if you are a Smart users then These are
the best data promos for mobile gaming Smart also has a lot of promos
depending on the types of needs you have but we are talking about mobile
gaming so these are the ones we recommend Smart has called na
giga promo Ang tigas noun Ah so we have four choices first of all videos
games stories and then power Of course the games are the ones we choose common
titles included in G games is mobile Legends Call of Duty mobile and also
pubg mobile and more they have many more other So The php160 has 1 GB per
day and 3 GB for all sites and apps for 3 days. The php10 has 1 GB
allocation for games per day as well plus 6 GB for all sites and apps for 7
days and lastly I think it is the best. is the 349 or 349 for 30
days that I have 1 GB per day data location for games plus he also has
6 GB for all sites and other apps so it appears like 30 GB for the
games for 30 Days Plus has 6 Gigs of open access data, so it's worth it
I think especially for students there, another budget data promos
provider in the Philippines is TNT. That's TNT, guys, it's under the Smart
telecommunication system. Actually They also have many promos
for different types of needs but because we are focusing on mobile gaming these
are our recommended promos under giga games we have promos for 3 days
for 7 days and even for 30 days Let's start with Gig gam 60 for 3
days he has 5 GB 1 gig per day allocated for games like pubgm mobile
Legends codm aov There is also Clash Royale and even wild drift Plus he has 2 GB
for all sites and other apps gig games 120 he has 1 GB allocated
for games for 7 days then he also has 4 GB for all sites and other apps
then Iyung for 30 Days duration they have it Iyung gig games
349 somewhat like the smart gig games 1 GB per day Iyung allocated for games
Plus he has 6 GB for all sites and other apps bonus they also have
for Php50 This is gig games 50 for 3 days 1 GB per day for
games plus he has 1 gig for all sites and apps then another one for 7 days we
have gig games 99 This one is 1 GB per day for games and then only 2 GB for
his sites and for Apps if you manage there at 349 for 30 Days
we have an alternative there which That gig games is 299 so it is cheaper by Php50
so for 30 Days he also has 1 GB per day for all games and only 4 GB for
other sites or open access data and other apps Actually they also have dedicated
promos for gamers individually- Is your game just one? I hope you all stick to
one if you're just playing mobile Legends mobile Legends if you're just
playing mobile Legends we have four dedicated promos for TNT
users so we have ml10 This is 600 MB for For 3 days, he has 200 MB per
We also have FB plus ml20. Then he has 1 GB for FB and mobile Legends
for 3 days. For those of you who are always scolded for playing,
we also have UTP plus 20, so 600 MB. it's 150 MB per day for mL FB ig and
there's tiktok too plus 300 MB for all sites and apps Plus there's only allnet
calls and texts wow then finally we have UTP plus 30 is almost the same
as UTP plus 20 he has 1.2 2 GB 250 MB per day his mL FB ign
tiktok plus he also has 750 MB for all sites and other apps Plus
he has Ali allnet calls and texts cod and players there,
we have two promos, we have cod 10,600 MB, that's the allocation
for 3 days, so it turns out to be 200 MB per day, I just don't know if that's enough '
lastly for those of you who are there, we also have a code 50 or something.
His allocation is a bit big, 3.5 GB for 7 days, so it turns out to be 500 MB per day and for those who have
n't let go of the wild drift like me, that's all loyal guys.
If you are
loyal even though there are so many red flags, you still don't want to visit, so we also have
two, the first one is wild drift 10 or wr1, he has the same code 600mb, it comes out 200 MB
per day for 3 days, then there is also wr 50 is 3.5 GB, it's also 500 MB per day
for 7 days so you can register we have two options for smart and
for TNT first one you can download the giga app live so just register
here and log in then just use that TNT or that Smart number of
yours just choose the promo that you want to avail and just click subscribe via
phone just dial that asteris 123 number sign just choose the
TNT promo that we mentioned here Then just click subscribe as well. Guys, do
you have any other promotions that we haven't mentioned here that are good
for mobile gaming, especially for mobile Legends players and codm players
out there who have already tried warzone mobile? but their phones are not optimized yet,
we have made a video here that is top three alternative
games if the warzone mobile on your phone is not optimized yet check it
out this MB until malero G tayo see you in the next video ba-bye peace y