hey everybody this is callan and today i'm going
to be telling you a little bit about how i make money playing a game called prospectors online
basically in a browser and i can play that game from any computer or from my phone just
basically just need an internet connection so basically the idea is that in the game i'm
earning a cryptocurrency called peggle or pgl which can be converted into another cryptocurrency
called eos which then can be converted into bitcoin which i can use to buy pretty much
anything i want so uh let's just kind of jump into the game and show you what it looks like so here
is the basic view of the game this is a plot or a piece of property and this is a piece of property
that i currently own and you can see at the top here there is a gold mine and i just opened it
and it's actually in progress of being built and i've gone through multiple stages where i had
to buy clay bricks and stone and then i had to do a working phase where i had a bunch of people
working then i had to buy wood and wood girders and then i did another working phase and now i'm
on the last stage and so i just need people to come and finish this now i can finish it myself
with my three workers or i can do it much faster by hiring people to do that and so currently i'm
gonna pay eight gold a minute and it's going to take 15 000 minutes so to finish this so i'm going
to be paying 120 000 gold to anyone who wants to come and help me finish it and because i'm paying
pretty well people are going to come so here is all of the existing jobs at the moment you can see
at the top here this guy's paying 30 gold a minute um but then it drops pretty quickly down to 8.5
ish and then you'll see i think we'll probably see here's mine right here listed here towards
the top so working for other people is one of the best ways to make money when you first start the
game especially if you don't have any land of of your own and so you just go into this menu you can
see on the left here you can sort by what tools you have so in order to do basically almost all
jobs it says except transporting you're gonna need a certain set of tools so i just selected
shovel and a pickaxe if i happen to have a shovel and pickaxe i can come here and see what
jobs are available to me you can see there's quite a few jobs and actually
most of them already have people working them you can see the perform button is
grayed out until i get all the way down here because all the best jobs are already taken so
if you want to start making money right away with all three of your workers you can just get
some tools and then go work for somebody now i just want to give you kind of a rundown of
the basic plot itself on the left here you can see there this is my storage area if i click that this
is everything that i have in storage and currently i don't have a whole lot and then i can actually
click on each of my workers and it will show me uh what they have in their inventory and they
also don't have a whole lot at the moment either because i'm pretty much geared up to just be
mining gold and then we can look at each of my guys by clicking on them on the right and you
can see up in the upper left here he has a pickaxe and a gold pan equipped as his tools which means
that he's ready to mine gold now i only have one person mining gold right now you can see this guy
has a timer and that's because oops that's because before i have a completed gold mine only one
person can mine gold here but once i have the finished gold mine all three of my workers can
mine at the same time and i can even hire other people to come in mine for me now in the middle
of the screen you can see the info thing and i basically just click this and tells me about
my plot and i can i have another months of rent basically already paid i can continue to rent if i
want to pay that amount which is fairly expensive 200 000 is very expensive rent at the moment uh
when i first got this it was only 50 000 but how many people are renting plots around me increases
the how much it cost me i can also go to auction and sell this property but i'm not going to do
that because it's pretty much the best property in the game the best type of property you know 32
million gold which is the maximum amount you can have you can see at the bottom here that's the
gold vein it tells you exactly how much i have and then here is the job board and you can see i
have listed that job and up to 15 people can work it at once and up here at the tent just showing
who's here so you can see my three workers to the top and then there are a couple of workers who
are just hanging out from working here earlier and then i think one or two people who are actually on
their way over here now that i've listed that job so now i'm going to show you the map and you can
see this is where my plot is and i used to own a couple plots around here but i sold those for
quite a bit of money and you can see there's a couple other gold mines near me there's a tool
factory right next to me there's a wood shop and it's nice to have things right next to me because
it does take time to transport anything that i buy as you can see it's very busy in the center of
the map but as you get off towards the edges things kind of die off because because of the
travel time there's just less activity out there so let's talk a little bit about how i actually
make money here you can see i have a gold mine plot and i'm just focusing on mining gold
directly so i don't really have to think too much about the economy of buying mining and
buying clay or coal and all those different things and so it just as i mine it i go here i click
withdrawal i have 260 000 gold at the moment and i'm going to convert 200 000 of
it to 200 peggle and peggle is the for pgl is the actual cryptocurrency which is
worth real money so i've now done that and you can see on the left here it tells me i have 200
pegal which i'm just gonna go convert to eos now so now i've switched to an app called new
dex which is just on my android phone and i'm looking at the market which these are all the
different currencies that exist within the eos ecosystem and you can see peggles right here so
this is the extreme exchange for peggle to eos and also kind of tells you how much each peggle is
in terms of dollars so at the top here you can see each one is 15 cents and i'm going to be
selling 200 of them so um let's see i'll just go over here there's someone who's selling
who wants to buy 550 for this price and i'll sell all of them and i'll just click
sell peggle and i understand so i believe that's gone through so i'm just going
to go to order history and make sure that it did and you can see at the top here i sold 200 and i
got a total of 5.70 so let's go see what that is on a different app called binance so this
is the binance app which is basically an application which lets you trade all kinds of
cryptocurrencies here is just my favorite uh cryptos that i'm following and let's go into the
eos and you can see eos is selling for 4.22 so if you multiply that by 5.7 eos which i just got
for converting 200 um of the peggle gold to eos that's about 25 so i just sold got rid of what was
200 000 gold in the game and uh made 25 dollars so basically that piece of property that i
have which has 32 million gold on it which will convert to 32 000 peggle uh is
roughly when i first got it was about eight thousand dollars worth of gold on that
property now the prices of all cryptocurrencies change pretty drastically and that's why they're
a little bit dangerous to get into um so currently my that property is probably worth more or
like 4500 or something like that but again that could change you could go way above what it
was originally or it can continue to drop down but in the what is for sure is that i'm making money
for basically playing a game and so something to know if you're interested in getting into
crypto gaming or playing games which will can earn you cryptocurrency is that you want to get
in early because that's how you're going to get a hold of the property the items which are going
to be harder for the people coming later to get so for example me having this property i was able
to find it in one of the nicest spots towards the center of the map and maximum amount of gold
on it and at the cheapest rent price because i started the game on the very very first day now
if you're if you start you're going to have a hard time getting to that point it's going to take
you a while just to earn enough to buy a piece of property like that and it's going to be hard for
you to find one even so even if you have the cash to pay the rent it's going to be hard for you to
find because everyone else is going to be looking for it too so if you're going to play these
games make sure you're paying attention to news getting into the early phases of the game before
they're actually released publicly being part of the community because that's how you're going
to actually make money so i use this money to pay for my dedicated web server which i run my
website my cloud server my email server and a bunch of other things off of but i could also use
it to buy pretty much anything um like anything i could buy on amazon i can convert everything to
bitcoin then i can use something called bitpay to convert that to a bit uh an amazon gift card
which then i can buy anything i want from amazon and of course you can convert bitcoin into
cash basically in lots of different ways so really it is getting paid to play games and i just
want to give a little bit of disclaimer that i do while i do think this is fun i think that where
this is going long-term may be a dangerous situation for humanity so while i think it's good
to get in on these things and take advantage of them while they're still new i do i would cautious
caution people about cryptocurrencies long term because i think they will go through a phase where
they will kind of usurp our current currencies but then they will also fail um for various reasons
and i can talk about that in another video if anyone's interested so anyways that's uh the game
prospectors if you're interested in playing it you can use the link in the description below and i
get i don't know some sort of commission from it i think if you make gold in the game then i get
a tiny little bit of it or something like that it doesn't really matter if you're interested in
playing the game and you have questions feel free to comment or just email me at mail calendar.org
so thanks for watching i'll see you next time hey if you enjoyed this video or found it
valuable to you i hope you will consider it a gift from myself to you and if
you would like to return the favor you can go to gift.callan.org i've got a
list of things that i need at the moment and in return i offer a free coaching session to
anyone who donates something to me so if you want to learn more about the coaching stuff you can
go to coach.calland.org thanks again for watching