hello in this video I'm going to be showing
you a really cool shiny trick to get tons of shiny Pokemon this can apply to anyone if
they're in the early game or late game so so let's go ahead and get right into this video
okay so Step One is open your map and select any Mass outbreak area you can find on my map I
have one over here I have not seen this Pokemon and you can tell this is a new game because if
I finish the Pokedex that would no longer be a question mark But the Pokemon but I'm gonna
pick this one and I'll see you right when I'm at that mass outbreak Oh and before you do
this make sure you have a Pokemon with a false swipe this is really important and if you need
to know where to get the false wave TM all you have to do is go ahead and catch 30 species
of Pokemon and jock should give it to you in the biology lab inside of the school there
we go I made one now that you're out this Mass outbreak what you want to do is start
killing Pokemon like a normal Mass outbreak [Music] 30.
So I've knocked out 30 Pokemon increasing
my chances to one out of 2048. I'm Gonna Knock Out another 30 more putting me in 60
total knocked out and that's gonna give me a total shiny chance of one out of 1
365. let me knock out 30 more [Music] foreign [Music] 365 chance with no shiny charm or no level
3 shiny boosting from sandwiches all I have to do is do something very simple you're
gonna do something called picnic reset so at this point you can go ahead and
just save where you are in the outbreak that way you're good to go and you just from this
point onwards open up your picnic what that's going to do is you're gonna pop it open and when
you open up your picnic as you just saw all around me every single one of those Pokemon despawn when
you get out of your picnic all those Pokemon are going to respawn again they're all coming back
decision done picnicking you can get new spawns and think about it like this instead of having
a one one one chance every time you knock out something now all those like 20 drift blooms
in the background all spawning in giving me a higher chance of a shiny spawning so I'm gonna do
this a few more times and we're gonna see if I'm going to get that shiny or not in the early game
after about 15 times on my picnic I finally got this to spawn in my game so we're just gonna go
ahead save the game manually because it's on my map but I don't want it disappearing and that's it
got it so the picnic reset does this hey let's run into this Pokemon shinies let's go let's do the
dust ball can we get you in the Dust Bowl [Music] oh oh let's go one time also since we caught
that Pokemon you should definitely hit that subscribe button to see more guides like this I
love putting these videos out for you so please subscribe this is so awesome I literally have no
shiny charm in this game I'm using no shiny boots this is a completely new copy of the game wow
if you have the shiny charm and knocked out 60 Pokemon in a mass outbreak your shiny odds are
going to be one out of 819 and when you do the picnic reset you're resetting all of these
Pokemon if you're doing this with just the shiny boosted sandwich your odds are going to
be one out of 683.
if you have both the shiny charm and the sandwich your odds are gonna
be one out of 512 or shiny to happen but as you see I did this early game with nothing and
it's that simple so all you have to do open up your map select the mass outbreak knock out 60
Pokemon if your Shiny Pokemon did not spawn by the time you're doing that go ahead and start
doing picnic resets and it should be a joke if you want to check out this other video on
all the methods to shiny click on that one.