the [ __ ] poor
no he sits on his ass all day smoking dope and jerking off while he
plays that [ __ ] game if that's our standard for goodness no
wonder this country's screwed and what about you what about me hey i didn't have the advantages that kid
has by the time i was his age i'd already
been in prison twice i robbed banks i ran [ __ ] smuggled
dope and you consider them achievements these
were the opportunities i had at least i took them and where did these
opportunities get you michael they got me right [ __ ] here
the end of the road with a big house and a
useless kid and i'm stuck talking to you because no one else gives a [ __ ] oh i'm
living the dream baby and that dream is [ __ ] it is [ __ ]
[ __ ] let it all out i think i just did oh well i think that's all we have time
for the same time next week i guess oh
i gotta tell you i ain't too sure this [ __ ] is working for me hmm
uh a sense of overriding futility is a ah [Music]
which one you want [ __ ] you always was old choosy [ __ ]
oh you're balling hard with the drop top huh
i might just be whatever [ __ ] it ain't gonna make you go no faster hit me on
the speakerphone i'm moving oh it's like that [ __ ] right up here homie i'm about to go nice
and slow for your [ __ ] ass what i hear you hey remember we got to
be careful with these rides homie but simeon ain't about to talk my play
again homie man if you need some bread i can hook you up with jb's tow truck
it ain't got clever but it's some money to be made so him and tanya can smoke
crack in peace homie i'm good
[Applause] damn dawg how much are we getting for
these repos i'm gonna be one reluctant [ __ ] giving this up
man there's enough bad credit going around homie
it's like it's an endless supply in this [ __ ] up ass country right right right yeah whatever you say right there all right let's show these
movie people how we what roll [ __ ] oh we filming [ __ ] here
huh down this dirty [ __ ] okay
come on frank hey screw you too homie [Applause]
we hang on the left [ __ ] cool homie that's meant to be your [ __ ] hey i'll
commit you from the shoulders home [Music] left here
[Applause] hey dawg we'll be doing semi-auto
disservice and we'll test these rides out
he ain't even gonna know if they could push into the brick
how you feel me [Applause] right homie yeah that's cool [Applause] oh [ __ ] [Applause] keep up homie if you want to chunk them
things i'm gonna make a withdrawal homie you
dumb [ __ ] that's the union depository [Applause] sleep
finally [ __ ] when you gonna learn how to move something
i'll show you how to move something [ __ ]
oh [ __ ] the one time be cool fool we got the paperwork
whatever you explain that [ __ ] i see you at the dealership
explain that [ __ ] my ass [Applause] [Music]
one [Applause] slick will work [Applause] oh what [ __ ] oh [Music] you