today I'm going to be sharing with you guys
11 different ways that you can get gems for free here in Call of dragons so that way you can
start to earn over 2 000 gems per day for free and maybe one day you'll have as many gems as I have
here in that top right corner over a hundred and twenty thousand gems I am dying to spend those
but I know they're super rare and you want to spend them in the right ways but before you think
about spending gems you gotta learn how to make them so let's just jump into the first method
that you can get gems and that is the easiest one which is the daily rewards we're getting this
method out of the way first because this is the most simple it's the most obvious and I'm sure
you guys know this already but in case you don't if you complete your daily challenges you'll
see that the chest you get gives you a bunch of really important things but especially 100 gems
for free so that's 100 gems every single day just by logging in and doing the things that you should
be doing oh and before I forget cheers everybody I just had Taco Bell for lunch it's a good day I
hope you guys are doing well well too now let's move on to Method number two and that is none
other than illustrations so if you look in the bottom bar here you can see a little book and this
is going to open up your tails and in the bottom right corner here you'll see a little icon that
says illustrations and there are three here that I have to collect there's creature illustrations
hero illustrations letters anecdotes artifacts Etc all of these different things will get you gems
for free so what do I mean by that well if I click on creatures for example I'll scroll down here
and you can see if my camera wasn't in the way that there are Behemoth illustrations and I have
an unclaimed reward for the Thunder Rock now if I take a look in the bottom right corner there's a
little gift box that jumps up and down and if you click on it boom I got five gems for free now how
did I do that well first of all you can only claim this once for every creature that you discover
for the first time and the way that you discover that creature here as you can see there are some
that I am missing is by literally just exploring the open world finding them and clicking on the
little little book right here that book is going to open up their corresponding creature page and
if you had never seen them before then there's going to be that little gift box and you can get
your gems for free but it's not just that you can see here that the anecdotes give you some gems
for free okay here we have the high priest I'm gonna go ahead and click that and boom I get five
gems for free there as well but also the artifacts so as you unlock artifacts for the first time
you're gonna see once again that jumping little gift box in the bottom corner and it's five
gems every single time and five gems doesn't sound like a lot but when you consider how many
different anecdotes Heroes artifact creatures and everything that there are here this is probably
a way to get over 500 to a thousand gems for free just by clicking through some menus so I mean
that's awesome method number three involves your Scouts and specifically if you click on your scout
camp you'll see some of the different things that my Scouts have discovered out in the world and
virtually all of these things will get you gems for free which is why exploring the Mist in the
open world and revealing the entirety of the map is so important and you should be doing this all
the time until it's basically done okay and I'm guilty of being lazy as well okay I'm not perfect
sometimes I forget to do this sometimes I can't be bothered but really you gotta do what you gotta do
you gotta get it done okay so if you want gems for free you're gonna have to scout around the map and
some of the things specifically that will get you gems are the supplies here so you can go through
and visit each of these supplies sometimes it's bags on the ground or a little wagon like this or
it's little crates floating in the water and you can go through and sometimes these will give you
gems and just like the anecdotes it will be five gems for free I don't think I've ever seen more
than five gems come out of a supply I don't know if I'll be able to get it here for the video it is
relatively rare to get gems from these but I have gotten it multiple times so I can confirm that
it is absolutely possible but you can also get gems from Villages and also from camps as well now
again these are also really rare a lot of times at camps you'll have a choice between something and
five gems and if you're a free-to-play player you should probably be getting the five gems every
single time so in case you were wondering like what's better Gems or something else it's pretty
much always gems if you're here to play okay and you'll also get gems for discovering map locations
this is one that a lot of people maybe don't realize as much but as you can see here if you tap
on the map in the very center of the explore page you can actually see a couple of these different
ones have the little red bubble on them and if you tap on that and then I tap on red Marsh you'll see
our best friend that's the little jumping gift box again and guess what five gems every single time
you do that so again not only as you explore the map are you going to be clearing the fog to
get all the free gems from the supplies and The Villages and all that stuff but you're also
going to get gems just for exploring the map like it's just that simple just explore the map and
you're good you're gonna unlock different story quests and things like that but doing pretty much
anything with your Scouts is going to get you some gems some of the time and I've collected hundreds
of different supplies out in the world and a bunch of different Villages and camps so you're easily
going to get hundreds of gems from this over time just by doing something passively that you'll
have to do anyway you have to clear the Mist in the map it's just something you gotta do moving
on to Method number four is group conversations now these are little events that will happen
over time randomly in your city like literally in your city when you have a certain number of
specific Heroes that are in the city at the same time you'll see a little exclamation point over
them and unfortunately I don't have one right now but I can show you if you click on that same
book remember when we came into the illustrations you click that book in the top right you click
conversations and this is essentially a little lore a little bit of background as to how some of
the different Heroes interact with each other and you'll get to learn more about how the heroes
know each other or if they're in the same like Clan or faction or if they're related to each
other and one of the recent conversations that I had here was called the aftermath of War now
some of the requirements have to be met in order to have these conversations in the first place
so for example The Duel of Honor conversation you have to actually own bakshi and Hosk as well
as Ordo in order to have this uh unlocked but you also have to have a certain stage in your server
this will happen automatically for free over time but as you can see here once that conversation
takes place you're gonna get 50 gems a gold key and three hours of training speed ups and this
is what the conversations look like this is the one that I saw today which is how I realized
that this is a way that you can get gems for free I'm just going to click through this but it's
literally just a little story dialogue between the multiple characters that exist uh in your city
okay and then at the very end you get 50 gems and that is the case for every single conversation
you can see we'll scroll scroll through here every conversation that you have it's always 50 gems and
a gold key which is huge as you guys know every 10 gold keys that you open here you get an epic
or legendary so hoarding those gold keys I mean Legendary Heroes are some of the most valuable
things that you can get with your gems anyway so collecting gold keys at the same time as gems
is like you're double dipping on insane rewards moving on to Method number five we have Behemoth
now there are actually two ways that you can get a nice handful of gems for free when it comes to
the Behemoth system here in Call of dragons the first one is the first purification rewards as the
season progresses in your server you're going to notice more and more behemoths become available
for challenging so for example this thunder Rock will be available for challenging very soon and if
you participate in the first purification of this thunder Rock you're gonna gain 500 gems it doesn't
matter how much damage you do if you do more damage you're gonna get more rewards here as you
can tell but the gems themselves are the same just being present for the first purification is going
to get you 500 gems that is huge but it doesn't end there because you can also do Elite raids
with the behemoths that your alliance currently owns and this is a way that you're gonna be able
to level up those behemoths anyway so these are things that your alliance is going to want to do
regardless but if you participate in these Elite raids you're also going to gain some gems here
so as you can see in the top right corner of this Giants if you're a member of the First Alliance
on your server to complete this Elite raid in a certain time frame you're going to gain gems for
free so this is two reasons why you want to be in a strong and active Alliance and we're going to
talk more about strong and active alliances later in the video and how you might be able to find
your way into one as a free to play player so make sure you stay tuned till later in the video but
there are thousands of gems to be gotten for free just by participating in the different Behemoth
events here in your server so definitely be aware of when these are happening and make sure to show
up alright we're almost halfway through this list here and if you found the video useful so far
hopefully you'll drop a thumbs up on it it takes a second it really helps out the channel a ton
and if you haven't subscribed consider doing that as well okay moving on to Method number six and
that is the auger Stone now the auger stone is a building in your city I think you your city either
starts with it or it's literally one of the first things you ever build I can't remember but the
auger stone is what keeps track of the progress through the season in your kingdom in your server
okay so as you can see here there's a bunch of different server Milestones that you're going to
reach as time goes on and pretty much every single one of these different Milestones gives you some
number of gems so you want to make sure that you participate and do every single one of these I've
been a bad boy I missed some of these okay this one was a little bit outside of my control but
like this one I easily could have done this two dark chests that's so easy this is very easy to
do and I missed out on 200 gems but the game is less it's like what two weeks old at the time of
recording this and we've already had like a bunch of these different chapters go by and you could
have easily gotten over a thousand gems for free just by participating in all of these different
auger Stone mile stones and they are timed okay there is a time limit so in 12 minutes and 45
seconds uh I'm gonna gain a hundred gems a gold K5 of the epic hero tokens which are very premium
at the beginning of the game and then we'll be able to challenge Thunder Rock which is exciting
and there's a lot more to go here in the uh in the progress of the auger Stone so definitely check
this periodically to make sure that you're doing what you have to do method number seven involves
just the story of the game so if you go ahead and click that little book in the bottom corner that
we've been talking about all video you click that okay and here you can see that I'm making progress
in the actual season Adventure the actual story of the game and each of these different chapters
has multiple stories here I think that's what these are called different chapters I think I'm
on chapter two here and there's four stories per chapter it looks like and each of these different
stories as you complete them you're going to gain gems for free so the first stories here I gained
a bunch of gems here I've gotten gems from these two and then there's gonna be more so as you go
through you gain more and more gems and how do you know where you are in the story well here we see
sea of frost but you could also in the top left corner you can click this and you see this little
icon right here okay this is going to bring you to your season adventures and this is the Sea of
frost part one so then I click go and it's gonna bring me somewhere on the map that is relevant to
the story I go ahead and start that process and it's going to essentially progress through that
main story there's a lot of different cut scenes there's a lot of dialogue and things that you know
if you're interested in that sort of stuff this is going to be really cool you can learn a lot
more about the game if you're not interested in that stuff you can click the auto button or you
can just Spam click through I'm gonna be honest I typically click through these don't judge me
uh but I just you know I'm here to wage war I'm not I'm not really here to read text alright so
yeah I mean I think these are all voice active as well which is honestly like incredible this
game does a really good job at telling story but for me there's so much there's so much talking
I just clicked through it and give me give me my free gems okay and progressing through the
story actually brings me to Method number eight which is your main quests now here you can see my
main quest is bootcamp Camp I have to have a 165 000 troops or units in my city and I'll get five
gems now that's not that many gems right but think about how many different times I've said five gems
in this video You're Gonna gain thousands of gems by going through and doing everything that we've
talked about in the video but one of the things that you'll have to do inevitably through the main
quest is go through the actual story Quest or the season Adventures that we just talked about in
method seven but method 8 has to do with the main quest okay this is this has nothing to do
with the actual story here I just have to have a certain amount of units and if I wanted to I could
speed up train 10 000 units and I could claim my five gems for free now that's not worth it because
you know ten thousand troops worth of speed UPS is worth more than five gems but eventually as I'm
training my troops every single day in my troop training buildings eventually I'm just going to
get this for free I'm just gonna get five gems and there are a lot of main quests that you're gonna
collect for free it's gonna be very simple some of it's gonna have to do with like progressing
through the dragon Trail story it's gonna say like own a certain number of artifacts or own a
certain number of heroes or get a hero to level 20 get a hero to level 41 you know things like
that just normal stuff that you're gonna just do by playing the game and as you go through all
those little Milestones that you hit you're gonna be able to just Spam click this collect button
eventually and you're gonna get hundreds of gems just by going through now this will take time I'm
not gonna pretend like this is just like you're gonna blow through this main quest easily as a
free to play eventually you're gonna hit certain roadblocks like even me somebody who spent
money in the game I'm hitting this roadblock here I don't really want to speed up my troops so
I'm just gonna chill I'm gonna wait until I train enough here and then eventually I'm gonna break
through it and we're gonna gain more stuff method number nine has to do with your weekly and holiday
events so every couple of days there's going to be new events that show up in the event page which
you can find in the top right corner here it's a little scroll with a sword that's logo is probably
going to change depending on what events are available right now it's Behemoth Hunter but some
of these events are going to come around that are a limited time event that are going to give you
an opportunity to get gems for free so the first one that I see here is called great halls and this
came around I think the first day that this server was available this becomes available so it's
like 74 days or something like that in order to get your city hall and as you get to these last
three Hall 15 18 and 21 you're gonna get 100 gems 200 gems 300 gems that's nice this is a one-time
thing obviously but uh there are again events that come around every week or every month that are
Gonna Get You gems for free as some rewards the side-by-side event doesn't have any gems here but
we know for sure some of the events in the future are going to get you some and there's also going
to be holiday events okay so think about when Halloween comes think about when Christmas or New
Year's comes right these are big events that a lot of City Builder games like Call of dragons like
to emphasize these big events typically come with some way to get some number of gems so if you're
considering saving up your combat points using them during holiday events and maybe even some of
the weekly events is probably a really good idea as long as you're getting a nice return on your
investment in the form of gems method number 10 is finding your way into an alliance that has some
players who are willing to spend some money on the game now a lot of players feel like this is really
hard for free to play and I will admit that you know a lot of times the whales or The Big Spenders
in the game like to kind of group together into one Alliance that way they can all feed off of
each other's purchases because if you didn't know these rare chests here in your alliance are
gained by other players spending money and as you can already see here there are many different
times where I get gems for this for free I didn't do anything now I do buy bundles in the game so I
contribute to this as well but there are plenty of times where other players are spending money and
I'm getting five gems 10 gems however many gems for free just by being in the alliance with them
and this is why a lot of times the whales kind of all come together because then everyone's spending
and everyone is contributing to this as well but as a free-to-play player it is still possible to
land yourself self in one of the most powerful alliances in your server but you have to bring
something to the table right because there's a limited number of spots in any given Alliance
there's 123 spots available in our alliance right now of course that's going to increase as we
progress more through technology but think about some of the things that as a free deploy player
you can provide to a well Alliance the first thing is activity okay so being online often so you can
click this help button is super important for the whales right they want to speed up their buildings
and their research as fast as possible just like you do so if you're always online and you're
active and you're clicking help that's gonna help them a ton no pun intended another thing
that you can offer a well Alliance is being super knowledgeable in the game just learning as much as
you can about the game about the different Heroes about some of the best pairings of these Heroes
and some of the best artifacts that go with them or learning about you know different ways that
you can maybe flag across the map right as an R4 as an officer here or learning a about just
different methods and techniques to improve in the game if you're super knowledgeable about the
game then a well who is brand new is going to be able to learn from you and that's going to be
something worthwhile they're going to want to keep you around as a resource so they can say
hey I'm considering investing in in Emery's what do you think is he a is he a really good uh
hero is like you know should I be doing that as long as you're a wealth of knowledge and you can
provide good Insight then some wells may find that useful and like I said if you are super active
and knowledgeable consider becoming an R4 to the alliance obviously right now I'm an R4 I feel
like I'm mainly here for promotional purposes and with that being said guys if you want to join
the elite Warriors Alliance here in Kingdom 41 definitely uh let me know right now we're I
think we're recruiting over 1.5 million power yes minimum 1.5 million but being an R4 in an
alliance is a lot of work and responsibility right you have to know the game really well you have
to understand like when should we be researching certain technology energies what order should you
research certain Technologies in to write all this stuff requires a lot of time and knowledge and
not a lot of whales have time right that's why they're whales that's why they spend because they
can't be online all day so that's another way that you can contribute as a free-to-play player offer
your time your knowledge your service and finally be friendly be diplomatic right make friends in
the game like join an alliance that you actually enjoy being in be friendly in the alliance chat
be friendly in the world chat okay make friends in the game be somebody that other players want to
play with if you're in the world shot and you're always talking smack you're always running your
mouth you're always starting drama you're always being annoying you're always spamming like people
don't want to play with players like that right don't be that guy all right making friends can
go a really long way to getting yourself into a really powerful Alliance that has people spending
which is Gonna Get You gems for free method number 11 and the final method here in the video is
gathering gems out in the world now I saved this one for last because there's a few caveats here
okay there's a couple things I want to talk about also this is relatively obvious right you can find
gems out in the world first you have to unlock the policy board and then you have to progress
through the first beginner policies here until you can unlock gem prospecting it's very cheap
it's very easy to get this far into the policy board so don't worry too much about that but once
you unlock the ability to do so you can find gems right here like a gem mine and you can mine this
gem for free just by sending gatherers to go ahead and do that like literally that's it I can get
gems for free 20 gems from this level too and of course there are higher and lower levels that
provide more gems to you I'm actually not going to mine these gems because I'm going to save that for
a free to play but you can mine I think up to a thousand gems per day now this does require heavy
activity you have to be online very often because there's only 20 gems here so that means you have
to be on like every 10 to 20 minutes you have to be on online and ready to move your gatherers
to another gem node there's a couple of other things here that you have to be concerned about
okay first of all the more gems you gather the slower your Gathering speed and this resets every
week so keep that in mind it might be worth it to gem a lot in the beginning of the week and as you
gather more and more it might be less worth it to do so so you might want to stop that's up to you
but also you want to make sure that you're using a gathering hero for this because if you look at
the top of the Gathering tree okay you'll see that the talent windfall gives you additional reward
items when your legion depletes a resource point now in the game they do refer to the gem mines
as resource points you can click this little I here and it says deploy allegiance to Resource
points and then it lists gem Minds so we know that this is a resource point and we know that
if you're gonna jump all day you're going to be depleting these down to zero so essentially
you can double dip on this by not only gaining the gems which is the whole point in doing this
but you're also going to gain the resource items that come along with that final Talent at the top
of the Gathering tree free items alongside free gems I mean yes sign me up for that now there's
a couple of other caveats with mining gems okay first of all There's an opportunity cost right
so if you are sending out your gatherers to gem mines that means that you're not sending them out
to actual resource points so you have to consider where are you going to get your actual resources
if you're spending all of your time Gathering gems now realistically you can't spend all of your
time Gathering gems so sometimes you're gonna have to gather resource points you know sometimes you
won't even find a nearby gem node right so there's that's that's something to consider in order to
circumvent this opportunity cost one thing that you could do is start a farm account so that is
literally creating a second character creating a second City in your existing server whose sole
purpose is just to level up and gather a bunch of the materials or resources that you can in
the world that you can then send to your main city now you cannot send Mana okay so Mana is
the hardest resource to get this is something you actually cannot send to other players I don't
think you can plunder it from other players either but you can send gold wood and ore and you should
probably do that with a farm account if you're considering mining gems out in the world and the
last thing that I want to talk about with mining gems is that it is very time consuming guys it is
very time consuming you have to be online pretty much all day to get a you know to get hundreds or
a thousand gems per day like you really have to play all day long and I don't typically recommend
that now if you are a hardcore free-to-play player and you have nothing else going on or let's say
you have a job or you're kind of just sitting in an office and you're you know you're a security
guard for for the mall but you're the overnight shift so you're just sitting there doing nothing
right then okay fine if you're gonna sit there for eight hours and go on your phone then sure mind
gems you can go ahead and do that or if you you know you don't have a job or you're in a country
where in the amount of money that you earn from your job is very low then sure I'm not trying
to bash you guys okay obviously it makes sense for a lot of people to mine gems but consider
this consider how many gems you could possibly get for a day right like if you if you played for
like 18 hours a day okay and you mine gems all day and you got a thousand gems per day that's like
less than five dollars worth of gems I mean like literally in the gem Market 1 250 gems is five
dollars so like you really have to put that into perspective right you really have to think about
how long it's going to take here you're actually going to get double that right so it's it's like
you know how long is it really going to take and is it really worth it right uh if you spend you
know eight hours a day even playing this game think about you know what is it possible for you
to do something else with those eight hours that will get you five dollars right that's literally
all you have to think about right if you just like playing the game all day great go ahead and do
that but you could like knock on your neighbor's door and ask hey can I wash your car for you know
for 10 bucks and then boom you you don't have to grind the game all day you just buy the bundle
and then you go ahead and do something else with your life right and you just saved yourself
six hours or whatever so that's something to consider and I know that that is not possible for
a lot of people okay I totally get that if you're 100 free to play that's why I made this video
for people like you if you made it all the way to the end of this video hopefully I've earned a
thumbs up on it it really helps out the channel a ton it helps get this video out into the YouTube
algorithm so other call of dragons players might see it also consider subscribing to the channel
and clicking the Bell to be notified the next time that I upload a call of Dragons video comment
down below if I missed any really important ways that you can gain gems for free I am trying
to still learn myself so any more information down there is good to know look at this there's
that little there's our favorite friend right there let's click on it what do we get located
at dude we got gems for free boys but anyway guys thank you so much for watching this has been
Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace