hey bloomies you might have heard words like fud pump and dump wrecked and bullish thrown around but what do they actually mean no worries today on Bloom Academy we're decoding some of the wildest terms in the crypto slang part 3 let's get started first up fud ever feel like the Market's out to get you that's probably fud in action fud stands for fear uncertainty and doubt basically it's when rumors and Shady info are spread to freak people out which can lead to panic and sell-offs think of it like when someone starts a rumor and suddenly everyone's losing their cool but don't let fud mess with you do your own research stay grounded and you'll be better equipped to ignore the noise and keep your eyes on your goals next we've got pump and dump sounds intense right that's because it is in a pump and dump people hype up a coin to make its price sore then sell it off once it's high leaving other buyers stuck with losses it's like convincing everyone to rush to a pop-up shop only to bail right before the line forms rule of thumb if something sounds too good to be true it probably is check your sources and don't fall for the hype now let's talk about wrecked ever seen your investment tank overnight then you've been wrecked wrecked is crypto speak for taking a massive loss imagine thinking you're on top of the game only to have the rug pulled out from under you it stings but hey every loss is a lesson most people see getting wrecked as a right of passage in the crypto World a reminder that due diligence and Patience are essential finally meet bullish if if you're bullish you're not just optimistic about crypto you're all in it's like bullish but with a whole new level of confidence bullish people are the ones who see crypto as the future believing it's going to revolutionize everything so if you're feeling bullish it's because you're not just looking at quick gains you're here for the Long Haul betting on Innovation and change and there you have it bloomies now you're in on the lingo so the next time someone drops fud pump and dump wrecked or bullish you'll know exactly what they mean if you want to keep up with all the latest crypto news don't forget to hit that like button and smash subscribe catch you on the next one
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