[Music] a couple of words about Bloom so Bloom is the one of the biggest uh mini apps in Telegram and that is built on T so we were launched actually in mid April and our final goal is to become a gateway to web free within telegram but of course we like meme coins very much right so that's why we also would like to give very easy access to Trad in meme coins on different chains within our minia app in telegram so this is some kind of our like final goal so right now what we have we have like within our mini app you can like you know open it up you can invite your friends you can Farm some coins you can play you know our mini game uh you refer your friends um you know and do some tasks and quests right but again um our long-term vision is that telegram is one of the biggest opportunities these days in terms of user distribution and this is why I think that telegram is really huge in terms of mqu because it gives you access to you know this huge audience and actually uh Bloom we were advisers to dogs and you heard already from d and other guys from ton Foundation that dogs was one of the biggest you know um one of the biggest air drops in crypto history right so a few numbers on uh on Bloom so we were launched in the mid April and since that time we got more than 65 million of registered users and also more than 20 million of daily active users also more than 20 million of uh user connected uh their wallets to our you know minap so probably we can say that Blom is one of the fastest drawing you know applications within you know w three this year [Music]
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