[Music] H hamsters traditional Banks want some piece of the teie the IRS is coming for Defi and AI is really going to get us let's see what's the last episode of hamster news has for us he Bloomberg says that traditional Banks and companies want in on T's billions in profit which made 7.7 billion in profit in the last 9 months according to their media Outlet many of them worldwide are Expediting their efforts to launch and use their own stable coin for payments and payroll because they want to see the profits it might bring the list of entities includes societ General Forge Financial Group auto bhf SCA revolute bbba all unity and many more very interesting and the US Internal Revenue Service won some of def's profits apparently the IRS introduced rules that require defi companies to report back to them all the information about their customers and the deals they make the move was not welcomed by the crypto industry at all and now several crypto groups are suing the Revenue Service for that speaking of hiding profits Alisa Rossi and ex-wife of salano founder stepan ID CLA claims he had been hiding profits from her in the divorce while she did get some portion of his salanus Holdings she says arage witheld millions in staking rewards The Godfather of AI Joffrey Hinton who previously worked for Google but lefted to be able to say what he really thinks about AI believes that the evolution of artificial intelligence might lead to human extinction in the next 30 years and that the technology is developing much faster than expected well something to think about these holidays I guess okay all right hamsters this is goodbye for this year thank you so much for being with us through thick and thin in 2024 and we'll see you in 2025 don't miss our hamster Academy episode on the most important crypto events of 2024 on January first thank you remember hamsters are power one for all and D for One Happy New Year bye