what's up Mike this is guys welcome back to the channel in this video I'm going to show you how to find the best and fastest DNS servers for your PS5 and we're going to show you how to change those DNS server settings within your PS5 amazingly there can be 10,000 or more DNS lookups taking place on your network every day and each DNS lookup creates a delay delay also known as latency is the enemy of the online gamer and home networks can ruin gameplay by increasing average delay or latency and and introducing latency spikes and minimizing latency can give you a Competitive Gaming Edge there are three major causes for latency for PS5 owners first is improper DNS server settings which we're going to fix in this video second is using Wi-Fi for your PS5 instead of a direct land connection and third is buffer bloat buffer bloat is the cause of high latency and Jitter in packet switch networks caused by excessive buffering of packets and buffer blo is caused by the excessive use of streaming services like Netflix Amazon Prime or Hulu buffer bloat can wreak havoc with online gaming by creating latency spikes of 200 milliseconds or more however it is possible to fix buffer blo easily by using a router that incorporates smart Q management and to fix the improper use of Wi-Fi setups we recommend using ethernet so use ethernet to connect your PS5 to your router and not Wi-Fi typically Wi-Fi can add 3 to 7 milliseconds of latency and compared to ethernet it's less than 1 millisecond so if you want the lowest latency the ethernet cable is the obvious choice and even worse for gamers Wi-Fi often causes sporadic latency spikes which can reach 50 milliseconds or more even those expensive so-called gaming routers are not immune to these latency spikes now let's go ahead and set up the best and fastest DNS for your PS5 first things first we have to find the best and fastest DNS servers for your location but how do we do this there are three approaches to find the best DNS servers to use the simplest approach is to pick two DNS Serv servers from our list of public DNS servers right here DNS providers like Google or cloudflare are fast and reliable and often outperform the DNS servers of broadband providers however Google is well known for selling your data so keep that in mind and in my opinion Cloud flare is a great alternative the second approach to find the best DNS server is to measure the Ping to a range of public DNS servers and pick two with the lowest pings and this will indicate which server is closest to your location so use one of those online ping websites and type in the DNS server and check out the roundt trip time which is rtt which is measured in milliseconds and once again choose the server with the lowest peing average and the third and last approach to find the best DNS server is using the software called DNS Benchmark DNS Benchmark comprehensively measures and tests a broad range of public DNS servers to identify the best server for your location in DNS Benchmark tests up to 200 DNS servers unfortunately DNS Benchmark does not work with with Mac OS so if you use Mac OS just use the first two approaches to find the best DNS server so once you find the best and fastest DNS server for your location go ahead and turn on your PS5 from the PS5 home screen go to settings then select Network next select setup internet connection next go to setup wired land and hit connect and now on the PS5 controller go to the options menu and then go to the advanced settings from here you have the option of setting up a static IP address for your PS5 you can skip that if you want to you can see we have a static IP address for our PS5 and there will be a link at the end of this video showing you how to set up a static IP address for your PS5 and how to port forward your PS5 so check it out after this video finally we're at the step where we can set our DNS settings so whichever DNS server you're going to use make sure to set up both primary and secondary because for some reason the primary server is down it will default to the secondary so we chose Cloud flare for our DNS server and from our location in Las Vegas it's the fastest DNS server so we're going to type in 1.11.3 for primary and 1.0.3 for secondary after that skip proxy server and skip the MTU settings and then hit okay and from here we're going to test out our internet connection and check out our download and upload and you can see our download speeds and upload speeds are very good so now as promised I'm going to show you how to set up the wireless connection so once again go to the set the internet connection and this time choose your Wi-Fi connection ours is Ultimate Tech Hub then go ahead and put your password in and connect and then once you connect to the internet from the PS5 controller go to option menu and advance settings and from here we're going to skip the IP address settings we'll go directly to DNS settings and once again we'll type in 1.11.3 is primary and 1.0.3 is secondary and once again skip proxy server and MTU settings and hit okay and next we'll go ahead and test our internet connection and you can see our speeds are much slower with the Wi-Fi connection and this is why you should always use a wire connection it's much much faster and as promised here's the link right here in the video on how to port forward your PS5 and with that guys make sure to like share subscribe and comment and for God's sakes hit the Bell icon and I'll see you in the next video real soon peace