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With that said, let’s delve right in! Do you constantly feel like whatever you say
falls on deaf ears? Are you puzzled why people ignore you all the time? But what if it is
due to something you may be doing? It’s a truth universally acknowledged that having
good and healthy relationships can make you a relatively happier person when compared
to others. An environment where you are constantly getting ignored can have a negative
impact on how you think of yourself and others. This is especially true if you
are not aware of why they do so. Do you think there might be some habits you might
have that cause people to ignore what you say? Before we begin, please note, this video
intends to help you gain awareness about this, addressing possible reasons why people
are ignoring you.
It is important to keep in mind that it does not aim to
put any individual in a bad light. Having that said, here are five habits that
might have been causing people to ignore you: One, You don’t listen to others Do you feel like you tend to speak a lot
more than other people? Or that you only talk about yourself? If the answer is yes,
this might be a reason people ignore you. Constantly talking about yourself without letting
other people get a word in can annoy a lot of people. It shows that you are not concerned about
the other person’s point of view.
Relationships thrive on a give-and-take principle. If you
want to be listened to when you talk, you have to listen to others as well. Of course, the reason
you talk a lot does not necessarily mean that you are not interested in others. Maybe you have a lot
to share, or you think that having other people leading the conversation could be a hassle for
them. Rather it gives off the wrong impression. Two, You criticize too much Are you someone who wants the best for their
close ones and always tells them what mistakes they make? If this is you, you have a truly
admirable and caring mentality.
However, a lot of times, having this mentality can lead
you to criticize people too much, especially if you focus only on their mistakes. The impression
of being someone who only knows how to criticize will eventually lead to you getting ignored by
everyone, even if you have the best of intentions. This is not to say that you should just let your
loved ones make mistakes without saying anything. Measured criticism is important
for personal growth. However, throwing encouragement and compliments into the
mix can help mediate the severity of the critique. Three, You are full of negativity Is the glass always half empty for you? Have you
ever felt like avoiding someone who usually only says negative things? If the answer is yes,
then you know how people react to negativity. When you are constantly complaining or saying
negative things, then that could be a reason people ignore you. According to a study
people avoid negativity at all costs since it can actually affect others’ mood and overall
well-being. So, it might be a good idea to take a quick reality check and make sure that you are
not a source of negativity for your social group.
Four, Your presence doesn’t grab attention Do you feel like people don’t pay too much
attention to what you say, even when they just met you? The reason people ignore you, even when
you just met them, might have something to do with your public presence and your confidence levels.
Studies show people tend to be attracted and pay more attention to those who have high levels of
confidence and make a positive first impression. So, if you feel like your presence does not
grab enough attention, taking steps towards increasing your levels of confidence might be a
good place to start. It is important to work on your body language and how you approach people
when you engage in conversations.
These factors are key to making sure that your presence is felt
and people start paying attention to you more. Five, You overthink what you’re going to say Do you consider yourself to be quiet during group
conversations? Do you feel like the conversation moves faster and you can’t find a window to hop
into it? If so, the most likely reason why you feel ignored during conversations is that you
are overthinking what you are going to say. It is very natural and almost everyone does
it. When you overthink during a conversation, you may get the feeling that you are participating
a lot because of all the things that you are considering in your head. In reality, you
speak much less than you think, and people can get the impression that you are not interested.
Therefore, others may ignore you simply because they think you don’t want to socialize.
However, rest assured that not everything is your fault.
You can only control your
own behavior, not other people’s behavior. It is important to remember that doing the things
addressed above does not make you a bad person. There is always a chance that those ignoring you
are simply not interested. There is no need to change yourself for people who are not interested
in forming a relationship with you.
Instead, it's better to redirect the energy into people
who are actually interested and care for you. We hope we were able to give you insight
into some habits that might cause people to ignore what you say. Do any of these describe
your experience? Which do you think is most potent? Leave a comment down below about
your encounters with them if you’d like! Please feel free to share any
thoughts you have as well! Also, would you like a sequel showing how to remedy
these habits. Do let us know what you think.
If you find this video helpful, be sure to hit
the like button and share it with those out there wondering why others always seem to give
them a wide berth.
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