[Music] hey hamsters telegram's impressive profit new crypto Traders adding the current market correction and internet celebrities painful crypto fall and our own exciting news let's dive in telegram is celebrating a big milestone this year according to its founder pav durov the mass became profitable for the first time since its monetization was introduced roning over $1 billion this year W this Milestone was noticed by none other than Elon Musk himself who tweeted well done a crypto index fund manager bitwise reassures crypto traders that the correction that you see on the markets right now is a healthy pullback and the market still show signs of a bullish Grant I think the weakness we've seen over the last few days is a healthy pullback crypto markets have indeed been bleeding over the past couple of years and the crypto data platform sentiment blames it on the new blot new traders who have not yet been through ups and downs in the industry before and get easily scared by minor Corrections selling their assets which historically allows whales and shocks to buy in yet another celebrity got caught up in a crypto scam Haley Welch the hog to a girl an internet personality that accidentally became All the Rage in the summer of 2024 decided to launch a meme coin which lost over 95% of its value on the day it was launched she then went silent and only a few days ago reemerged saying that she takes this situation seriously and alleges that she herself was scammed by the team that created this coin adding that she's cooperating with those who had been affected my Hawk meme coin is live now to our own news we have successfully launched a decentralized autonomous organization hamster da allows the hamster token holders to make proposals and vote influencing the future of the project and the token holders have already submitted and voted for the first proposal the proposal to hold a serious of advance for the token holders with a $1 million Bounty pool was supported by the majority of the Dow members well we' better get to work to make it happen and there's already a second proposal something really huge might be coming check hamster down to find out more W and on that high note we want to wish you happy holidays hoping you'll enjoy this wonderful time we'll see you with our hamster news next week thanks for watching Remember hamsters are power one for all and all for one bye